>his crypto plans ends with selling his crypto back to FIAT
His crypto plans ends with selling his crypto back to FIAT
Nobody that's been here longer the 6 months is in this category.
I hope.
6 months is about right. maybe 8
im in this category. have fun holding my bags while i am out snorting sugar off of ur moms back
what's that?
>backed by nothing
It's basically fiat. While you fags are losing your ass in the crypto markets, I'm making money getting free silver on a daily basis.
Don't need fiat.. going to use TenX card. Waiting on my Centra
>free silver
1 btc = 1 btc why would I want fiat?
>his plans are blowing his crypto gains on FUN casinos
Oh god wrong pic plz no bam pic related is the right one
I might cash out a few little sums here and there sometimes, but my big profits get stored in that stable hidden sweet sweet XMR
You can't cash out anyway you retard
It's my little secret user. If I told everyone how I do it there would be less for me.
I've also got listings up on ebay right now undercutting the cheapest listings since I'm paying nothing for it.
I'm still waiting for the XTRD Dark Pool. Will cash out then
I'm going to find you, and slit your throat.
What if you just told me? ;)
No. And this is just a very small sample of my stack.
Figure out a way to talk to me off of Veeky Forums and maybe I'll tell you how to do it.
Some of those look pretty old.
this isn't video games
Older coins contain silver.
you posted like maybe 600$ are people supposed to be impressed?
Like I said, I'm not getting my entire stack out just to post a pic for Veeky Forums autists.
How much do you sell a single coin for?
I usually sell 40% halves by the roll for about 50-60 dollars.
Also, if you post a temporary email address I'll let you know how to do this assuming you don't live in my area because if you did you'd become my competition.
Are you the guy that made/posted in the silver half dollar roll hunting thread yesterday?
>cash out
>index fund
>passive income
>buy more crypto
[email protected]
Im in upstate NY.
can't cash out anyway
whomst this cute dragon?
Also if I could spend fun and cash back to real monies I would totally use it t- degenerate online gambler
he obviously is