How the fuck do I fry delicious eggs?
Post egg-frying recipes.
How the fuck do I fry delicious eggs?
Post egg-frying recipes.
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I don't understand the question.
There's this place I eat at, and their fried eggs are phenomenal. When I fry them it's eh. I want tips on how to do it right
Myself, I use butter instead of oil and don't cook them too fast.
Some people salt or season them while cooking instead of after. I don't season them much.
I get my eggs fresh too, as in from the chicken.
Fried eggs are really about how they're ordered. How do you like them? What's different from your results and the place where you order them?
this is a pretty good post.
It honestly depends on how you want to fry your eggs. I usually do it this way
>Crack egg into a tiny egg sized bowl
>pour into a skillet on medium low heat very slowly, so that it doesn't spread everywhere (if you have firm whites you don't have to do this)
>Let cook until it looks ready to flip
>flip and cook 15-20 seconds. NO MORE THAN THAT I MEAN IT
>season with salt, pepper, and cayenne
If you prefer your eggs crispy, medium-medium high but the same directions. wala
>butter/olive oil (depends on how fried)
>green onion
>your choice of meat
>throw stuff into pan
>no, turn the heat on first, you idiot
>melt butter/heat oil
>call mom, explain your feelings about meal
>hang up, cry, your mother hates you still
>crack eggs and pour in, sensually
>slowly massage eggs with spatula, just the tip
>flip eggs, add vegetables and tomato, weep
>fuck, you burnt it. bad.
>cry at your ineptitude
>order out, it's another lonely day for you
>post on Veeky Forums again
>Myself, I use butter instead of oil and don't cook them too fast.
>Some people salt or season them while cooking instead of after. I don't season them much.
Same, but holy fuck they taste like shit. I have no idea wtf I'm doing wrong.
They just taste different, like theirs have an almost meaty flavor to it. It's prolly the oil, or maybe I'm just using the wrong damn butter? It makes the eggs kinda sweet - not too much, but sweet eggs are blasphemous man.
Can I have the instructions again, but without the feels? ;__;
You season it at all? Some people do it before, some after. How's that affect the taste?
I do it after because I don't want to make my skillet any messier.
I doubt it affects it in any real way. Then you can taste it to season to your liking
Are you using real butter or some crappy oleo/margarine spread?
Oh god, this.
Margarine cooked eggs are pretty foul.
Unless that's what you like, and it might be what they use in that place you like.
Real, expensive butter mate.
Cool man, thanks for the help
>meaty flavor
maybe they cook them in bacon or sausage fat
They just cook everything in the grill, eggs included.
Make everything and then the eggs last on the grease leftover.
Or sprinkle some msg on them once done.
Unfortunately, the best fried eggs are fried in lots of either clarified butter or bacon fat, which isn't good for you to eat too often. But sunny-side up egg fried in a pool of clarified butter or bacon fat (while basting the whites) are fucking GLORIOUS.
Anyway, I usually just use either a bit of butter or olive oil spray to fry my eggs.
Also, don't turn the heat up too high. The eggs cook slower and won't be as tough, plus you won't run the risk of burning your butter which will make your eggs taste like crap.
It's spelled violĂ
>heat frying pan
>spray canola oil
>place egg
>medium heat
>get cup of water and pot lid from a small pot
>after 4 minutes on medium heat, pour some water around egg
>cover with pot lid until the top of the yolk begins to turn white
>salt and pepper
VoilĂ you illiterate moron
No, THAT'S a musical instrument, nincompoop.
Knob of salted butter in a pan on a low heat, when it's melted, crack the egg in and season with a pinch of salt and pepper onto the still uncooked white.
As soon as all the white looks, well white, immediately turn off the heat and simply let the heat from the pan warm through the yolk. Fool proof perfect fried eggs every time.
That's a violin you ultra nigger stop posting
1. find delicious egg
2. fry it
I use butter in the pan. Crack it into the pan. Pop that big cleat titty sack and flatten it out. Cook until it is white on the underside of the egg with no clear spots.
Flip it and put it on a plate.
>clarified butter or bacon fat, which isn't good for you to eat too often
pop tarts and fruit loops every morning are clearly healthier, especially how all the nutrients are added
Learn to classical instruments, son.
1) Get a good 6 - 8" non stick pan. Most professional kitchens use non stick for eggs. And don't buy that $30 POS from Target, go to a restaurant supply store. You can buy professional quality stuff for half the price of specialty stores.
2) Buy eggs of choice and unsalted butter. You want unsalted butter as using salted will make judging your seasoning later on more difficult.
3) Heat pan with knob of butter. Do this over medium-ish heat as to not colour the butter. Use enough butter to generously coat the pan. You may need to experiment a few times to get it right as all stoves are a little different.
3) Crack you egg on a flat surface. Doing so on the edge of the counter or a bowl may break the yolk.
4) Gently put egg from shell into pan. This will require practice to not catch the yolk on the shell and break it. Try to keep the yolks close to the handle of the pan. This will make them less likely to break when you flip them. Again you may to experiment and practice.
5) Watch your eggs. When the white is partially cooked (white on the bottom but still partially clear on top) you may want to jiggle the pan a little to loosen them. If you like them with a little colour (I don't, makes them tough and chewy) cook them a little more. If you like them sun side up, a heat lamp can be useful to finish them. You could also use and oven on very low temp. Season your eggs. If you are only interested in sunny side, you are done here.
