Is this what Americans actually believe?

Is this what Americans actually believe?

yeah, chips are tater coins over here

Yep, every last one of us

Chips generally refer to what is in the picture. But if some one says fish and chips it's pretty well understood it's with fries, unless they're retarded.




Most Americans know fish and chips means fries.

The general terms however are different.

Chips = fries
Crisps = chips
Biscuits = cookies
Scones = biscuits

Torch = fleshlight


We've got fish and chips here, I assume the above is some idiot flyovers pass at a food he's only heard of, rather than having eaten.

>Scones = biscuits
Nah. I can't say that I think every American knows what a scone is, but no one would call a scone a biscuit. As a first generation American who didn't know Americans were different until I was 6, I'm a bit skewed on this sometimes, but I KNOW scones are not american biscuits, and I know scones are relatively common in coffee shops.

They're as close as we get. Maybe more similar to bannocks though?

Did you lose the accent? I bet you did. What part of the country were you raised?

I hope you have enjoyed your experience so far. Glad to have you.

Yeah I picked up an american accent by 1st or 2nd grade, when it started to become more obvious that everyone spoke differently from me amd I wanted to fit in. I was raised in Oregon. I love America, and so did my parents and grandparents.

The Pacific Northwest is unique. I hope you appreciate where you live. Many Americans don't get to see the beauty you've grown to know as common.

Thanks for recognizing how great America is.


Chocolate gobbernaughts = candy bars
Meat water = gravy
Beef wellington ensemble with lettuce = burgers
Nutty gum and fruit spleggings = peanut butter and jelly
Choco chip bicky wicky = cookies


That's not America famalam. Real red-blooded America is Illinois all the way up to Maine, including West Virginia and Virginia.

Brother, I love America and I cherish people like you who defend their heritage to the bone. I wouldn't be as proud as I am if it were not for die hard Americans like you.

>beef wellington

Nigga it's a hamburg steak. Get it right.

Fuck you.

>Beef wellington ensemble with lettuce = burgers

Most people get that Fish and Chips = Fish + French Fries. This is just the restaurant trying to be trendy or some shit

who in the fuck

hello newfag. enjoy your stay.

What are you? A dixie bitch? A commiefornian? Or a real red-blooded American?

idk about that Nigel. You gotta be born in the red white and blue to understand what it means to be the defenders of freedom.

I'm a fellow oregon-fag, and no one here takes you seriously.

I'm not talking about portland. I live in a part of oregon where we shoot deer, milk cows, and vote for trump just to say "fuck you" to liberals and democracy in general.

You're a parody of yourself.

Oregon is great. Idiot boomer coasties, hipster liberals in their valley of plenty, cowboys and sand people.

>State full of hippie boomers
>Thinking voting for Trump makes you a real American

Fucking dumb ass Oregon shit

Come at me.

>sand people

I don't know why. God, I was hoping oregon would be too out of the way for them, but they thrive here too. Not as big a concentration as there is in california, but even one Somalian is too many for me.

Dirty fucking people, each and every one of them.

Everyone east of the cascades is sand people.

guess what country this cat is from

I'm right here, mothrfuckr.

Worst Korea

>tfw a Brit calls ice cream a rooty tooty cold and creamy near you




>Real red-blooded America is Illinois all the way up to Maine, including West Virginia and Virginia

No that's just where all the faglords live.

>forcey fun time


There's a seafood joint I go to that has fish and chips which are French fries.

Cold on the cob gets me every time

>meat water

then they should call it "fish and french fries" not fish and chips

Opinion discarded.

Fuck off.