shiver me timbers m80s, crack a brewskie and let us /food & cooking/ together!
this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along, drink-along, pickling-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread, feel free to spam your own cook-along thread here too
i will include trigger warnings next time, my 'pologies
so i acquired a new piece of cast iron from a family member, might strip it and reseason cuz it looks a bit scraped up, hoping it aint too annoying to clean
also copped this soda gonna give it a try while i do a few dishes
Jaxson Adams
Jayden Brown
nobody cares
Matthew Richardson
I do. You sad fuck.
John Edwards
keep posting, fuck the haters, OP
Juan Fisher
>finally bothering with his thread now you feel sorry for him
enjoy your sympathy posts OP
Luke Scott
No, that's your existence you're thinking of
Ryder Wilson
Remove the cat from food.
William Cook
dont humor him m8s hes had a rough week too im sure
so a little tuesday morning surf and turf is bout to happen, got this salt and peppered gonna let it sit for a spell
also i mean no disrespect to the people that love this irn bru, its decent but its basically orange flavored big red, id buy it occasionally if it wasnt at specialty soda prices
Charles Butler
in for comfy thread i cooked tacos for lunch a few hours ago will post pics when i go back for my dinner portion. also drunk AF looking after a family members two puppers. very comfy
Gabriel Walker
Irn Bru is the best hangover drink ever though. Nothing else comes close.
Dylan Lee
>all these fast food/is X a meme/frogposting/etc threads >virtually no actual cooking >you come in and try to shit up one of the few threads with actual food being cooked and genuine OC
It's like you want this place to be nothing but Jack and McChickens
Joseph Wood
cooking with xanax
Eli Hernandez
Tacos as promised
Kayden Fisher
out you go
Luis Reyes
Parents sent me and the lady a nice new slow cooker I've been using the shit out of. Today I try something crazy -- I'm gonna make vegetable soup and a roast in it AT THE SAME TIME.
Going to the farmer's market (NC has a state-owned farmer's market that is open year round and cheap as fuck) to pick up a few ingredients (ran through my onions and carrots yesterday).
Gonna rub the roast real good like and let it soak in some wine for a few hours while the soup gets going.
Liam Taylor
now post a picture of you trying to eat those crunch shells without them breaking everywhere and spilling all the toppings
Blake Smith
First time making dumplings, they turned out pretty ok. Sorry for shitty filter on photos. 1/3
Hudson Garcia
Folded and ready to cook.
Juan Howard
Sauce is some sugar, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, sesame seed oil and sesame seeds. Next time I'll add more garlic and less ginger. All in all, they were quite good.
Jaxson Turner
>not knowing how to eat hard shell tacos correctly i made minimal mess and it was delicious. looks breddy gud.
Daniel Fisher
No. Some tasty filling in a modified plain doritos chip cup.
Evan Baker
r u an alcohol op
Angel Sullivan
What's it taste like? It looks like it tastes like orange soda but what do I know
Jackson Johnson
>also drunk AF looking after a family members two puppers livin the life m8 would do that for a living if possible
id get it more if it wasnt $3 per 16 oz
pay them no mind friend not worth the effort
i dont mess with pharms and stuff
pay no mind to the nay sayers m8, homemade tex mex has its place, id slather those in sour cream or some good guac, looks dank, i plan to do some tex mex eventually with homemade hard shells
slow cookers are boss so many possibilities, i plan to get a bigger one with a timer soon
those look so good i dont think i could pull this off
i am not str8 edge for sure but I do not believe i am a drunkard, I like to have drinks when i cook, patti has a problem tho weere working on it
im notorious for letting cucu's turn to mush so i made a quick salad with a leftover one...then the power went out and i just goofed around cleaning my patio for like an hour, its back on now so happening
Ryan Harris
Difficult to describe, it has a kind of orangy taste I guess but not really. It tastes like it's own thing. I load up on pint cans of the stuff for 99p
Christian Torres
midget sprouts need love too
also got some leftover pancetta to throw in, cannot fuck that u
user I know you're not a qt asian but this brings you close enough
>please move in with me and make me dumplings every weekend >I fucking love dumplings
but srsly those look rly tasty do have any specific suggestions on making the dough or would any google-able recipe do the trick?
