Who here fell for the hold meme and watched all of their gains from last year's bull run whither all away?

Who here fell for the hold meme and watched all of their gains from last year's bull run whither all away?

Bears make money. Bulls make money. Pigs get slaughtered.


Now is bull run go way


w yo


Everyone who is naïve did. But I won't fall for it twice.

*raises paw*

M-me too

It hurts

still way up from initial fiat though... just down a shitton from ATH

>'''hodls''' for 1-2months
>makes shit thread

Nice one OP

>went from $1k to $20k to $2k


>went from 20k to 720k to 160k

>went from $0 to $230 to $130
uh okay, mememoney are funny

Damn, that's rough. I went from 40k to 1.4M to 630k. Was only at 1.4M for an hour though, around 1.2-1.3M was my peak.

you have to hold multiple years for the strategy to pay off

>t.bought my first bitcoins at $3

I think the cash out fud/tax fud where all paid shills because that's all that was posted during ath

just triangulated this post and hacked all your accounts nothing personal kid

1.5M is my cashout 90% target, so I'd still be holding if I was in your position too


None of this will matter when btc hits 50k in july.

Unironically me too. Peak so far was 490k, which was about 430k profit.

Literally me