smug asshole. even though i disagree i couldnt be happier
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He tried to Jew the Jews and got got.
HE’ll be out in 3
look at how Time is tabloid tier on it
What did he do wrong? Was it the Hitlary DNA thing?
You are idiots for hating him. He should actually be your patron saint and a mod here.
Son of poor albanian immigrants. Became a self-made millionaire by 30 through investing. self-made self-taught. Made his trades and his strategies public through his streaming investement videos. You could see him doing TA and how he would approach on buying a stock. He would reply to chat and emails with advice. He decided to fuck the insurance industry of an obscure drug by raising the price of the drug x50 only when bought through insurance. He advocated that individuals could order it directly from his company for the $13.5 price, and that no patient would be affected, only big conglomerates.
Media attacked him. You bought it (same way you bought to buy your fucking autistic stinky linkies) and now you send him to hell becuase he tried CRASHING THE SYSTEM.
He is up there with Ross Ulbriht of Silkroad fame for being a rebel and a hero, thorns at the side of the corrupted monetary system. You know what else is a thorn to the side of that system? Crypto.
When he cried today I wanted to murderrape him so badly was so hot
thx for the redpill
>cried in front of the judge
lmao what a little bitch
his mistake was actually committing securities fraud
The funniest part is he actually thought he was going to get away with it.
Fuck off to reddit cucklet
How many people making these threads are active homosexuals?
>I don’t like him because he’s smug and that makes me insecure
We get it
More like bluepill
you stupid
>raise the price of a drug so that insurance companies have to pay more for it
Which is then conveniently passed on to you, the consumer.
I mean it was because he lied to people with actual power
he's required to serve 85% of his sentence before being able to apply for parole
10,000 people a year use it and they use it in one round of treatments. The cost is negligible, it’s barely a scratch in the cost of other drugs.
We’ve been through this already in other threads.
Are you not from the us? Do you not know how our system works? They overcharge insurance companies because they can retard its how pharma companies make their money.
he's smug because he's better than you.
i hope you never get smeared by the media and then dragged into a court. think what they'd say about your internet history
Yeah, I watched a lot of his live streams in 2016.
He may be a dick but he is bro-tier.
He did break the law but it is his public career as a dick and troll that got him extra trouble.
Though to be clear, the thing about hillary's hair and making the photoshop with lauren duca were way overblown by media and he in fact dindu nuffin
Yet he's probably the only person ever to get nailed 7 years for actually going out of his own pocket and making his investors huge profits while he ended up losing a lot.
What is this?
Convincing people to invest in something and they'll be rich enough to buy a lambo in the end.
piss off the wrong people and if they can get you for anything, they will
it's not like the sec has a history of even enforcement, i'm sure he knew this
He probably wouldn't have gotten much at all if he hadn't been a sperg in the courtroom and a cunt to the judge
Like bro, I know it makes for hilarious YouTube videos, but you're on trial for securities fraud, which 90%+ get convicted, so don't mock the judge.
Now you get to cry like a bitch
He's not in trial for raising the price of the drug. He's on trial for securities fraud, you retarded reddit soycuck. How are you so ignorant.
The alt right lost....
That's what I just said. He convinced a bunch of people to give him money so he could invest it, ended up losing a lot of money but paid them back once he made a huge profit on his new drug company
He will probably be out in 4-5 years and have tens of millions to play around with though.
I also heard from one of his friends that he has roughly $8 million currently invested, so when he gets out.. he will have a ton of money to just live life as a free man.
I'm no fan of the guy personally, but I don't really see how this is a loss.. well except the few years in prison of course. He will still come out free as a bird from his past crimes and will be better of than a majority of people in the US.
So.. you know. Big whoop.
He will get put in gen pop too. He better start lifting because hes gonna be in their with some of the biggest dudes youve ever seen.
This. There's something satisfying about seeing a runaway ego coming face-to-face with the real world and finding out that no amount of shit-eating grins will make it his bitch.