Ask a subway employee anything

Ask a subway employee anything.

you ever just hang out in the walk-in freezer? my parents owned a few Subways when i was a kid, and my brother and i would do that all the time.

What was it like in high school? Did you ever get picked on?

Honestly, I've never been in the freezer because I never have had to. I'll give it a go tonight when I work and update you if this thread is still alive.

Nah, I never got bullied. Grill here, so I got it pretty easy.

What do you intend to do for a career or is working at Subway or something of that ilk all you want to do?

I'm a uni student and intend on going into photojournalism when I graduate. Subway is nice, and I wish I applied sooner, but I'd hate to do it for the rest of my life.

What do you think of feminism and women's studies?

How old are you anyway

I dunno man.

I'm 20.

Please tell me you're not one of those submissive chicks who panders to your boyfriend or girlfriend (whichever the case may be). Do your own shit and fuck everyone else. Get that photojournalism degree and live life the way you want.

Huh? Nah, it's quite the opposite. I have to have a job to make money and pay the rent. I can only complete my degree so fast.

Have you ever considered joining the Army? You get training and experience in your field plus they pay for your college. The war is over so you don't have to contend with that. Free chow, clothing and shelter along with a decent paycheck and school money.

You're 20. When you're 22, you're back to being a civilian with money in the bank and a shit load of cash for school.

I've considered it but my dad was apart of the army and told me I had to be a marine or not do it at all. The qualifications to be a marine was too steep for me and I took the easy way out because I'm a baby.

Your dad is just being proud. I know all about that. I was an Army Ranger and I tease everyone who wasn't. Go do your own thing. It's your life.

Pic related - me at the US Army Ranger Memorial.

Cute. Thanks for your service. You remind me a lot of my dad.

Gay and hungry for black cock?

I've never eaten there because I work at a wawa, should I?

Aren't the girls the ones that destroy each other mentally and make the ugly ones commit suicide?

Don't be rude. I bet /b/ is missing one of their favorite contributors.

Nah, Subway isn't that great.

Yeah I guess so. I've just always been the shy, innocent and polite girl. I've never really been a target because I never really stuck out.

Hey, don't change the subject. Let's hear about that daddy.

Does he have any black friends?

is their meat actual meat?

Stop being a jackass or I'll report you.. Do you know what happens on Veeky Forums when you get reported? The mods don't give a shit, they just ban you. We like banter but we don't like dumb fuck trolls.

For me it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>stop doing what I don't like or I'll tell on you

Who's hungry?!

I'm heading down to the nearest McDonald's restaurant for a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, hot, fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola!

How long do you plan on working there? How many people work on a shift there on average?

Why do you fuckers put so much lettuce on? I actually want lettuce on my sandwiches, but I avoid it because when I ask for lettuce, you put on so much that all I can taste when I eat it is fucking lettuce.

Also you guys always seem to assume I want lettuce on it. As soon as they ask what vegetables I want, their hand goes straight into the lettuce bin and they grab a handful of lettuce before I've even listed my vegetables.

I hate being that guy but calling someone a nigger cocksucker is a far cry from being clever.

Haha, jesus christ. There are actually people like this on Veeky Forums? Thanks for the laugh, you dumb cunt OP.

Why the hostility? Did your dad rape-diddily-ape you?

Nobody ever said "nigger".
You're just racist and have a dirty mind.
Hungry for pic related is hungry for black cock.

That's a very pretty cock, user.

OP said to ask her anything.
I have questions, user.
I'm respecting and following the rules.
I don't give a fuck about her """"job"""".

I just want to know about her daddy.

It's actually a breed from Thailand and if you've ever had a Thai curry, you could imagine spooning that spicy black cock into your mouth.

How much do you goof off? I want to work at subway too if it's common that you do nothing for a while

Is the quality of the meat as bad as I think it is?

If you havent left the thread cause of the retards that just came flooding in that is

Please be in London

Would you spank my butt? (until it's bloody)

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about.

Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

TITS then GTFO, you stupid cuntrag.


Why would I be interested in asking some worthless fast food employee anything?

Go post on Facebook if you want someone to pretend to give a shit about your utterly valueless existence.

>this thread

Blog somewhere else


I dunno. "I wouldn't trust some of the meat", is what my manager says. Like the steak and meatballs.

I probably will work here until I graduate, which is next year. There are 9 people that work at my store including the manager, and an average shift there's 2 people working.

Ask for light lettuce!!! It doesn't bother us at all when people are specific with their sandwiches. I completely understand that some people want their sandwiches perfect for them. What is your definition of "too much lettuce?" so I know how I can improve.

Depending on your shift, you can either not goof off at all or be able to goof off a lot. Opening, closing, and lunch the store gives you no opportunities to, but between 2pm and 4pm and 7pm and 8pm is where no one comes in (at my location). Sadly, those are the times that there's one person on shift, so if you wanna goof off it'd be alone.

Sorry I was sleeping. Refer back to the first reply on this post.

In flyover, USA.

I've been browsing Veeky Forums for a long time, nothing really hurts me.

Please be in Colorado


Could you at least post dem feet thou?

i agree, feet or gtfo

There's nothing better than some tender, juicy black cock.

If I told you the secret to KFC's colonel sauce, what could you give me in return?

