Ok, here we go again. 15 minutes

Ok, here we go again. 15 minutes.

Best pharmaceutical to intentionally overdose and kill myself with? Must be easy to source.

where do i get pharma testosterone enanathe and trenbolone?

Prove you're not a larp. Also whats the most realistic way use blockchain technology in pharmaceuticals.

your threads are fucking boring nigger and your insight is just more useless speculation

What you need is a good anti-depressant. Life is worth living.

Real question though: what's the scoop on OriginTrail and Devery? Are people in pharma eyeing them at all?

Did going 12 trammadols a day for 1.5 years...make me a sociopath?

From someone with veins buldging from their shoulders. Really though find a good endo or a doctor who specializes in life extension or longevity medicine. That the only way you can know that you're not injecting Mexican piss.

>Veeky Forums - Business & Finance

No one in pharma is eyeing anything other than Ambrosus. OriginTrail is more likely to end up doing retail logistics.

Probably not.

So ask me an interesting question and make it interesting.

No. IMO quality control during the chemical production and manufacturing
process, and anti counterfeiting for drugs in second world counties like India and China

Can you give an estimation of how much money Ambrosus could save pharma companies? I'm pretty invested in it and it seems you like it as a supply chain solution.

thanks brah

sup bro how many AMB to make it

And un-fucking imaginable amount. Like I've said before AMB is my largest holding by a significant amount.

Also it will literally save tens of thousands of lives per year by ensuring people get real drugs and that people don't get contaminated drugs.


AMB should get to at least VENs ATH market cap, so do the math. I would imagine it will be much larger eventually.

Anything over the counter, or black market, supplement/chemical that is better for a particular ailment than some pharma shit?

Not a Jew.

Why doesn't the pharma industry with its billions simply make an AMB if that project fails. Always lost as to why any industry is waiting on anything

What ailment?

Why doesn't industry A simply create innovative technology B before the innovators themselves.

See the problem there? It's a new and unproven tech. We are all early adopters so we know blockchain is the future.

Any ailment. Something surprising and helpful that most people wouldn’t think of

Any insight into how the project is developing? Obviously a promising team, but a roadmap is more a wishlist than an outline.

what esle are you holding? can chainlink help the pharma industry?

2 Motrin (400mg) and 2 tylenol (1000mg) will have the same anelgesic effect and most mid level opioids. Never ever take opioids unless you have to.

Any oracle that could talk to legacy systems or instrumentation would be valuable.

AMB ICX BTC ETH WTC... Will buy VEN back at $2, also thinking about SKY.

They are on track and ahead of schedule. That team is not fucking around they are the real deal. I have no doubts they will hit their milestones at or before their timeline.

That’s pretty common knowledge. What about something like “a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with mango will give you a boner” or “take 5,000 mg of this obscure amino acid and you’ll reverse aging,” etc.

is that boner cocktail legit?

No. it was an example. But I know that if you take like 5k mg of L-Arginine a day, you'll start getting teenager-like boners like it's nothing within 3 weeks to a month. Increases Nitric oxide which drastically improves blood flow, and supposedly increases Human Growth Hormone naturally. No negative sides whatsoever.

5g leucine in water, half during and half after strength training will drastically increase recovery and muscle growth.

5g glycine in water before bed will help you sleep like a baby.

1g tryptophan before before will help you sleep and improve you mood.

Sprinkling mustard powder (contains myrosinase) on broccoli increases the production of sulphurophane which is powerful phase 2 enzyme inducer and has anti cancer effects.

Aspirin taken a few times per week is the most powerful cancer preventative we know of.

Already in all these coins heavy. Advice on crippling anxiety and panic attacks? Been 5-6 years, I've quit drinking and work out take Xanax when I need it and just got put on Buspar 2 weeks ago. Any highly recommended meds besides the ol' work out and eat better

Sounds awesome. Will try these out. Thanks user!

I'm not sure psychiatrist but just be patient while the buspsar kicks in. Also make sure your med management is done by psychiatrist not a gp. Don't be afraid of SSRIs, low dose Lexapro works well. Be patient, treatment works, you just have to find the right combon of meds and therapy.

Don't underestimate the power of regular meditation. If you have real anxiety, 20 minutes of meditation or breathing exercises are just as important as meds.

Is the block chain on the cloud?

I'm out niggers. Eat your vegetables.

I want to gain weight, and no matter what I do or eat, I always remain the same exact weight. I loose nothing when fasting for 30 days (ramadhan) and gain nothing when eating 6 small meals a day (2 hrs between each meal) + training.

Please help me user.

just count your calories for what you'r eating and if you dont gain anything increase them for the next week. keep increasing until you find a # that works

Just wanted to tell you to kill yourself you drug pushing piece of shit. Have a nice day.

rent your body as a perpetual motion machine for 1 billion bitcoins

or, get treatment for delusional thinking

i know the solution

but your muslim shitskin so fuck you

Awesome, though I don't know whether some of these are cheap enough and readily available for the common person.
I have heard wonders about ascorbic acid if taken in high enough doses (6-8 grams/day). Apparently humans have a genetic defect that prevents us from producing it ourselves.

I tried that for something unrelated and it was fucking terrifying. Woke up in the night with my dick looming over me like an axe murderer and hearing my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

pharmaceutical testosterone isn't worth the risk, as it is highly faked. source a proper lab instead.

trenbolone hasn't been pharmaceutical since Negma Laboratories discontinued their parabolin(trenbolone hexahydrobenzoylcarbonate).

Agree with everything you say.
Except VEN is over hyped.
Sky is a top 5 contender. If you have spare money, Sky is where to put it.

in extention to this:
5-htp at a lower dose(3-600mg) will do the same as 1g tryptophan, except it's cheaper(from where I am, at least)

Godly 7's confirm.

Any other hacks?

Also pharma grade Testosterone like the one sold by Bayer is thick as fuck and you need a fucking veterinarian needle to get that stuff in. Stings like a bitch too.

Pharmafag is wrong. There are some decent UGL if you know where to look. DYOR

track what you're eating to find out exactly how much you're getting, but you pretty much answered it yourself.
>small meals

Rich Piana wasn't lying when he said you have to eat big to get big. 8000kcal won't do you any good, but 3500-4000 won't be too much of an overkill, unless you're a 60kg skele. follow the IIFYM principle without being a retard(replacing oats and milk with icecream etc)

>also Bayer ---
just put the syringe in warm water before pinning to lower viscocity a little. Makes it easier to jab and reduces the risk of the compound crashing inside your muscle to avoid pip. Intramuscular compound crashes are rare on long esters, but better safe than sorry right?

There are plenty decent UGL's out there, but being baited into a vial of filtered deep fryer oil isn't hard either.

anything in particular you're looking for?
my "hacks" are pretty much enhanced perfomance in the gym and improving sleep quality.
I also have a few for productivity when it comes to work, but it's not too much of a hack, unless modafinil/armodafinil can be considered as such.