ITT: Veeky Forums related things that trigger your autism.
ITT: Veeky Forums related things that trigger your autism
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boiling/simmering in cast iron
My what? Contrary to your beliefs, im fine. Iq 166
Yes, alcohol might trigger some
When people don't know how to hold their knives, or take painstakingly forever to cut something because they're so scared of cutting themselves.
friends that end up being so fucking picky and annoying that I'd rather not be friends with them anymore despite them being pretty alone besides me
I literally won't eat in public. I think it's disgusting and I hate when people try to make conversation with me mid bite. Like fuck you, don't expect me to talk with a mouth full of food.
what's wrong with that
I only don't like it if I'm the only one eating. Sometimes while on break at work I would be eating and another employee would sit across from me and start a conversation. It's hard to carry on a full conversation when you are the only one eating.
Americans who refuse to eat chicken tenders because they view them as "childish"
why are you posting this in every thread?
people who eat stuff in the grocery store before paying for it.
>Drinking beer from the bottle
Nothing wrong with that at all. At least, nothing wrong when you hold it from the neck of the bottle so your hand isn't warming your damn drink up.
>Hey D, can you cut the onions
half an hour later
>D, I really need the onions. What the fuck.
>I'm on it, user.
He has cut 1/4 of one onion.
>Give it here, ffs
Cut his onion and the remaining 3 in two minutes tops.
>I could totally do that, but my hands were wet
Sure, D. Sure.
>people cracking eggs on a corner
>Using pre minced garlic
>Using pre ground black pepper
>Having pineapple corers that sit in the back of the cabinets and now have a layer of grease on it
>Not knowing how to cut a tomato, instead smash the hell out of it with their blunt af knife when they press down
It's called shilling
He puts grease on his pineapple corer, if ya know what I mean
I think the guy is a disgruntled Tyson employee
fuck you i want chick fil a now
>I literally won't eat in public.
So you don't go to restaurants? How old are you?
>he doesn't have enameled le crueset pots and pans
but for real, i get triggered as fuck when a pastry is labeled as being made with butter but it's mostly corn oil
what the fuck
t. shill
I'm agreeing with you by saying he's shilling for Tyson
When people don't close packaging correctly.
pic related
23. I just don't like eating in public
food that's poorly made
and trendy hipster shit that people think is good but isn't.. kind of ties into my first trigger
i think you got the autism user
>Ordering some pizza with friends
>Oh can you make sure its mild, I don't like spicy food.
Man, fuck you. I mean, it's not as bad as the 23 year old who won't eat in public (nothing wrong with it, it's just incredibly weird). If you try any other method the bag will more than likely just open by itself and the stuff will get ruined. Clips are the way to go.
People that put up nasty recipes on food blogs and act like they've invented something amazing, when most people wouldn't even consider feeding it to their dogs. Experimenting is fine, all cooks do it, but don't make your disasters public, just mark them down as bad ideas in your black book, wipe the video, and move on to your next experiment.
Image very related.
Just put your own chilli or cayenne etc or make them pay for it
I don't think my not eating in public is autistic. I went through a anorexic phase and I guess I still have the habit of only eating in solitude
I think you just got successfully trolled, my dude.
No, it's a very autistic trait. I'm not necessarily judging you or making an assumption that it's inherently wrong. Eat how you want as long as you're taking care of yourself.
The main issue is that you haven't found a way to socially readjust yourself. Eating in public is not a necessity but it's convenient in some situations and is at the minimum a sign of a socially well-adjusted person (as long as you atent being a disgusting pig in public).
Chicken in cheese dishes like pizza, Caesar salad or Alfredo pasta. It just doesn't go.
Eating food with your fingers that gets dipped in some kind of condiment/sauce before you put it in your mouth. I get it for fries and some Asian dishes, but when it starts extending to shit like pizza dipped and ranch dressing or bread in olive oil or any random deep fried food in a sweet/creamy sauce it's way too much for me.