>carried off by death just before I have to wake up for work
I hope this is real

@8238528 my juicy black cock

@8238537 LOL

> tfw I need to finish a research paper that I haven't even started in 1 hour.
That pic better not be bulshitting me anoan

What battalion, faggot?

Aw man, I wish I could tell you something. All of our sauces come packaged and we don't really make anything except for the tuna salad, which is just tuna and mayo.

I work graveyard and get off work at 7am. There is a Subway close to my house that I have been to twice on my way home. Both times the fucking cunt bitch that works there treats me like I'm the worst piece of shit for patroning her shitty job. Worst customer service. I'm glad I can see you mongloids slap the meet, cheese, and sauce on my fatfuck sandwich because I am positive she would have spit on it and wiped her ass with the bread. I hate her and wish the worst for her and her's.

Why doesn't every single Subway employee, forever, in the entire universe, from the beginning of time, go look for a job they don't fucking hate?


Tell me about the pranks you used to do and ill tell you the things i used to do

Ask a telemarketer with access to a vending machine at his office anything!

Why do subway employees always look like they're on the brink of suicide?
I'm fearful that if I order the wrong thing, when they toast my bread, they might shove their own head in the oven.

Please don't kill yourself before I get my sandwich. Also oil and vinegar please.

Ask a paralegal with a vending machine ripped out of the 1960s anything!

Its a depressing job where you often see the worst in people.

Plus the stress involved is odd, of all the jons ive worked subway is the most stressful.

Serious? Did youou have an accident or something?
Sorry, dude.

fucking faggots i want my you you guys reply to the stupidest shit but pass up quality posts. i will murder the spirit of Veeky Forums and you will all be alone!~!!!!!!

nah man
a paralegal is a discount unqualified lawyer.
basically i'm a secretary for a bunch of assholes

>What is a reply button

Where do your life go wrong? Are you a college dropout or something?

Ah shit. I thought you mean't you were in a wheelchair or something.

you look like a fag but thanks for the advice I guess

You're on Veeky Forums. Calm the fuck down shit stain.

Hello Newfriend. The @ symbol is used when a user wishes to reply but doesn't want to acknowledge the poster.
This is known on Veeky as denying a (you).
Enjoy your time here but maybe get a feel for the place before posting. Folks can be quite feisty around here.

Holy fuck this. I have to specify like four or five leaves of spinach because you fuckers pack it on. Even then they put like 10 on. Relax with that shit.

Well shit thanks for ruining that shit for me.

I go in and I'm so fuckin polite.

another subway employee here, generally we're only suppose drop put 3 of everything on a sub, at least that's what my manager tells me.

I'll trade you the Cane's sauce recipe.

Are you cute? Have you ever fucked any of your coworkers/would you? If you have, please greentext the story.

Also do Subway slaves receive any training before they start working?

I ask this because I live in a 3rd world country and it seems that here the prerequisite to work at Subway, or any fastfood place, is to be fugly and retarded. Act and talk slow as fuck, ask multiple times what you want on top of that act like they are doing you a favor. Not to mention usually only half of the people behind the counter are actually working while the othrr half is doing nothing, either talking shit with each other, or even occupying tables doing fuck all on their smartphones.

This type of people is the reason I dont eat fastfood anymore.

Must be nice living in a country where people working in those places are well educated(college students) and white.

I've never had a problem with any Subway employee's.

But I don't hang out in the ghetto either, so...

Veeky Forums delete this post

that picture is extremely accurate

I don't dare ask for mustard

How those your vending machine compare to mine? Mine contains some salads, a few frozen meals and a bunch of nuts/candy/protein bars. I usually go for a protein bar together with a cup of free trash coffee.

Hey man I don't know what to tell you about that. I guess it just depends on location.

Never done any pranks yet.

Kek. This is any fast food place.

No. I'm a uni student. Read the thread.

We actually got yelled at today because we're putting too much spinach on. Every time I put on the required amount of spinach people always say "MORE".

Damn, is your manager a jew?

Not to be humble but I'm the cutest at this location. Other two ladies are in their late 20s early 30s. I would fuck a few coworkers but I've never had a relationship with a coworker and don't plan on it because of the reprocussions.

We don't recieve much training at all. Day one I was thrown onto veggies and register without no knowledge of anything.

Post a photograph of your feet

>newfag BTFO

I've been on Veeky Forums for years and have never posted a photo of my feet. This is all you're gonna get, co/ck/s.

I'm at work now, shift starts in 15 minutes.

lol so u still plan on working on subway after school?

No. I plan on getting a photojournalism career or internship when I graduate.

Have fun working at Starbucks then as a second job

Sweet. Good luck.

>go on an anonymous canadian fast food reviewing board
>can't hold in bragging about your service

do you also wear your uniform to theme parks by chance?

fucking kek

>dad was apart of the army and told me I had to be a marine or not do it at all.
>glorious army master race
>telling anybody to take the route of jugheadism
And thus OP was a liar.

Cute feet, tho you guys need to clean the floor better. How would you respond if a customer started hitting on you?

have you ever put ur feet in the marina before it is thrown out

does it get thrown out

I would probably kind of cutely smile but deep down I really want to suck him down. Some real alpha's come into subway and they give me that look.

>dad was apart of the army

Have you considered joining the Army? You could get combat correspondent experience that none of your peers could compete against.

join the Army OP

this is probably bullshit but i'll believe it