has keylogger

> has keylogger
> is premined
> exit scam
> fake supply

OK /biz? what is this than?


Other urls found in this thread:


get back to donating to the rainbot!

Fuckin' awesome is what TurtleCoin is! You guys see the weekly update today, and all of the others? Shit's happening FAST!

/biz is full of shit. Why does anyone use this shit website? Yeah, I said it

im up like 10k turts so far today

k dad

yes make me richer son!

I think we should make a fork of TRTL called TurtleCash

>1 sat
I almost bought at 7 sat, never ever believe biz

It's still young, but here is the official TurtlecoinCashGold fork. Clone it and run sudo daemon.sh to sync the daemon and get up and running.

this is true vision rocksteady had

we got tcash running but the daemon crashes every few minutes so we told all pool owners to stop their pool.


turtle powerrrrrrrr

Forgot the link like an idiot github.com/RocksteadyTC/TurtlecoinCashGold



Turtle memes are best memes

Get Cover its a fucking typhoon

fuck yeah everyone who dooes not appreciate the RAIN IS FUCKING DUMB BECAUSE REJECTING FREE MONEY IS FUCKING DUMBBBB

filthy garlic coiners eternally btfo

HOLY SHIT!! There really is a keylogger in there

stuck in #exile rip

Where has wazlo gone :(

TRTL has to be easily the coolest community I've been in a very long time.

Go Go Go turtles wooot!

Turtle is going to the moon. It is the next Verge. Lambo soon, trust me

my gf dumped me and ran off with all my TRTLCoins
she left me for a TRTL millionaire

I've bought BTC, NEO, NANO, several other big coins, and also other small ones.

TRTL is the most fun of all of them. I like hanging out in their chat. They seem like they're actually trying to make something out of it. It'll be cool if it works out.

this is actually so sad

why sad


Some trtl will cheer you up

Say TurtleMarine three times in a mirror and he'll appear behind you


k man

alright you turtlefags are at least slightly stepping up your meme game. not gonna buy your bags but maybe I will mine some of this shit after all

literal autists, whoever buys this deserves to not only lose their money but become a debt slave

:marine: :t_wojak:

This is a moon coin

>using autism as an insult

>buy your bags
>been hovering 1-3sats for a month now

bruh we don't give a fuck either way

Can't stop jacking off to these guys

>7 more years of trump
>7 years to watch TRTL hit top 10

Gonna be a good ride

is this 4chans coin here?

I'll buy in when it goes to half a sat.

that madk dude sure is nice...

TRTL is keng

you'll be fucking crying mKEK when we go to the fucking moon you cocksucker


i'm balls deep with my 1200 turtles anons gave me for no reason


Why are you telling me this?

Thanks guys, I needed a laugh!

Oh, that's right you don't give a fuck either way. We all win!

rainstorm was on point. was a good event. suck on that electronium


$1 eoy. screenshot this.

>mfw 3/4 of my trtle portfolio was through mining on CPU, rain rewards and tips

you mirin?

The fud is hilarious. It literally costs nothing to get in. Just join the discord, and post your wallet when the #RainDance comes up.