British cooking thread
British cooking thread
I like scotch eggs
Recipe pls
Never had a Scotch Egg but I think it would be a good hangover food.
British people only know how to cook food into poison
I don't think this is the same, but I love this channel.
not trying to be too rude but...
you Brits can't even cook the few decent dishes you have right for fucks sake, both of those look like shit, I know it might actually take practice or skill but the yolk needs to be somewhat soft boiled, which means very soft boiled to not be overcooked during frying
that also means you need to make the sausage layer thinner and more even so it cooks right and you don't have to finish it in the over ruining the soft boiled egg. get your shit together, focus on your own cuisine and stop thinking of americans so much, your shit is wack
For me it is Fish and Chips, the best British fastfood.
finishing it in the oven doesn't 'ruin' the soft boiled egg. it's a gentler heating method than the frying step so it can actually do the opposite if you know what you're doing you dingus.
or you know, learn to fucking do it right the first time because it hurts the crispiness of the breading, or you can just make excuses for doing it half assed
>Shitty Yotube Cooking Channel that exists solely to sell the host's product line
sure is Jack Thread in here
also sausage meat is actually cooked best at a lower temperature than the egg. meaning if the egg overcooks, the meat sure as shit will be.
it doesn't hurt the crispiness of the breading. actually it can somewhat improve it. the main advantage to an oven is, of course, managing batches. i wouldn't generally consider it necessary, but it's effective, and the degree of advantage varies depending on the shape, size and composition of the scotch egg.
neato, learn how to do it right and cut out the retard step
as an american who actually makes these somewhat regularly I will tell you the oven sure as shit does take away from the crispiness
trying to defend finishing them in an oven is just making excuses for not doing it right the first time, if the sausage layer is too thick, you need to practice forming them better, if they are formed right but not being cooked thoroughly then you need to work on your frying game, debate it as much as you want it only proves you are an amateur
heres a solid recipe from from one of the only competent Britcooks
notice this at the bottom of the recipe:
>(If you’re worried about the meat being under-cooked, deep-fry the scotch eggs until they’re golden and crispy, then pop them in a hot oven for a couple of minutes.)
that is not a step, that is included for the amateurs that cant do it right the first time
ya dingus
>one of the only competent Britcooks
>jamie fucking oliver
thanks for the wall of text peppered with warning signs of ignorance.
>as an american who actually makes these somewhat regularly
as a brit who used to make them every day at work i will tell you that anyone with opinions as strong and narrow as yours is a jumped up shitmuncher who will not succeed in life.
>as a brit
stopped reading there, get your shit together fancy lad
Americans think they know it all, just let it go mate.
Let them spout their memes of 'British food is bland and boring'
They themselves are a joke.
>Food advice from a country that can't make cheese
notice that every time there is a "British Food Thread" it's a joke and dies in a few days tops, try and hold onto that elitism as long as you can it's about the only thing you people have left
>inb4 the french fry sandwich pic
>Cultural advice from a country that is only 52% white (and falling).
I'm not British but Brit food threads are always ruined by Americans and their memes.
Americans should just stick to their/McDonalds/Tendies/favorite brand of candy threads.
imagine being this passionate about scotch eggs
they're only there to make up the numbers in your granny's shite buffet spread
this, these threads should be like our special little clubhouse safe zone where we can pretend Britain is still relevant, how dare an Amerilard come in here and say the word "american", it is very triggering and you fat shits ruin the thread because we cannot stop talking about America after that point. How dare you.
Oh look another British Thread that is 90% about USA, fascinating.
Scotch eggs are traditionally hard boiled.
british food is traditionally bad, what was your point
The poster is telling us how to cook our own food, so I'm telling him he's incorrect. Doesn't matter if its better to him with a soft yolk which is a subjective opinion.
Scotch eggs aren't supposed to be fancy gourmet things but now they have become fashionable people think it needs a runny yolk etc.
God you guys should just not make these threads, this happens every time and I'm honestly embarrassed for you, not murican btw.
Count the posts fuckwit.
Your math is almost as bad as your geography.
gourmet or not, they're traditionally more of a picnic food. part of the reason we hard boil them is cause we cut them up into segments and don't want the yolk to run all over everything. another part is just because we don't generally give a fuck, only the most pretentious of foodies are autistic about the doneness of a yolk in a picnic food, and working with hard boiled eggs is marginally easier.
