What went so right?
What went so right?
I like the Zinger Stackers, the wicked wings and the chips if they're heavily seasoned.
The chicken almost always gives me a stomach ache followed by diarrhea.
Me too.
I find hot and spicy to be better cooked/more tolerable apart from the spicy shits the next morning.
Asians love KFC. They've done brilliant at establishing themselves there.
In the US, they're actually in decline due to "healthy" alternatives and meme fast food chains.
KFC don`t serve gravy in Japan. Fucking sucks. Cartman makes it sound so delicious but I will never get to try :(
Advertising, I guess. Only frequented it once.
The crispy skin. It's easily the best part. Also the tail is a really good bit.
Cartman was right, it is pretty good.
actual bone-in kfc chicken is so gross. there's this layer of gristle between the skin and the meat that makes me want to puke. I'm never eating there again.
popeyes is the best fast food chicken available to me in boston. I love it so
i love the crazy gimmicks kfc does every few months
right now in australia the double down is back and it's fucking amazing
I am 12 and what is this
Literally nobody actually likes this place compared to every small and large chain.
MBA fucks ran it it down while the colonel was alive and they ran it down into the ground so that Popeyes and everyone else could fill the void
The Hawaiian zinger Double does look good.
Hot and Spicy is infinitely better. It's not dripping in grease, has crispness and the portions of chicken, particularly breast pieces, are way larger.
Unfortunately I live in Melbourne so Hot N Spicy isn't a regular fixture on the menu and is only released once a year.
>hot and spicy
Isn't that just original recipe pieces coated in the wicked wings batter? I don't know why it isn't permanent, it can't be that hard to make.
Has the best potato wedges a fast food place can offer
Original or Crispy?
The dude was a complete bad ass. Got kicked out of the army for fighting. Became a lawyer. Got disbarred for beating up his client in court. Owned a gas station. Got into a shoot out with the gas station across the street with a shell company employee ending up dead. Owned a hotel. Made KFC. Became rich.
I've literally never enjoyed a meal at KFC.
I hope you are behind seven proxies
shit is tasty and the gravy is sooooo good
fake because original 11 included MSG (though it was called something like "enhancer" or "accent")
The local KFC where I live shut down and was replaced by an Arby's. The chicken was always way too greasy, and the employees were pure garbage human beings. Only reason I went there is because it was also a Long John Silvers.
Make your own brown gravy at home.
It only takes a few minutes.
Use plenty of butter/rendered fat if you like it extra bad for you.
Yum Brands literally employees special managers that take over failing stores, usually firing the whole staff because they're too incompetent to be retrained. This is always a result of poor management that it gets to this point.
I know a woman who does this.
She's really good at what she does and saves a lot of stores from closure.
that is some serious edge be careful
The Double burger honestly
>tfw 9 original recipe for $10
>tfw yelling at the teen behind the counter for more big bits instead of the tiny ones
>Pineapple with Chicken
No thanks, I can stand it on a barbecue chicken pizza but even then I much prefer no pineapple
I remember once reading a post on Veeky Forums about that.
The KFC in NSW and VIC is owned by a different company than the rest of the country and for whatever reason they choose not to serve it all the time.
>Buy the streetwise feast
>3 of the 6 pieces of chicken are the tiny little wings pieces that I hate
Nobody's said the Nashville Hot Chicken? Breading and moisture of Chick-Fil-A, with a slight sweet and spicy kick.
>easily the best outside of Popeye's spicy.
not so streetwise after all
That shit is fucking fantastic, and it's the only reason I'll even eat fast food at all these days... That, and the fact that the Jamaican manager of one of the KFCs in town is a total bro and throws me an extra piece or two even though I only go there every few months. (Used to work with him in a Jamaican restaurant in town years ago.)
>other KFC in town is run by Indians which makes no sense and they're total assholes
>they let other indians walk through their drive-thru so if you go there you have to avoid running over like 30 curbshitters and wait a month for food while they keep serving foot traffic that came after you
>haven't been there in 4+ years but still see a dozen indian college students lined up on foot in their drive-thru any time I drive by that area
It's happened more than once. I'm convinced head office or store management has made it a standing order to be as stingy as possible with portions included in the streetwise feast.
Love thwse things
I don't know if all KFCs do this but when i get my tenders they're drenched in the sauce, its great.
Literally the only selling point my country has to compete against Mcdonalds and Jollibee.
Shit's so good, I call it sweetnsalty curry.
>tfw never got to try the double down
You think they would make one for me if I asked, even though it's not on the menu?
popeye's is better
Choose one
It's a meme you dip
>personal responsibility does not exist
KFC can be pretty hit and miss depending on who's managing the food but when it's good it's real fuckin' good. Best potato wedges in the game. Goddamn I want two piece breast meal right about now.
>tfw all the KFCS nearby are shutting down and Popeyes are replacing them
The grilled chicken was alright
ive been to kfc once but i remember the food being so bad i vomited after eating it.
is it still terrible like it was?
these are my absolute favorite, great taste and pretty filling, the basket is 5.49 here and they let you swap the cole slaw for a real side. plus they have a survey on the receipt to get a free go cup with a drink purchase on the next visit, and this lets you add a drink for a dollar, so that's an extra 2 tenders and wedges and a drink for an extra buck each time I go
>mfw KFC turns skinny Asians into fat blacks
Almost every gimmick by Asian subsidiaries and franchises.
You can get an 8-piece fried chicken at Safeway for $6
Too bad their chicken seasoning taste like ass
It's not great, but it's not bad. They have changed their recipe not long ago and it is much better.
Tendies and wings
Who's the guy second from the left?