Starting Prozac this week. Have any of you guys tried it?

Starting Prozac this week. Have any of you guys tried it?

Yep, became a crypto robot inside.

Good luck user, it worked for me!

Turned me into a straight up sociopath. I couldn't feel feelings. But that's better than always wanting to an hero, so it worked well for me. Make sure to taper when you come off of it, because that's a hellish withdrawal. Fucking brain zaps are awful; anyone who's had them knows what I'm taking about. Fucking awful.

works good

Plus 1 to that, watch out for serotonin syndrome.

fucking sissies, I take antidepressants and they don't fuck with my emotions

Take a nature's antidepressant instead, weed

isn't that what they're supposed to do?

damn brainzaps are what made me stop using MDMA

don't take that bullshit. get real drugs, lsd, dmt, shrooms, ayuhuasca or any type of trip. stay away from big pharm. the answers to your problems are locked within your brain, you need to explore.

say goodbye to your own brain homey

its too late for him

Sometimes, you need a little push out of depression. I've used once, and then celexa over a decade later. Each time I only needed it for about 8 months. And each one worked incredibly well for lifting me out of depression. Don't listen to anons who clearly don't know what they're talking about. Good luck.

Pointless and dangerous

next is shooting up a school. namaste

Don't fall for the pill jew. Lift some shit and cut out your sugar

for a tripfag we have a lot in common

Before u ever try any SSRI try 5-HTP for a week or 2 it does wonders for some people and it's much much better for you than antidepressants but for the love of God do not take 5HTP and antidepressants together or else serotonin syndrome is in your future. 5-HTP doesn't work for everyone's depression though so try it out while u still can before u ever take an ssri cuz u cant take 5htp until u go like 2 weeks after ur last dose of antidepressant. Good luck op

you konw it gona worck 2 week or more?
every daily tablet make you higer

PROZAK same alchogol
not for trading

not worth it, im serious, good effects wear off all you have is negative

I found it worked well with weed in that it gave me energy.

As far as serotonin syndrome, watch out for taking any OTC pills with it. 5-HTP is nice as is increases serotonin, but as Prozac is a SSRI (selective serotinin reuptake inhibitor), that can be deadly.

I would recommend not drinking alcohol (or at least not more than a couple) when on it.

It can also interfere with one's sex drive too, so that's something to keep in mind. I personally didn't mind that effect, kind of a bonus, but to each their own.

Also a heads up that mulitple anti-depressants (including Prozac) can stop working years down the road. From what I've read, nobody is sure why, but there's that.

Take the least amount possible - talk to your doc on this. I was on 20 mg/day and it worked. Some people are up to 60/80 mg a day.

The first few days may make you manic, but over time that'll smooth out and to get the beneficial fully effect generally takes 6 to 8 weeks as the amount builds up in your system.

MDMA guy above had brain zaps probably due to serotonin syndrome as MDMA releases a large amount of serotonin and Prozac keeps it in active use for a longer time.

Average onset from initial diagnosis of a mental issue to stability with meds and day to day life is ten years.

Good luck

P.S. - Eat healthier, sleep enough and exercise and you'll get more out of your meds.

I agree with trying 5-HTP first. It's a precursor to melatonin, so best to use it before bed IMO.

I buy 100 mg capsules, but have found that around 20 to 50 mg works well. Lower tolerance also means you need less.

If they have a USP certified one, then that's the gold standard as far as supplements since you'll get a much more consistent amount in each capsule.

yes. made me tired all the time. but it was literally impossible to feel depressed while on it. I could think negative thoughts all day while on it but still feel happy. I'm on lexapro now. On this I do need to exercise some thought control because negative thoughts can make me depressed but it doesn't make me tired.

Don't listen to the FUD about antidepressants, it's worth a shot. There are a lot of them, so if prozac doesn't work for you, don't be afraid to try a different one. In an ideal world, their role is to help you get back on your feet and eventually get off them. But that takes the time it takes, and some people do have to spend their own life on them. Just trust the process, and try to get better.

seriously what this guy said OP. I was on it for a year and it totally fucked me after the effects wore off. DO NOT DO IT. START WORKING OUT AND GETTING YOUR DIET/SLEEP RIGHT. SAVE YOURSELF

How deep are you in your depession to go on prozac? Is it reallt undbearable? Most depressions take 6 to 9 months before any signs of improvement, madications or not.

This being said, I've had to take pills twice. To be honnest, both times I don't think it had any benefit (and lots of sides). But sometimes the pain is so intense that a knock out pill has at least a placebo like effect + appetite gain + sleeping benefits.

I wouldn't go on prozac if I was you... it's really hard to stop. I'm currently on Remeron (no sexual sides) and knocks you at bed time. Felt terrible in the mornings for a few weeks but then the body got used to it. Now feel absoluetly no effect. Going to start weening off next month.

First time I took Imipramine... it's an old AD but it is to this day the gold standard, sides were very managable (mostly increased sweating and some racing heart) .. work well as much as I can guess. Couldn't bust a nut though, would get hard but no cummy in mommy... was kinda shit for that.

Anyhow, stay away from Prozac and effexor... you have better options.

Mild depression. I don't have feelings of suicide or shit like that.

I wonder if net worth and medications are correlated

Pretty much every AD will give you sexual disfunction.. either soft cock or anorgasmia... and they won't make you happy. Most people take ADs when it becomes absolutely unbearable.

It's up to you... depends on your story, your symptoms.. but if it's only a mild depression, I would seriously consider a change of lifestyle. I mean pills won't make you appreciate your shitty life... most of us took pills because we were stuck into anhero loops, obsessive idea or extreme sadness... like really anormal conditions.

Anyhow, read up on Remeron.. no sex sides, might gain a little weight, funny dreams the first few days...

you pharma cuck faggots need to leave

Take a look at suicide rates... muh cuck faggots can't cope with being sick. Depression is just a myth bro...muh pharmajew


yah the suicide rates increase while on psychotropic drugs, not surprising. clinical depression is just the faggots way of giving up on life.

I was on it for a short period of time in my early twenties. Don’t do it man. I ended up with manic episodes where I would black out and ended up walking like 10 miles from my apartment and had no idea where I was.

I've been on it since like 8 years old.

I'm now well on my way to becoming a paranoid schizophrenic at age 20.


ITT the biggest losers on this board. Keep popping your druggos kiddies, just know you'll never be successfuly

Use heroin

If nothing then some crack. Best feeling ever

>basking in the psychedelic frontier

Don't know what everyone else is talking about it didn't give me weird side effects I just felt normal.

It does make you fat tho

PROZAK same alchogol
not for trading

Use heroin - it make you brain free from feelings

Prozac didnt do shit for me. Citalopram changed my life. Used to flunk classes but now im god of the normies

Real traders take Adderall

all that shit fucks you up worse in the long run

the mark of a true soyboi

>It's another "user is tricked into becoming a drooling zombie" episode.

Yeah yeah trust your med or psych or whomever told you to down these pills. Let's see if this time works for you.

That is the most arousing thing I have ever heard in my entire life.