How about an allergy thread? People post their allergies and people offer alternatives.
I'm allergic to tomatoes and lactose intolerant.
How about an allergy thread? People post their allergies and people offer alternatives.
I'm allergic to tomatoes and lactose intolerant.
>People post their allergies
>and people offer alternatives.
Kill yourself.
None though I do get dermatitis on my left hand from dealing with salt and citruses. Chilli will 100% give me the hiccups if that counts.
Fast food cuck here, why do so many people with food allergies decide to go out and order food at places staffed by stoners, degenerates and misanthropic people in general? You are putting your life in the hands of a drug addict or a pervert or a little shit teenager. Also, no one is going to change their gloves to deal with your special snowflake needs at a fast food place.
I'm allergic to apples cherries and plums. Didn't used to be when I was a kid. Just makes my throat itchy and my lips hurt. Doesn't do it every time though. It's worth it every once in a while
My mom was convinced i hat a citrus fruit allergy.
Either it vanished after I turned 10 or she was rused by some quack.
possible it disappeared.
>having allergies
Feels good to be /noallergies/ master race.
Well I'm sceptical because I have no allergies at all now. Also got the toughest stomach of all the people I know.
I'm allergic to spirits. It gets me dizzy, I talk slurred. Day after I feel sick, wanna vomit and poop is just watery stool.
I probably should just avoid spirits in future.
Better see a doctor m8
I poo blood. I might be possessed by spirits. Or an alcoholic
I used to be allergic to a lot of red stuff (??) I have no idea if thats a thing. It disappeared after a year or 2 when I was 6 or something so I never bothered to check what it actually was. I just know that Id get a rash on my face when I ate tomatoes, strawberries or the ice cream child me loved that had an artificially colored red outer layer
im not allergic to anything, but kiwi and pineapple gives me a slight tingle on my tongue still eat them though
I'm severely allergic to a great number of inhalants, that make me cross-react to certain foods (mostly tree nuts, peanuts, apples, shellfish and egg).
Yeah, fuck me with that shit. Travelling is shit because of food allergies.
>tfw you'll never get to experience Chinese street food without fear of going into full blown anaphylacting shock
>people offer alternatives
Penicillin but it's not like I spread it on my toast.
I am unsure if I'm allergic to lobster or maybe I had some really shitty lobster. Ate some one day, was fine until morning with swollen throat, sinuses felt swollen. Went away later that day(the sinus thing ended up being a weird zit deep in my skin). Next day tried the lobster again, throat felt swollen again so thats when I just stopped.
Had lobster last year it was fine. Also no issue with crab, shrimp, clams, crayfish, etc so I don't know what was up with that.
Apples however make me puke/almost puke unless it's baked applies. Includes cider.
>Deathly allergic:
Peanuts and peanut accessories
>Hard to breath allergic:
Soy isolates, soy, peas, pea/soy protein, Snapper and Grouper (odd, but it may be the breading, don't think so)
>Passout-hives allergic:
Pretty much all legumes, specially pinto beans
>Noticeably allergic:
Kidney and black beans, but I still eat them a lot.
Girlfriend is vegetarian, so some of her vegan things she uses (condiments, broth, etc. ) Are a no go.
She kissed me after eating peanut butter once and my throat closed up like the southern border.
And mind you. These are just my food allergies.
lol good one dad
Nature wants you death, don't pass on those awful genes
Leave Casper alone.
Mild peanut allergy.
Sunflower seed butter is delicious.
im lactose intollaeant
alergic to aligator and shrimp , maybee crab
i eat them anyways and have sniky farts and get mild hives but idunkt care
aloe vera.
>parents refused to believe me as a kid when I said that it burnt the fuck out of my skin
>they rub it on my sunburns
>complete agony
>every single time I get sunburns this happens (New Zealand, so just going outside does it)
>at some point, get a doctor to confirm
>"well why didn't you just tell us you didn't like it?"
I can't wait until they die.
Chemical food dyes
fish and eggs
No problems with that here senpai.
She nor I want kids.
Dust tbqh
I am allergic to Peanuts, Walnuts, and Hazelnuts, also Pecans. I can eat shellfish but NO OTHERS.
These allergies aren't really severe, I'd have to eat a mouthful of these to start a reaction.
I just don't eat fish, but Barney Butter almond butter is my shit. Just can't get enough.
Same. And it's definitely not as bad as it used to be. Would always be sick as a child. Now I just get a runny nose in dusty areas
I'm allergic to stress
Any alternatives?
Avamys daily spray 100% erased runny noses and watery eyes for me
>Free Healthcare
>Not even nominal fee for prescription processing
regular exercise
Weak humans/ The thread
The only thing I'm (mildly) allergic to is Nickel, and I don't eat that.
I'll look into that then. It doesn't bother me all that much but getting looks from everyone at work thinking I'm sick is getting old.
