How does somebody know they'll get dubs/trips before they post? They confirm this by saying "check'em" in their post too
Help me figure this out
Adam Ross
Elijah Ortiz
they don't
Gavin Roberts
you have to go back
Robert Diaz
Here, like this, OP.
Check em
Connor King
There is some New Zealander on bant who can do it he must have some kind of system he gets gets like a fish getting water
Luis Hall
Op you need to check em before you post
Nolan Wood
check em, op
Andrew Myers
advanced computer programming
Connor Kelly
Like this. Check my trips.
Kevin Lewis
like this?
Kayden Walker
Dubs are easy. Trips harder but still possible. Especially if it has been around 99 posts since the last trips. See, check em.
Camden Baker
Checked, also like this^^
Nathan Hill
Hunter Morgan
check them
Brandon Hill
They are magick
Evan Carter
all the incompetents in this thread can't even summon trips on command
Parker Sanders
Nathan Gray
Jayden Williams
Check deez nuts
Jack Phillips
Like this check'em
Caleb Perez
check'em nigger