It's pretty tasty.
>reaction pic
holy shit this thread is cringe
As usual, a thread on non-American food is ruined by young Americans spouting the only knowledge they have of most countries, outdated stereotypes.
>That one American shitposter who's so obsessed he samefags over and over
Hourly thread.
>believing anyone obsesses over anything British
Is this real life?
wayy too many chips.
give it an hour, it'll get there m8
you take that back right fucking now
>wayy too many chips.
I agree and why stick a British flag in it?
instead of margarine they should have used ketchup
I'm literally shaking in my seat with disappointment to be honest
Here for the YLYL thread, lost already, never change Britcucks, LOL
Ok, Champ.
5 minutes in and the cooking hasn't even started.
God damn, that is annoying.
You'll have to forgive the Americans, they're in election mode, and it'd drive anyone a little crazy to have to choose between a sexist bigoted idiot and an untrustworthy delusional lier.
Yet here you are, my OCD friend.
The British are desperately clinging to any trace of their culture at this point, their country is being over run by muslims and the youth are pretty much common street nigs at this point. The last real thing they could be proud of was The Beatles.
>Black President.
My sides
Can anyone keep up with whether we're homogeneous or overrun with Muslims?
It's almost like it changes depending on the point people want to make.
Margarine is French. I don't understand the point.
it's a choice between a sexist bigoted idiotic untrustworthy delusional liar and a woman and they're still having problems.
I think the user was trying to say that margarine is not sold in Britain.
>im with her
kys cuck
shit post much, Veeky Forums?
Even as a Brit it's clear Hillary is the worst candidate in the history of the US, or have they actually censored the internet there as well as the media?
You genuinely believe that say, Richard Nixon, who was actually impeached for criminal activity, was a better pick than a women who had some emails stolen and is about as sleazy as almost any mainstream political candidate in the past 60 years?
>a women who had some emails stolen and is about as sleazy as almost any mainstream political candidate in the past 60 years?
This is cringe as fuck, do some research, and yes Nixon was a better candidate because people didn't know he was that corrupt before electing him. You are literally promoting electing someone that is under her 2nd FBI investigation, with countless other criminal activities being leaked daily. If your opinion is not the minority I fear for your country as well as the rest of the world.
>with countless other criminal activities being leaked daily.
This sounds totally legit and not at all like fear mongering
I'd have to agree you sound like a delusional retard, we is laffin m8.
Sorry dude, it's just that I rarely think about you.
>Even as a Brit it's clear Hillary is the worst candidate in the history of the US
she is literally running against trump right now, i don't know how you could possibly say that. i don't know a huge amount about US politics but trump is actually legitimately retarded and so at the very least hillary clinton can only be the second worst candidate.
>do some research
Ah yes, the call of the conspiracy theorist. "Do some research! It's all out there [on a website run by a guy called Bob who has a history with mental health problems and still lives with his mom]"
>with countless other criminal activities being leaked daily
Okay. Like?
countless! countless! you can't count em!
Choosing between Clinton and Trump is like trying to decide if you'd rather have your arms or your legs chopped off.
The only correct answer is "neither"
as an american, seriously shut up and look into wikileaks, not one has been proven "faked by muh russian hackers" and most are proven real with hash codes, cucks like you are seriously concerning, trump is shit but hillary is dangerously corrupt and is going to cause big trouble
she has admitted she's going to start a war with Russia if they don't bow down to her demands
your mind is made up Im not going to waste my time, if you actually cared do a google search, it isnt hard to find, it's not a conspiracy anymore you just choose to be uninformed
>am I real?
>your mind is made up Im not going to waste my time
Okay so you've got nothing. This was a good conversation, we should do this again sometime.
>she has admitted she's going to start a war with Russia if they don't bow down to her demands
no, she hasn't.
>she has admitted she's going to start a war with Russia if they don't bow down to her demands
Sounds like she has a strong foreign policy strategy to me.
Veeky Forums - cooking & philosophy
Very little cooking lately.
>if you actually cared do a google search, it isnt hard to find
if you actually cared you'd post all of this easy to find information that totally isnt a conspiricy
unfortunately this is not an option, at this point we have to decipher which is worse and with some research it's pretty easy to figure out, sadly a lot of people can't put their fake party on the sideline and figure it out for themselves
like i said do a 5 minute google search, you don't care but you could start with all the foreign countries that have bought her at this point
>you didnt spoon feed me therefore Im right
kys pls
Veeky Forums - shitposting & politics
Wow what a successful thread guys! I'm sure this is the Americans fault!
