User you should actually buy RLC

This is your last chance to explain to me why you aren't convinced that this coin and its majestic color scheme is going to take you straight to Lamboland.
>stable gains
>known to take joy rides to the moon on occasion
>board is full of educated professionals

Even though it's low effort, this is the first iExec meme I've seen anywhere.
>Bump for a solid project

not too long til the moon mission in may (v2)


got over 1500 of them and i have no idea what they do. somethin about cloud computing or somethin lol

i don't trust yellow wojak
he might be one of those eastern types
the swindling kind

Greatest minds in supercomputing, V2 coming, total supply is fuck all, blockchain agnostic. My target for this is over $500 in a few yrs time. The price right now is ABSURD.

my only problem is how they would compete against cloud services by the big tech companies (Googgle, Amazon, Alibaba, etc.)
>inb4 decentralization

It's not meant to compete with them. iExec aims to capture two markets:

1. Those who don't need dedicated, subscription based cloud computing services, but still require computational power for one-off projects. Graphic artists that need something rendered, anyone building a neural net that needs training, etc.
2. Those who are building blockchain applications that need some computationally heavy functionality in their app that would be too slow or to costly to execute directly on chain.

Number two is likely where they are going to derive most of their value from imo.

This guy gets it.

Market 1, I think isn't going be very big, but I agree they'll do well here.

Market 2, why wouldn't companies/apps just subscribe to other more established providers? What's RLC's competitive advantage, I guess is my question?

You can access iExec services directly from your ethereum smart contracts via RLC. This is not possible with Amazon, Google, etc.

you can't have decentralized app with centralized computing power

thanks mate, I guess if crypto as a whole market does succeed, RLC would too. how much you holding relative to your portfolio?

Thank you for the iExec goldjack my guy
if you made them, that is.
RLC needs more memes, but at the same time, it doesn't.

I could've had 20k+ if i sold the last moon mission, but I truly believe in this shit.

>he's afraid of success

This is the idea.

>completely decentralized app! fully trustless!
>powered by Amazon

doesn't quite sit

yes but that's not why i don't trust yellow jak

look at his suspicious squint

i can't trust that

Why does this project need a token though? For staking?

for renting out your fucking computer for doing computations for shit, trustlessly?

Cloud computing on a blockchain sounds very slow and inefficient, this is going to zero

The computations aren't done on the blockchain

How do the results come back to the blockchain though

Through iExec's smart contract interface

these cloud computing coins will have special partners for efficient computing AFAIK

Hmm...the team does seem stacked, already have a working product too...

>being this retarded
>hasn't seen their blender render demo
holy shit just give all of your money away to a homeless man it'll get more use you dumb faggot

You're right, I was wrong about this project, it has amazing potential.


You already know the answer senpai