Coffee thread now!
What are you having?
Coffee thread now!
What are you having?
Is it green tea?
I've been making about 5 shots a day since the EG-1 got here.
Are you making meth?
Bought some peaberry coffee from the local roaster at the farmer's market... unsplit coffee beans, interesting rounded caramel flavor, really unusual. Divine Madman coffee. They roast in very small batches and the quality is out-fucking-standing.
Espresso yo.
So, kinda similar.
fuck i can't wait to move into my own flat
what's with the test tubes
Preweighed shots. I'm using tiny mason jars now though since the test tubes break if I pull the cork out when it's still frozen.
I have a Nespresso machine, and a bialetti moka pot. I usually drink it black but sometimes with milk and sugar
I buy the cheapest stuff I can in large quantities.
All I want is coffee that is hot and black.
Skinny Caramel frappacino with an extra shot of expresso and some whipped cream please.
I own pic related, FreshRoastSR500, and have been ordering 5-10lb bags of green beans online and roasting my own coffee for about a year and a half now. For the past week or two I've been drinking a med-light roast Costa Rica Tarrazu. Creamy mouthfeel with notes of toasted pecan and pie crust and smooth finish, a little bit of acid. It's been my favorite thus far. I'm not skilled enough to bring out the subtleties that real roasters can do with large scale equipment but I'm really happy with my roaster buddy and I've been saving a fortune not having to go buy roasted beans every week. Feels good lads
Pic related out a moka pot, Baratza Virtuoso grinder. Brown sugar and banana, with a strong, bright savory note the bag calls "tomato." Weirdest coffee I've ever had, but it's tasty.
black tea with rock sugar
Been using a burr grinder with java beans through a cafetiere to give myself a nice fresh cup. No milk or sugar.
Any other dark beans that I should try?
Sumatra baby, with a nice dark roast. Get you some
>freezing coffee
Will buy a small amount tomorrow, thanks for the recommendation.
get yourself a Turkish mix (Ethiopian/Arabica) and enjoy rough and powerful coffee like the Sultans used to drink before raping 100 Christian virgins
Yes, absolutely.
what else?
Do you have any good indie roasters nearby?
I'd branch out from SEA dark roasts. Nothing inherently wrong with them, but I feel like the "earthiness" is just dirt too much of the time. They were my go-to when I was first getting into coffee, but I bored with them quickly. I'd also check out Mokka-Java blends. It's the same kind of coffee you're enjoying now balanced out with a fruitier light roast.
My daily cup is Trader Joe's Kenya AA. I don't use the aeropress much, but the Hario V2 is used at least twice a day.
Boy for as good of a setup as you have, you could be working with better beans. TJoes comes through every once in a while but a lot of their shit tastes stale when I make it. Do you have any indie roasters nearby?
Second Cup is the best coffee chain. Just putting that out there.
Ask someone who drinks 5 shots of espresso/day anything
Are you me?
depends, are you a total faggot? if so, yes you are me.
I could go for a fresh cup of Java right now
Instant, with a dash of almond milk.
Then you forget about it while programming and end up microwaving it twice before you drink it.
I haven't had non instant in ages though, it might be worth seeing if I can taste much of a difference. Would getting starbuckss/caribou qualify as "real" coffee enough or do I need to buy the entire $1,000 deal for real coffee.
Most of the big chains are decent, including Starbucks. Good enough for what you're looking for
some overprice djunk from a cafe near me that was open
Made a shot of a natural Ethiopia Yirg I roasted.
chains are shit as a general rule. if a particular location of a chain has competent workers and consistently care about putting out a quality product then that has little to do with the 'chain' and everything to do with the key individuals.
Anyone else put cardamom in their coffee?
why not just put fucking ketchup in it?
because one is an aromatic spice and one is a sweet condiment?
considering heading into my local for a good spro bro
Yes Starbucks or Caribou are fine for "entry-level" coffee. It's a step above instant, folgers, and maxwell house but below your hipster local roaster, Happy Mug which roasts to order, and your "chain" hipster places that roast like Stumptown.
Get a french press (preferably bodum but any would do) from Amazon or Walmart. Then go to Starbucks to get a bag of Starbucks beans, and ask them to grind it for you at the french press setting. Pike's Place is probably a good starting point, even though Veranda and Willow is better, but could scare you away because you probably aren't used to coffee being noticeably bright.
A lot of people would say to also get a hand grinder, but people coming from instant probably can't be assed just yet.
>get yourself a Turkish mix (Ethiopian/Arabica)
I guess you aren't too familiar with coffee.
Cardamom is a very common spice for coffee.
got some beans today from my dealer. they were from kenia, expected good things. got ass. peru and costa rica are way better.
why are little girls drinking black coffee? whats this bullshit? what is the target audience for this crap?
Most Japs I've met, here in the US and there in Japan, don't use sweeteners and rarely add milk or cream. Mainly because a lot of them are lactose intolerant.
Also, it's a show about some girls that run a cafe. It's moeshit. So, for super weebs and girls who love cutesy shit.
Is there any real difference between a bialetti moka pot and whatever generic brand my local store might have?
>It's a step above instant, folgers, and maxwell house but below your hipster local roaster,
What a fucking joke.
I make folgers at home and it tastes infinitely better than the swill they serve at starbucks in their little faggy venti cups.