>currently debating american politics with a truther
yes it seems that way.
>like i said do a 5 minute google search, you don't care but you could start with all the foreign countries that have bought her at this point
like i said just post the links, you don't care but you could start with providing some sources for your claims at this point
nice buzzword faggot
Is voting mandatory in the US? Just don't vote, or void your vote or vote for one of the third parties candidates
You're part of the problem
>I didn't vote, you can't blame ME for this!
yeah, and don't pay taxes either or you're just a cog in the problem machine, man
my claim is that you are delusional, lazy and no matter what I say isn't going to have an effect on you, and I don't need to post citations for you to prove me right
my claim is that you're full of shit and wont provide links because your sources are non-existent or laughable and you know it.
you made the claim, you back it up. you wont back it up, your claim is bullshit.
heres a claim: i know for a fact that you have raped young boys. i dont need to provide any proof of this. its well known, just google it. everybody believes me.
wasting your vote is part of the problem, inform yourself and make an informed decision, because the truth is a lot of deluded and uninformed people are going to vote and that's not who you want deciding the future of the country and the world
how do you win a war with russia?
wow tip top analogy faggot, thanks for correcting the record
you don't, nobody does, even Putin knows one candidate wants peace and the other is tequnically threatening war in a presidential debate, Russia doesnt want a war, the world doesnt want a war, most of the US doesnt want a war, all of a sudden libs/dems have giant balls tho and want to attempt to put russia in their place, sounds like a great move eh
t. former Liberal
As the American who pretty much derailed this thread I want to apologize, I did not intend for it to go this far, I am genuinely interested in some British food, only reason I posted is because I feel scotch eggs when "done right" are seriously delicious, but I feel over cooking the egg drastically takes away from the dish.
I would be interested in a good recipe for beef wellington and those pudding bun things yall make if any Brits want to attempt to revive this.
yorkies are a piss of piss, you just make what is essentially a crepe batter and let it sit for as long as possible before putting it in preheated pans with rendered fat.
its a shame i can't actually taste what any of this is suppose to taste like to get an idea if Im doing it right, even tho my scotch eggs are good Id have to pretty much make my own sausage from a brit recipe to get it just right, no British places in my area
I think youre past that point. Let it die a rstart the thread with this post later
So is there all that much regional variation in British food or is it more that there's signature dishes from areas but the cuisine is mostly homogeneous?
>The British are desperately clinging to any trace of their culture at this point, their country is being over run by muslims and the youth are pretty much common street nigs at this point. The last real thing they could be proud of was The Beatles.
beef wellington is stupid as hell.
why the fuck are you wrapping a beef filet in a thin pie crust
what does this gain you? it's difficult to do right, and even when successful, you just get a thin crust that mostly falls off and doesn't add anything to the dish.
just have your bread on the side as if you're not a retard, for christs sakes. and make the meat like a normal human, and just cook it with seasoning, this dish is clearly trying to be fancy as if british people aren't the human version of rotten dogshit to begin.
fucking kill yourself, you stupid limeys.
french fry sandwhichs, disgusting nasty greasy meat pies filled with lard cakes, fucking toast sandwhich, overrun by niggerslime kebabs and curries, fucking ireland drunk fried eggs (again, retarded, you already have a boiled egg, just eat it and fry something else, stupid) continually ruining meat in greasy pie shit, retarded beef wellington, disgusting pudding and half ass boiled shit, beans on fucking toast?
i fucking want to kill all of britain with nerve gas. fuck i hate them. you literally can't understand british underclass people, they're disgusting and stupid. did i mention stupid? british people are borderline retarded, they can't handle guns, they're content with a literal granny state that won't sell spoons to a teenager, everyone is scared of their shadow.
britain is a barbaric shithole and when it's not barbaric it's pretentious and it always fails at everything it does and they're all fucking cucks now fuck i hate them so fucking much. i want to kill a british person with my bare hands right now, i want to kill them with a brick.
fuck you.
Get a load of this fucking Chiseller!
>i hate them so fucking much. i want to kill a british person with my bare hands right now, i want to kill them with a brick.
t. flyover faggot with anger issues.
you are by far the most cringeworthy person on this board, pull the trigger, you deserve peace