Can we have a Veeky Forums webm/Tasty thread?
Can we have a Veeky Forums webm/Tasty thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
>red bull and milk
This shit's gonna explode my kitchen, isn't it?
It creates ketchup gas.
Can't possibly imagine what direction this thread will go.
Theres just random gibberish on the notebook
Has no place on plasma hot dogs
That's fucking foul. Why would you do that when literally everyone sells adderall or some shit
Adding on to this, it's almost too fucking easy to get yourself a prescription.
Because Adderall is for degenerate retards.
and the concoction in OP isn't for degenerate retards? It's from Tasty so i assume anyone who makes this is pretty fucking dumb
And mixing that shit in OPs picture isn't?
>chef attempts a cunning new fusion of ingredients
>random aspiring user attempts it
Fuck off retard
Incredible. You need to be 18+ to post on Veeky Forums. Come back later when you aren't a blithering idiot.
>chef mixes red bull, milk, and chocolate powder
>loses all credibility
Fixed that for you.
Tasty is on par with ja/ck/
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Well the webm in OP and that grilled martini shit.
If you think that webm is from Tasty, you are a dumdum. I hate Tasty, but it's obvious that webm is from shit satire
>red bull and milk
I thought Tasty was satire?
Yep, you're right. It's thrillist. still, Tasty a shit.
Guess so. Just put grilled cheese martini into YouTube and I see a ton of reaction videos mentioning a dude named thrillist.
Where are all the webms?
>stir well
>fucks it with a whisk
>can barely move the whisk
>ends up twisting it like a fucking caveman trying to make fire
That was stirred exceedingly badly.
Just drink an energy drink. Then drink a protein dink after. Why mix it all together and fuck up the tastes. You're a student. You have the time...
Why wouldn't you just eat a lot of Adderal instead of engaging in the forbidden art of mixing milk with soda
>new zealand brand milk
fucking hell lads im sorry
Fuck off retard
Don't they have anchor in Australia and most of the chink places too?
I wanted to say this thread is rebbit garbage but after that first post I'm not so sure anymore
>puts wine in pan
>sets on fire
very nearly made me puke, well done
Oh man, I always lose to that one.
How does he do it Veeky Forums?
Mild downs syndrome, a 5 hour energy induced stroke, overconfidence and shit ingredients? the people invent this recipe alien?
its a different pan you dork
>When I need to study or focus, I just have a cup of joe! Really gets me going!
You're just doing a shittier stimulant.
Also applies to tea.
And soda.
And literally anything that isn't water.
>microwaving raw chicken
this is blowing my mind right now
is that raw meatloaf.
who the fuck does a flambe when they're cooking alone?
it's like after my boyfriend fucks me
u bleed? blood, cum and poop?
Would this be from an arm?
my boyfriend is a dog and doesn't give me enough time for lube so yes
It's a leg in the series I think
jesus fucking christ i know that redneck "couisine" always has attroucious presentation but why everything he makes looks literally like shit.
wtf I hate adderall now
>he thinks this is actually from Tasty
Gotcha. ,`:^)
probably the same people who eat human flesh
>garnish with peas
holy fuck there is so much gold in tasty videos, we need someone to start creating webms and posting that shit
>everything is cooked in a microwave
>muddy buddies look like a bag of shit
10 outta 10
Webm thread?
How about you fuck off.
If anyone wants fresh webm-making material, check out this and her other videos. She's basically the Europoor Jack.
Kay is worse because we know Jack doesn't actually cook outside of his shit fucking videos. She actually "feeds" a family
>dumps like half a stick of lard into everything
Also did she fucking scrap off the teflon from a non-stick pan? The pan she uses in that and other videos definitely looks like she scrapped off a non-stick pan, and is now cooking on bare aluminium. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Would explain why her and her son sounds so brain dead though.
... but remember, you're the Harlem Shake of your perfectly cooked steak!
Godammit I heard that in his voice.
>newfags dont realize this is from the same guy who makes similar videos tricking people into making mustard and chlorine gas
You were supposed too?
>tfw my adderall connect went dry
>too scared to ask random people in my Uni classes
Hard work it is!!
Im considering trying to get adderal.
Any advice?
Yeah. 40mg. Andy more and it's like you're on fucking crank.
oh, and don't forget to force yourself to eat. That's important.
you can just go to the doctor and tell them you have ADD, they'll just give it to you
don't go get raped or something trying to buy it from the urban youths
do you steal buy or have a perscription? Im thinking of going for the latter because i genuinly have troubles not spacing and having this feeling that can only be described as watery. Im just worried about what to even say to get it
aside from the retarded no one smart enough to notice they measured a liquid in a solids measuring tool???
Garnish with peas
go away
I have a perscription.
ADD, man. Best diagnosis ever!
Holy fuck
osso buco?
I can't stop. That shouldn't be so funny
Fuck off
I kinda think her stuff is at least partially satire, she sure gets her husband goin sometimes and she's got a funny delivery
do u even flambe you basic cuck
I think it wasn't actually human