ever since I came back from China I've had the impression that it takes years and years of practice to make cute chinese dumplings, I don't even know why desufamalam
Christopher Collins
steam, sautee in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, serve with a little balsamic syrup and burrata and toasted bagette for dipping
Jeremiah Sullivan
you get irn bru in the states.....crazy import
Chase Martinez
recipe dude?
Jordan Phillips
man youve gotta stop with these giga pixel photos...........i love your threads, but my shitty connection cant handle these pics
Charles Phillips
its not orange....its coloured orange the taste is hard to put your finger on tho...i havent had it in yonks
Jeremiah Gray
take a dab faggit
Aiden Gonzalez
how do you clean and season a cast iron pan.?.........these things intimidate me
Landon Clark
lots of soap
Daniel Wright
>Wipe it, salt it, heat it, wipe it, oil it, heat it, wipe it. If you have problems with the above then the kitchen is a far too advanced environment for you.
Chase Foster
Thank you, I haven't heard such kind words in some time. I bought the pastry at asian store nearby, they had it in frozen section. So, no mastercraft skills here from my side, sadly. The recipe is pretty simple, here's the list of ingredients: 400 g pork mince scallions, finelly chopped ginger, finely chopped garlic, finely chopped soy sauce white wine vinegar sesame seed oil corn starch/corn flour baking soda pepper/salt whatever oil you like to fry on
Mix pork mince, garlic, scallions, ginger in a bowl, add a dash of soy sauce, vinegar and sesame seed oil, add salt/pepper, add a pinch of baking soda/corn flour, mix well. Put about a tablespoon of filling on pastry, wet the edges with water and fold into little dumplings, set aside. Once finished with the filling, heat up a pan on medium, put some oil in it, fry the bottom of the dumplings till brown. Add some water, cover the pan to steam the dumplings. Steam them for about 4-5 mins. Wala. Sauce is just a mix of sesame seed oil/soy sauce/vinegar/sugar/sesame seeds. Just add a splash of each, taste it and adjust to your likeness.
Ian Garcia
>not an alcohol >buys small bottles of hard liquor
You buy the small one to keep you from killing a fifth even though buying larger bottles of liqour is much much more cost effective. It's OK op I do the same.
t. former raging alcohol now a much milder alcohol
Kevin Powell
sounds like it would be good in lettuce wraps but that's just because I am lazy
Easton Sanchez
Try it, post results,this board needs more cooking.
Juan Peterson
Dumplings user here, I mase some Chaczapuri and Ajapsandali some time ago, classic Georgian dishes. None of the markets around had Georgian wine so I bought some German, can't remember the name. Al/ck/ here, sadly.
Owen Nguyen
Gordon Ramsay has a brilliant recipe spicy mince lettuce cups using pork and beef mince. Wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone
Made some demi glace, took like 22hrs. It's rainy as fuck out so I think I'm going to dilute some of it and make some beef stoo after I get blitzed on tall boys.
Jack Perez
Are you Georgian? Must admit that the only thing I know about Georgia is that Georgi Kinkladze was a great player.
Kevin Cox
I'm not, I just love simple food and I wanted to try Georgian.
Bentley Taylor
How was your Spooky Day, OP?
Hunter Roberts
>rinse with hot water >heat it up on the stove so the water evaporates >rub it lightly with veg oil after it cools >heat it up again so the new oil doesn't go rancid
It's more involved than any other cookware but once you get used to doing these steps it's worth it in the long run.