6) Flip your eggs. This is the hard part, especially for novices. You will break a lot of yolks. Accept this. Try to make the motion fluid. Sudden starts and stops break yolks.
7) Gently poke your eggs. Jiggly means over easy, soft means over medium, firm and bright yellow means over hard.
8) Gently slide your eggs from the pan to your plate.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
You fools. It's wala. Get your shit together.
>If you like them sun side up, a heat lamp can be useful to finish them
>heat lamp
Jesus christ. I don't actually have shit like that. I'm just a dude who wants to fry tasty fucking eggs lmao
>unsalted butter
Another user said to use salted. What's the difference?
>I don't actually have shit like that
That's why I also suggested a oven on very low temp.
As for the butter, I recommended unsalted as it is easier to over season the eggs with salted butter resulting in salty eggs. Maybe that's your thing, I don't know.
for delicious, easy, and visually appealing eggs, try steam basting.
lightly grease pan
Medium-high heat
Crack in your eggs
dump 1/4+ cup of water in pan around eggs (more if you have big pan)
Immediately cover tight
reduce heat to medium-low
The bottoms firm up, the tops are cooked by the steam
cook until they are desired firmness/yolk consistency
Excuse me, faggot, but anyone who eats Pop Tarts and Fruit Loops is clearly a child, and shouldn't be here anyway.
It still stands that you shouldn't start off every morning with a pan full of butter or bacon fat to cook your eggs in. I don't even think you know the technique I'm talking about. Once or twice a week, ok, but every day, absolutely not.
Nice cast iron skillet
1/2 inch of oil (I use canola)
get pan sort of hot
drop in eggs
spoon hot oil over the top
take eggs out when crispy around edges
This nigga gets it. Cooking with steam to finish the egg is superior to flipping
Always results in a perfect runny yolk
Why would you need to baste it when it is in 1/2" inch of fucking oil?
It really is this simple. All you faggots are taking this entirely too seriously.
extremely low heat
tiny bit of butter
leave it and chill out for like 10 mins
raise the heat at the start or use a ring mould or something if you don't want the thin white to spread
Looks like cancer.
buy expensive eggs. you will notice the difference.
my eggs cost $4 for 6. they are a rare treat so I try to get the best I can. I would pay more if I could find better quality that I can notice.
Man, I miss living out in the sticks and buying eggs from my neighbor, Good shit, not even worth comparing to grocery store eggs.
the price of the eggs has fuckall to do with how good they taste. it MIGHT mean you get them fresher but it probably doesn't
poach them instead tbqh
the price of any foodstuff is intrinsically linked to how good it tastes. no exceptions.
Wine would like to have a word with you.
Also, fruits and veggies that are in season taste better and are cheaper than those off season
QED, bitch
Is... Is that plastic on your eggs mate?
His whites obviously spreaded extremely thin to the outer layer, cooking much faster than the rest of the egg and eventually cooking too much and becoming that film you see there.
I've never seen them like that, that's kinda nasty
yeah that's why i mentioned the spreading thing in my post. very fresh eggs don't have that problem, though.
>1/2 inch of oil (I use canola)
Are you fucking serious?
Is this considered normal? Maybe this explains the obesity crisis
I fry mine on low heat with loads of olive oil in the pan, thrown together with some chopped tomatoes and dried chopped basil towards the end, flip once for a few seconds then serve.
deep or shallow frying eggs in oil is common in many countries including india, thailand and france.
needless to say you don't eat all the oil.
Why the fuck would you do that?
This is the correct way to fry an egg:
>pan on med-high heat
>wait until drops of water sizzle and evaporate quickly
>put some butter in there and swirl it around to coat
>crack egg right into pan
>immediately drop heat to low
>let it cook until desired yoke consistency is met
>note: this is mainly for sunnyside up/runny yoke and you might want to cook on med if you desire hard yoke/your a fucking pleb.
>What's the difference?
Uh, salt...
Buy free range eggs. Don't you tell me i'm a fucking hippie, you can truly taste the difference, the yolks are thicker and amazing. They're more expensive but worth it.
Also, if you have some bacon, cook it first and keep some of the fat to fry your eggs in it, it's amazing
Most of the oil remains in the pan. It isn't that big of a deal if you use canola, so long as your not using it for every single meal of the day, every day. Then yes, you will be a fat piece of shit.
I never got attention as a child and have severe autism
no you can't. free range eggs are basically identical to battery eggs in how they taste.
Muffin tins. I'm not joking. butter up the tin generously for taste and so they slip out easily after, put a strip of bacon / whatever you want with your egg in it, then crack your egg over it. Bake that shit for about 20 minutes at about 375 (that's like 190 celsius) depending on your taste. Check em about halfway through and judge from there. It's the lazy way to be sure, but I've never had a more consistently good egg. This is also great if you want to make a whole tray for guests.
this, this. plus bacon and eggs is the shit anyway. and the whole "cooking them slow" thing doesn't make that much since to me if you're frying therm, cook them fast in the bacon oil after you cook the bacon and don't flip them constantly, just like, let them sit on one side for a while
I've always flipped it. The white doesn't set without the bottom yolk cooking in my experience.