Pic related is one of the worst excuses for a "BBQ" sandwich I've ever had.
What was up with the hype around it way back when they brought it back on the menu for awhile? Was it just viral marketing?
Pic related is one of the worst excuses for a "BBQ" sandwich I've ever had
>Was it just viral marketing?
I think so, seeing as they didn't keep selling it. I ate one and was violently ill the next day.
Americans are the biggest keks in the multiverse. Rest of the world offers the McRib all year and noone cares, amerifats get their seasonal jewish tricks and they go apeshit so hard it becomes an actual simpsons episode.
Fantastic post. Screencapped for future enjoyment.
There is absolutely no difference between this and any other shitty "BBQ rib" sandwich you can microwave at a gas station. Fuck that food item in general.
>Mcrib in "limited" supply
>Hungry Man has an infinite number of rib meats dinners in the frozen food aisle
What is the meaning of this?
Australian here and we've only ever had it released once. Hasn't been back since.
buy low, sell high
It's sold by its legendary status, not because it's a particularly good sandwich. McDonald's sees a surge in sales all around when it brings the McRib back onto the menu for a few weeks. The fact that it made it to a Simpsons episode shows how legendary it has become which is a testament to its cult status. McDonald's knows how to play that.
I think it was last year or the year before that..
My friend went for a late night Mcdonalds run.
He got two McRibs.
He went to eat them...And they had no bottom bun. lul
Because it's fucking shit
It's only on sale when the meat is at a certain price
The McGriddle and the McRib are both terrible.
It's a clear ploy to create demand from scarcity you fool.
There's a part of the multiverse where the US has a federation that controls the entire world. They've already colonized mars after over 10,000 dead from bone loss, brain damage and loss of vision on landing.
Or not whatever more double cheeseburgers!
is it true they're made out of ground hog nipples?
>What was up with the hype
It is completely uncontroversial human psychology that things that might disappear or are uncertain become more attractive to people.
McDonalds builds their McRib campaign on this - sure it might not be better than other rib burgers but the fucking MCRIB IS BACK THIS WEEK ONLY GO GET ONE NOW WOOOOOO
Wait what?
It's been explained before that McDonald's only offers the McRib in the US when pork prices drop below a certain level.
There's no master marketing strategy.
BTW, I find them revolting. Flabby pork by-product dipped in a cloyingly sweet sauce that might as well be maple syrup mixed with ketchup. Yuk.
For me, it's the McPork, the best fast food sadnwich.
Americans love buying shit they're told to. That's really all there is to it. Our culture revolves around getting excited about buying shit. Also reality TV singing contests in which people cry a lot.
I finally tried one of these about a year ago, just to see if there was some magic I was missing, if it's really just a nice, trashy comfort food. Nope. It's awful. Bland, wet, spongy.
It disappears just long enough for certain types of people to forget how terrible it is.
With or without official armed forces we would still beat you in a war.
And then force feed you liquidized mcribs.