How do I make patties like pic related so they dont fall apart?
I have 0.7 pound of beef and 0.5 pound of pork to work with
>How do I make patties like pic related so they dont fall apart?
You use a press.
Correct. Also, generally if you're grinding the meat yourself you want to use a cut that has a high fat to meat ratio. Close to the grocery portioned 20% fat ground beef.
>Also, generally if you're grinding the meat yourself you want to use a cut that has a high fat to meat ratio.
& if you can't, add fat.
Do I add anything to it so it doesnt fall apart like egg or some shit?
With beef there's always enough fat to press a patty; I can press perfect patties with 5% fat content. Pork should also be similarly easy to bind.
With chicken I add egg & breadcrumbs, because ground chicken is different and won't bind in the same way, so adding some egg protein is helpful.
No need for fillers, just keep trying and you'll get it right.
thanks man
A high fat content ensures that the meat stays together during the mixing and cooking process. It's its own natural binder.
Leaner cuts and less fat will require a binder and that's why you would use an egg for something like 90% lean and above. Breadcrumbs won't work if you don't already have a binder, but is good if you feel the conistency is too mushy.
Oh but add plenty of salt & pepper. Possibly more salt than you think. Like says just practice.
Personally I'd never add egg to lean beef, but I get what you're saying.
Adding pork fat to lean beef (or venison!) can produce a very tasty burger, but it's also not quite the same as a 100% beef burger obviously.
I recommend getting a bunch of thick cutting boards, drilling patty-shaped holes in one, and then sandwiching the patties between the three boards.
I suck at explaining shit, so here's a diagram I drew up
thats a good idea but I think you could get away with only the bottom 2 pieces and putting the beef in the holes and flattening them out with hand/spatula/etc
that would work, but the burgers would still probably fall apart. Pressing with force is key for a sturdy burg
For like a ten bucks you can get a burger press and line it with parchment/plastic film.
for a couple hundred thousand bucks you could get physical therapy for your cerebral palsy and learn how to make patties with your hands
At least I don't look like a sticky toddler making misshapen blobs of house burgers that fall apart while cooking because my malformed manchild hands lack the leverage force to press patties together
Seeing as how this is Veeky Forums and all I assumed you'd understand the severe autistic spasms involved when the burger isn't perfectly round.
if using store bought ground beef, medium is the way to go. Bread crumb and egg will help bind them, and reduce shrinking but like said it isn't needed.
Portion out your beef. You will need to work it with your hand (presses are not needed) untill the fat start to look like a fuzz on the surface of the ball of beef. I throw the ball hard back forth in my hands to achieve this. Form to shape I make my patties about 1/2 - 3/4'' thick.
Even easier method
Just get a lid roughly the circumference and depth of what you're looking for
Put the lid inside a loose plastic bag
Press meat into lid through plastic, pack, and upend to release
If you aren't in desperately short supply of bags, all you gotta do is toss the bag when you're done
I press burger patties by hand and they don't fall apart, so that should be plenty
I usually just smash balls of meat between a couple of plastic plates and i've never had them fall apart
Most of the premade burger patties that look like that are just cut from a bigass tube of ground beef and patted a bit by hand.
I don't know what kind of autist uses a fucking burger press at home when you can just grab a chunk of ground beef and shape it by hand easily enough.
is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen for making a burger patty. I am impressed by your ingenuity in solving a problem that never existed before. (What do when I have entirely too many large cutting boards and no motor skills to make burgers?)
I usually just roll them up in balls and slap them a bit until they get to a similar shape