Instagram girls with millions of followers are reserved for athletes and musicians regular rich guys have to settle for...

>instagram girls with millions of followers are reserved for athletes and musicians regular rich guys have to settle for normal girls
- kai bent lee

how true is this? is fame all that matters?

>instagram girls

who told you that bro? lol

average girls are nice enough and if you manage to get one you'll usually have the same interests.


Yeah no.

The #1 customer for Instagram girls are filthy arabs. If an Istagramwhore has pictures in Dubai, on a yacht, she's a prostitute. They get paid $10k a weekend to go "party" with arabs, and some will let filthy arabs shit on their tits for $20k.

Athletes and musicians fuck groupies (for free), not Instagram whores. Instagram whores are for rich oilniggers.

The girls who are there for you to fuck are waiting on, for $300 an hour. $500 for bareback.

Now stop whining about whores, kid.

I'm a broke 6'1" nigga who's muscular with a beer belly and my GF is hot fit Ukrainian chick with a huge ass and small waist. Forget the Cryptos for a while and invest in personality.

oh so you settled for a normal girl like my OP said. great story

>you will never be rich enough to buy and instagram girl for food

i think its because sports and the arts are one of the harder things for machines and AI to replace humans at.
just like thots

Those girls are permanently mentally damaged, and you don't want them as a long term partner anyway.

They will hop from dick to dick, whatever will get them the most attention and status, until they hit the wall and no one wants them, and they become resentful lonely spinsters for the rest of their days.

you don't want to date these bitches anyway they literally spend every waking minute on instagram its like a mental disorder. I lived in hollywood in my 20s and used to fuck these girls on occasion they so retarded you cant be around them for more than a few hours without wanting to kill yourself.

This is why I invest in Jibrel Network. Arab money is smart money

If you're smart, you stay away from arabs as far as you can. Unless you're in their family, actual blood ties, they will fuck you and stab you in the back every fucking time. You cannot trust and arab, especially if you're not Muslim. Their fucking bible tells them to fuck over non-believers. They're less trustworthy than Chinese and Chinese will lie to your face every time.

Smart money, my ass - you're doubley fucked, because 1. Alt coin, and 2. arabs.

Arabs aren't rich from investing, dummy, they're rich because oil money trickled down to them from their Royal family relatives. Dubai is full of them. The LAST person you should be listening to for anything business or finance related is an arab.

Wo the fuck is Kai bent lee

The guy couldn't be more wrong if he tried

>Their fucking bible tells them to fuck over non-believers

Where nigga?

Who wants some IG model anyway? They're dumb bimbos. Likely to cheat on you too. Would much rather be with a regular girl.

I have meet women like that, even they're way past the wall they still believe they're hot shit and the way they rationalise their demise is by telling themselves they they have dug their hands in the richest of the rich and what not...

They have absolute no sympathy and deserve absolute none, it's actually reliving to see them tumble through life once no one gives a fuck about them.

I am highly sympathetic guy and even I wouldn't stick a shit for one if those instawhores


cool how do I short bad larps on Veeky Forums?


>Implying I want instagram models
>Implying I use instagram
>Implying I want a gf who uses me for status/money

women should be securing a mate when they're in their teens and twenties

if they choose to live it up, partying it up with new men every weekend, that's their own choice, and they'll have to deal with the consequences when they're no longer desirable

And no one is gonna buy those bags

>Reserved for athletes... broskiz

>faggots who buy a stuffed plush pepe doll also watch soccer

wow, what a turn of events...

>muslim using taqqiya

This chick is not attractive whatsoever.

Go back to Africa where you belong please

Money is everything

A google search shows that its a book used by shia in order to hide from sunnis, that has nothing to do with me. I mean I wouldnt invest in any oilcoin, but i like the power the oil arabs have i wouldn't spend my money any differently if i had those billions coming in. Id sign a deal with them idgaf. The fact that they're rich and powerful seems to make poorfags even more jealous than any other billionaire you mention, other than steve jobs probably. I have a deep disdain for poorfags.

>Thinking im muslim

Its called being curious retard, you should try it unless you want to stay a brainlet forever.


> tfw it will be years before you're rich enough to stretch pic related's pussy

Why do anons keep falling in love with Instagram hoes? You might as well fall in love with a coke-addled stripper.

Beta orbiters prevent this from happening unfortunately

Unfortunately this user speaks the truth.

How do you guys cope with the fact that these girls and the chads who fuck them live infinitely better lives than you and they coast through life effortlessly.

Why would you want to date an instagram hoe though.

maybe not date but have some fun yea

This isn't Veeky Forums but is it worth dating an Arab girl as a non Arab?

instagram girls also have orgy's where men take turns shitting on them. My best friend is tyler the creators step brother and thats the "word on the street"

this is partly true, alot of the money in arabs hands is from oil, this wealth is locked into families, they are going through the same shit as the royalty of europe 100s of years ago, when they all got inbread from trying to protect wealth in same families. it become a problem

>whores on social media who need to constantly masturbate their egos are reserved for famous dudes
There are plenty of hot chicks out in the world who don't know how hot they are

it looks like a tranny

i absolutely *hate* that type of face.

Damn I’m jelly. I lived in Hollywood for several years also in mid 20’s but never got girls like that. That’s all I wanted, to be apart of that scene and fuck these girls. I feel like I missed out.

Its the nose user

Social media almost destroyed that wonderful type of women...

subtle JNT shill

>Its the nose user
and lips

You know very well each and every one of those thots will have a dozen of orbiters to pick from whenever they want.

Yes oilnoggers get these and d list celebs