This. Starbucks is garbage, Folger's really isn't bad considering the price.
Should i get a grinder before espresso machine or hario skerton would be good enough for it?
Skerton is nowhere near adequate. Feldgrind is the absolute lowest acceptable option for espresso and it's really not a great one.
Starbucks killed my dog! Starbucks was responsible for WWII! Starbucks is why can only jerk it to little girls with horsecocks!
[spoiler]Am I cool yet?[/spoiler]
They're just regular cups dude
>ask for venti
>they serve it in the smallest to-go cup i've ever seen
Truly, starbucks is for women and effeminate men.
is that that scale that costs $150
my tryhard coworker has one and brings one to work
>getting your socks wet in the middle of winter
I know it's practical, but you really need to update to a nicer table
>Also, it's a show about some girls that run a cafe. It's moeshit. So, for super weebs and girls who love cutesy shit.
Ah, so it's for the whole of Veeky Forums.
But I like my retro table
can someone recommend a good grinder thats not too much of an investment? talking up to 200€
Feldgrind is just under 170 euro, easily the best thing in your price range.
Lido is better than feldgrind and within 200 isn't it? Get a Lido 2 or 3 depending on preference if you're doing anything but exclusively espresso, or get Lido E if you're doing espresso.
I would say the Feldgrind is better. Better alignment, better adjustment mechanism, smaller, all metal.
Don't get any kind of Lido for espresso. The adjustment mechanism is damn nearly unusable for small changes.
Oh, and the burrs are basically the same. The Lido burrs are listed as larger only because they measure differently, kind of like how the K10 is listed as 63mm and the Robur at 71mm despite having exactly the same burrs.
Neither is wrong or trying to be deceptive, mind, there's just no standard.
I have a cup of french press coffee with milk every morning, made from beans roasted at a local shop nearby - it's delicious. They're not a chain, either. And the entire staff is passionate about their job and the product they sell. I'm such a regularfag that they invite me out for drinks and party's at their homes. Feels bretty gud m8
im drinking pourover exclusively if that changes things, i suppose in that price segment you only can onl get decent hand-grinders? thx for the recommendations
At that price range you're getting much better value with a hand grinder. Unless you're going to be doing pourover 4-5 times a day then manually grinding won't bother you. What is it you currently have? A v60 and a kettle?
The Feldgrind or Lido are very fast. About a gram a second.
It's absolutely nothing like a Hario or Porlex hand grinder, which imo are straight up trash.
There isn't a single electric grinder I can recommend in good faith under $600 (540eur), and even then it's not something feasible in Europe. You can maybe find a used Ditting on ebay there though, it seems all the reasonably priced ones are in the EU. But it will almost certainly need new burrs which are $400 right there even if you get a steal on the grinder.
either youre a psychic or i just got the memegrinder every hipster owns. i got a full hario set, kettle, dripper, pot and grinder gifted to me.
im fine with everything but the grinder is horrible, it takes a lot of work for normal, and an absurd amount of work for light roast beans. also the grind is obviously pretty uneven. im in germany if that matters.
Thx to both of you, ill check feldgrind and lido
Bullet proof coffee, 2tbsp heavy cream, 1tbsp unsalted butter 1tbsp coconut oil 1tbsp sugar free caramel syrup and salt.
Folgers, black, hot
Just the usual american, really busy last 3 weeks, once everything is over I am gonna sit down, get comfy and drink a cortado.
How much beans do you guys put for 0.5L water?
People like to make fun of me for it, but I settled on 20g per 500ml of water.
My coffee is never bitter, even with trashy month old stale folgers.
What method? I use 17.5g with 150ml water for aeropress, so roughly 60g for 500ml which sounds like a lot now that I think about it.
30g in frenchpress
Is the user with a shimapan cup here?
I want to see this too.
He's an idiot, OP.
If anything the table outclasses all your geek ass coffee paraphernalia.
Happy mug is bretty gud
I like their selection and how often it changes. I'm sure there's better roasters out there, but none of them are anywhere near me as far as I can tell.
Late night Yirg shot. 15g in, 20g out.
Lower ratio than my usual, but it's working really well for this coffee.
coffee noob here, can you make espresso with a french press?
i posted this. after 3 tries, it got way better and stayed there. do beans need to "break up"?
you need significant pressure to create espresso. A french press is basically just a pot with a built-in filter.
very freshly roasted beans may need a few days to degass
>There isn't a single electric grinder I can recommend in good faith under $600
He is using it for pour over. God you're retarded.
I has a question, Does coffee beat depression?
Does it affect your chemicals in a good way, or just as a basic stimulant?
You get pretty dependent on it if you drink it daily, so no, I'm sure it would only make you feel worse.
The effects of dependence go away after 2 days or so.
I'm just going to call mine "Liquid cigarettes"
How do I french press? I keep making coffee that tastes a bit shit 2bh. Even just a link to a guide would be great.
Hand grinded and boiled in can, black.
No sleep.
Shit like this is why I bother with these threads less and less
The autism is simply too strong
What's the best instant coffee? please don't roast (haha) me for my choices, just help...
lately I drink pic related and love it, but maybe I'm missing out.
For me, yes. Except I can't go without it, or it gets worse than life pre-coffee.