I'm thinking I'm going to do the following: >sear thighs, set aside >carmelize the shit out of the onions >saute carrot, peppers, garlic in pan >deglaze with chicken stock, add all ingredients >into oven covered for 30 minutes at 350F >season with ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil, red chili flakes >serve over rice
Does that sound like it'll work? Anything too much? Anything else that would be absolutely necessary to make it work?
Will deliver pics tonight.
Looks good.
I made 'em once and it was entirely too much work.
Next time I'll get some friends first and make it a social event.
Gotta work on the whole "no friends" thing to pull it off, though.
Damn, son, you really love your brussel sprouts. That's like 3/7 meals for you.
Cooper Williams
>demi glace This is one thing that I will never ever do.
I like to think that I put in a solid effort in my cooking, much moreso than 90% of people.
But I like to pick my battles and this seems like an inordinate amount of work for the return.
I've been able to make beautifully rich shiny beef sauces with drippings, wine, and butter. I suppose I'll never get to that level of complexity, though.
Ryan Cooper
I'd put the ginger and even the soy sauce+sesame oil + red chili flakes before the oven bake
instead of oven bake you can also just make everything in the same pan you made the veggies, you'd likely get more of them juices in everything; at least that's what I do because I'm lazy and oven=2muchwork4me
I'm saying this because it sounds like you want to make a kind of stew, and they are best when everything is cooked together and mixes with everything
oh and it's worth marinating the chicken (if possible) even for half an hour before frying them mix some soy sauce with sesame oil in a bowl in which you'd leave the chicken to marinate for 30-60 minutes in the fridge, even that short of a time makes a biggish difference
Juan Adams
It was a lot of work, folding them, but then I listen to music and talk to friends/family on skype when I cook. >chicken thighs Do it, I love chicken thighs, they are so overlooked in my opinion and it's great meat. Make sure to fry the skin really good, if you have them with skin obviously, shitload of flavour in it. Pic unrelated, Gordon Ramsay's pork chops with peppers.
Christopher Gray
it is irn bru i dont even know what else it tastes like thankyou friendo hard shells have their place good romaine bed, filling on top delicious you are welcome. the praise is deserved. ill modify this recipe for my dietary requirements :^)
Jayden Bennett
Yeah, so I forgot to mention, I'll be using a dutch oven to do all the sauteing and searing, and it'll all go back in that one pot that will finish in the oven to cook the chicken through while simmering.
I'll definitely marinate the chicken, I'll start that now. Good idea.
Yep, skin on, going to hopefully get a nice dark brown on 'em.
Benjamin Reed
>it is irn bru >i dont even know what else it tastes like I know what it IS but I'm in Murica and I've only heard it talked about. It's okay if no one can explain it though
Liam Morris
good then the mix gets mad profits if you bake it with the gingner and at least some of the sesame oil
you could leave the soy sauce and red chili at the end because you might want to adjust that prior to serving, I guess
you'd better post pics of the result if the thread's still alive nigga
Jayden Campbell
That cat looks very fresh! It looks like it was just picked from the cat orchard!
Also looks like my cat
Adam Price
>I posted in kotbro thread and didn't even pay my respects to Patti aka SmugKot aka TheJudge aka kotbro kot my apologies
Anthony Reyes
>you'd better post pics of the result if the thread's still alive nigga Will do.
These threads last for a couple of days usually. Veeky Forums is a nice, slow board.
We marinatin', y'all.
By the way, OP, I know you're in Houston with me.
Go find Southern Star Winter Warmer at your nearby HEB.
This is one of the best seasonal beers I've had in a while, nice and malty with coffee/chocolatey and creaminess.
