Is this the best beer?

is this the best beer?
if not, why are you wrong?

>best beer

It's the go to beer when I wanna get drunk fast. Also pretty fucking cheap to boot.

It's fucking awful, but gets me drunk quick. It also tastes better than Icehouse Edge, which while it does get me drunk quick, is fucking horrible to drink.

yup yup, 6.40 for two 4 pack 16oz
and smooth as a preteen cunt, remember it tasting like ass but is delicious now for some reason.

maybe i got a good brewery near me down in florida.

I remember it tasting like rubbing alcohol but not so much anymore. Agreed with the smoothness as well.

because of my upbringing i tend to only drink budweiser, but i feel that steel reserve tastes much better.

rubbing alcohol is definitely how it used to taste, but its much better now.


Pretty sure it's cuz they lowered the alcohol content sometime in the last few years.

its 8.3% right now according to this can.
i doubt thats the only reason. changing ONLY the alcohol percentage between 15% and 8% wouldnt be that much of a taste change

Maybe they changed up some of their ingredients? I didn't mind the rubbing alcohol taste though. It just made me chug it faster.


l.o.l. at the people talking about the 'smoothness' and the taste. shut the fuck up it's terrible and taste like farts infused with carbonated water.

getting blasted is the only reason to drink it. and yes, I drink it occasionally.

It's the best if you're extremely poor and just want to get drunk as fuck.

Otherwise it tastes absolutely nasty.

only garbage people drink malt liquor

>b-but, but m-muh price tag!
nope. it's the drink of choice for human trash cans such as:
-the homeless
-sex offenders
-30+ year old men who still live with their parents
-adults who grew up in an abusive home as children

the walmarts in my area (normally no strangers to cockroaches) had it so fucking bad they had to take malt liquor singles and Rich n Rare off the shelves to make it stop

just fucking kill yourself, you'll do it in 10 years anyway and I could use the extra $25 my taxes end up paying for your welfare checks

i have more respect for people who park on their lawns and leave boxes of Heineken/broken home appliances strewn on the sides of their houses than you, you miserable sack of failed manhood

LOL at the snobs who only drink flavorful "beer". Go back to your bitchbeer and leave us men alone. Maybe your mom will get you Zima later on if you're nice.

>I'm better than everyone, especially the homeless

you know, there's a strong link between narcissism and drug addicts. you have something you want to get off your chest man? how much coke are you doing weekly?

>-sex offenders

>"I'm better than everyone, especially the homeless"
not even what I said? but yeah, I *am* better than the homeless.

>"how much coke are you doing weekly?"
i don't even know where to begin to find illegal narcotics. now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go drink some Deschutes™ Fresh Squeezed IPA. in real beer, the hops don't taste like fucking self-loathing

LOL at the guy dogging people who enjoy flavor. Go back to your mindless mass-produced swill and leave those of us with taste alone. Maybe your mom will spend 7 bucks and get you 12 bottles of slightly alcoholic seltzer water if you're nice.

You gotta be 18 to post, bud. No real man drinks smirnoff ice or Zima. Come back when your balls drop.

see, I know you're half-trolling, but you are a fucking problem. I drink all kinds of craft beers somewhat regularly, and talk about them when asked, but you are the stereotypical cunt that everyone hates and everyone talks about behind their back. anyway I'm out. enjoy being a *fancy* alcoholic.

Wrong. I know a person from each of the categories you listed and not one of them drinks Steel Reserve. Try again, Sir Fagfuck.

>yeah, I *am* better than the homeless.

No. You're better than the homeless at having a home. The homeless are better than you at living without a home.

Any other mindlessly infantile assertions you want to make, scumbag?

Better question, how much will OP cry when Trump wins? Suicide watch?

Hurricanes better same specs pretty much but better taste and hangover isnt as nasty

>implying i shouldnt already be on suicide watch.
i believe in a magic library as a heaven where i can create anything i want to, why should i keep living here where the things i think of just mark me as insane?

The taste reminds me of flintstones vitamins, it's not great.
I drink it all the time.

I prefer the taste of this piss to any other

>limp wristed leftist drinks bitch beer
Can't say I'm surprised 2bh

did you make this pic lol

lmao this rules

the iced one is the best at 5.9%. It is like drinking water.

Fuck that shit. Taste awful, gives me bad hangovers and does not even get me drunk. Just chug vodka if you want to get drunk.

>"see, I know you're half-trolling"
full-trolling, actually

>"but you are a fucking problem"
Worse than the regular at my store who fucked his friend's kid back in the 90s?

>"enjoy being a *fancy* alcoholic."
I'm not an alcoholic. Why do you assume everyone else is as fucking miserable as you are?

Haha, so you *are* human trash. Or a trash sympathizer. I seem to be doing a better job at getting under your skin than you are at mine.

>"Any other mindlessly infantile assertions you want to make, scumbag?"
"No, see, me and my drug dealer and shoplifting friends, *we're* just victims of society, and law-abiding citizens and non-enablers are the *real* scumbags."
You want to tell me to check my privilege too, bud?

>"I know a person from each of the categories you listed and not one of them drinks Steel Reserve."
I said "malt liquor" not "Steel Reserve" specifically. God you people are fucking bad at reading.

What do they drink? Mickey's? Bottom shelf vodka? Let me check my schedule, I'm sure you can argue semantics with me for the next few years.

its a massive difference, palate-wise

Milwaukees best ice now comes in a 6.9% variety

And I'll drink any beer, malt liquor can always be diluted with orange juice to make it taste great

i havent had the opportunity to teaste 15% to 8% beer with the only difference being the alcohol, so i fairly state that i havent really had the opportunity to say that its that much of a change or nothing of a change, i just know steel reserve tastes better than it used to.