I have a fish allergy. I get back spazams for a good hour. Growing up my parents didn't believe me so they'd shove it down my throat anyways. I'd call them back pinches and they laughed. Fuckers.
>mfw coconut oil became a meme and I have to check the ingredients of every pastry because the last time I didn't check I went into anaphylactic shock
I'm allergic to shellfish
you buried the body's good?
Same here. It's too bad, because it's quite tasty.
Do you always get asked if you're also allergic to iodine every time you go near a doctor or hospital and mention you're allergic to shellfish? I do, but iodine has never caused me any problems during my life time. I've had 3 operations and they've used it each time.
They now sleep with the allergy
I can't say I'm allergic to iodine, so no. I've never been asked if I had an iodine allergy.
I had the same stuff, it's an OAS caused by being allergic to birch tree pollen (in most cases). Be careful around hazelnuts. You can actually eat any of those fruits if you cook them, because heat destroys the stuff that causes the reaction.
Developed allergies during early puberty, and they suddenly wanished when I turned 26, it's been a whole year now. Stuffing my face full of apples while I can.
Smoke weed erryday
Iodine and shellfish allergies are somehow related. Quite often people are allergic to shellfish because of the high iodine content, that's why I asked, and I assume that's why I always get asked.
Pollen fucks me over, from grasses to weeds.
I noticed a very notable change however since I lost over half my body weight. I can breathe in all the dust and pollen I want and I' not affected like I used to be. Lke, I'll struggle with an itch in the throat for 30-45 minutes, then it's over. Considering it used to disable me for a full day that is an improvement.
The only thing that still gets to me is when the dust and pollen gets into my eyes.
As for food, the only thing that slightly bothers me is milk by itself. It leaves my throat dry and I need to drink a lot of water (like a 1.5 liters) to clear out all the dryness and the build up in my throat. I don't get this from any other dairy product.
what is "shellfish"
i'm allergic to fish and crustaceans but not mollusks
I've been thinking that I have IBS.
I get an upset stomach whenever I consume oily or fried foods. My stomach also gets obliterated by milk. I can eat other dairy products but milk by itself wrecks me.
Been thinking about going to the doctor to find out.
Crabs, prawns etc. Anything with a shell
I'm not allergic to normal fish
>no food allergy
>dustmite allergy instead
I just want to be able to breathe lads.
I've been developing an alcohol allergy from consuming it so much over the years. I'll get a couple of "fixed hives" on the upper part of my cheeks below my eyes, and when I sober up, they're gone.
General sinus congestion after getting drunk has gotten worse over the years, too, during which the headache just won't go away for days and the only way to relieve the pressure and swelling is to clench my eyes shut really hard (and that hurts in a sore, bruised way) to bring circulation back to the area.
Fucking allergic to pineapple. Shit will peal the roof of my mouth and tounge and make my gums bleed. I love the taste plz help
I hope you are not eating raw pineapple because raw pineapple by default is suppose to hurt your mouth, your tongue, and your gums.
Raw Pineapple has the same enzymes as commercially available meat tenderizing enzymes sold on the market.
You are essentially tendering your mouth by eating raw pineapple
However, ignore me if cooked pineapple is still doing this to your mouth because if cooked pineapple is still hurting your mouth, then yeah, you might be allergic to pineapple.
I am not a doctor though so go get tested please.
I just responded to you because eating fresh, raw pineapple hurt my tongue and gums too in the past but when I eat cooked pineapple with pizza and ham and bacon, my mouth didn't hurt at all and then I googled Raw Pineapple and discovered Raw Pineapple is not a good idea to eat.
Raw, cooked, canned. Fucks me up. I just stay away and dream of its sweet nectar.
Kiwi and pineapple do that to everyone.
Ah, the ol' gin blossoms.
I can't have MSG as it gives me severe migraines.
My doc said I was allergic to roaches and shrimp when I was about 10. Ate shrimp because forgot, then several months later remembered, but here I am. Still alive.
I'm allergic to salads, vegetables, etc.
All I can do is stuff my face full of nuggies and burgers. Thanks, genetics :(
wew, close one
I get that sometimes if I drink too fast. Happens a lot if I drink alcohol with a meal too. It happens more often when the weather is hot.
Do you get the elevated heart rate and shortness of breath as well?
>tfw celiac
>tfw no reasonable alternatives
>tfw have to pay $8 just for a frozen pizza crust
What is:
every other fucking grain on the planet other than wheat
fucking faggot. just make your own dough.
yeah man oat pizza is really good
Amoxicillin. No real food allergies.
But, I think I might have some sort of reaction to avocado. Whenever I eat it, the roof of my mouth hurts in a weird way and I feel like I get heartburn.
I've got an allergy to this too, seems to be more common that I once thought.