Kevin Edwards
sounds good i am going to do some lazy shit tho
i found a british section at h-e-b, also got some of these heinz beans that i hear so much about
trips has spoken yessir
a normal cleaning i do pretty much what others say, im going to strip the rest of this factory season off with steel wool though, then ill reseason by coating the entire pan in some kind of fat and popping it in a 500 degree oven for like 15 minutes, then ill cook fatty things on it till it looks right
you are kind of right, I only feel like hard liquor occasionally though and just grab a little bottle sometimes, yeah i dont need to be drinking big bottles often so i just dont buy them
never see those 24 oz around here
went grocery shopping and worked, nothing special, i will be buying some discount candy soon tho
sprouts are my life son, also no idea if that will work but i will be monitoring
ya m8 i am very unpredictable with my choice in tortilla gotta keep em on their toes
m8 im telling you from an american POV, it taste like an orange version of big red or a funny tasting orange cream/dreamsicle soda, its decent but its still just soda, i was a bit overhyped desu
will def go look for it i like coffee beer thx, ive been to southern star brewery once out in conroe area
Connor Reed
Carson Morris
Zachary Taylor
meat was in the range i was aiming for im not too picky, was very tender i was a bit prude with the salt tho
eh, its worth it I guess its like condensed beef stock that you can dilute so it takes up less space. It's not really that much work
>roast bones and veggies >add water >get drunk and forget about it on a low flame
Joshua Cox
no 24oz at all or just pabst? I'm in socal, local gas station has a mix and match deal on all 24 and 25oz cans 3 for $3
William Gutierrez
Fall weather hasn't hit us yet so I'm not at maximum comfy, but fuck it I feel like indulging so bacon-wrapped pork loin for dinner tonight
Kayden Jackson
do you have enough for the rest of the class?
Liam Parker
That's not a demi glace.
James Howard
Forgot to mention, I used lemon pepper for the loin before wrapping it. Now comes the sauce, a tablespoon each of dijon, plain yellow mustard, honey, and apple cider vinegar. Hell no keep your grubby mitts off my pork
Joshua Garcia
Got it good and saucy, went back in the oven on a low broil.
Brandon Davis
And final product with oven roasted root veggies
Ayden Garcia
reduced until thick and completely solid after chillex
Matthew Morgan
Hey, your cat looks a lot like mine, OP.
I made jambalaya tonight. Vegetables attached.
Brayden Howard
That's not a demi glace.
Jeremiah Cook
Chicken and andouille, salt, pepper, and chili powder.
Noah Torres
Toasting in the tomato paste
Easton Garcia
Rice, diced tomato, and chicken broth
Nolan Carter
Added shrimp after the rice was mostly cooked, left on a few more minutes
Juan Gonzalez
Served with bourbon
Carson Turner
Looks awful from the picture but probably tastes great.
William Sanchez
You're still posting 2.5MB pics Get a free app that resizes them
Or just kys
Ian Bennett
Yeah it looks terrible but tastes fantastic. I guess if I wanted it to look good I could delicately put it on a platter and garnish it with parsley.
Aaron Russell
King Harvest has surely come.
Parker Rivera
Looks great. Brussels sprouts, and is that chicken and gravy? What's the long green bit toward the bottom?
Jaxson Wilson
Pulled pork. The long part is the stalk portion of a fennel bulb, roasted it with the sprouts.
Christopher Adams
I'd eat the fuck out of that.
Good stuff, user.
t. East Texan
(chicken thighs aforementioned coming soon)
Hunter Barnes
Okay, friends, let's talk about aesthetic food and how I have none of it.
However, I do have delicious food.
Thighs marinated in dark soy, letting 'em dry a bit. A paper towel was involved for sear action.
Hudson Morales
Pay no attention to the ingredients
Ryder Baker
Thighs thoroughly seared, skin side down
They'll rest a while while I do other things.
Cooper Gutierrez
John Baker
Oh baby
Anthony Miller
Except for this carrot.
Fuckijng weirdo, it's life did not matter one bit.
Except a little, because I used it.
Evan Cooper
I'm pretty dick ass drunk
I like to pretend that this bar key is vladimir lenin except fat
it's the founder of coca cola
same thing
Lucas Taylor
Onions are getting there
I wanted 'em pretty reduced down, not as a physical ingredient, but a part of the sauce
Added everything in once these really turned dark brown