Drinking soda or milk with meals.
Sliced turkey as a deli meat for sandwiches. It's just not good.
Recipes that call for convenience food as ingredients, such as boxed mixes, canned soup or breakfast cereal.
Frozen heat and eat meals.
Stuff marketed as snack food. How fat are you that you have to keep snacks around? Shitty little cakes and artificially flavored chips are a non starter for me.
Cheap cheese piled onto dishes that don't really need any cheese at all, or just used excessively. In any situation a smaller amount of better quality cheese would be preferable.
Canned sweet corn served as a vegetable side dish.
Bottled salad dressings. There's no reason for these to exist when a vinaigrette takes a minute to make.
Boxed breakfast cereal served in a bowl with cold milk. I can't imagine why anyone eats that.
Meals that are just a mishmash of random dishes without any thematic continuity.
You are most certainly on the spectrum
i was with you on many of your points, but
>Boxed breakfast cereal served in a bowl with cold milk. I can't imagine why anyone eats that.
Not diagnosed, but always suspected.
I know it's popular, but I never fucking understood it. I just never think, "Oh man, I could really go for some sweetened grain flakes soaking in cold milk." Especially first thing in the morning. Yuck.
Yeah, you're autistic, dude. It's like complaining about people eating soup with a spoon or using a fork and knife for a steak.
The concept is fine, your perception of it is jank.
well, you didn't say anything about that. one of the things that trigger my autism is eating anything sweet as a meal. dessert, okay sure. but not as the main/ only thing
Literally this. Bless you user.
wow kys thrillist
My biggest trigger these days is those fucking tasty videos that idiots post on Facebook.
Not only are they shitty recipe, it has been well documented that they steal their content from others.
>cracking eggs on the counter
All of your other things are valid, but why this one
This. All these annoyingly filmed Facebook recipes are fucking junk food garbage.
>thinking all cereals are sweet
You definely have autism. Do you think Grape nuts and Total are sweet?
>your perception of it is jank.
I suppose. My thing is that some things become popular for what seem to me entirely wrong reasons. I'll give you a few examples:
Drinking milk with meals. People didn't start doing this because they thought it was good. It was encouraged by the US government, and to this day milk production is subsidized and the prices set by the government. Back in the day drinking milk was even portrayed as patriotic. That's why it's such a thing in America and really nowhere else. Same goes for using large amounts of cheap cheese - the government has to do something to encourage consumption of all the surplus dairy. But as far as food goes this doesn't result in anything good.
Another one would be the popularity of chicken breast everywhere and turkey lunchmeat. This is another example of stuff that isn't popular because it's good, because really it's just OK. But people think it's a healthier alternative to whatever else they could be eating, and that's why it's popular.
Soda only became a popular drink because Prohibition took beer away for most people. And the stuff was pretty clearly aimed at teenagers. That adults drink it everyday seems absurd.
Basically if something becomes popular for reasons other than its inherent goodness it's going to bother me that people can't see through that.
>Grape nuts and Total
I look at boxes of that stuff and think, "Wow, that's food from Midwest quack sanatoriums a century ago - the kind of places that claimed they could cure whatever was wrong with you by making you give up coffee and meat - I can't believe people still eat that."
You have a valid point, but a society's perception of food will change regardless of who it is that pushes it in that direction.
That being said, just because something has become common or the norm does not always make it bad even if companies have a hand in it
>just because something has become common or the norm does not always make it bad even if companies have a hand in it
A lot of really popular shit isn't bad. It's something worse. It's mediocre, which is more insidious. Mediocre food becomes the baseline for many people. What's for breakfast? Oh, I'll have cereal. What's for lunch? I'll have a turkey sandwich. What's for dinner? Shit, I'm too busy to cook. Let's heat up a frozen pizza, open a bag of salad and break out the ranch dressing. And wash it down with soda.
That's a pretty seriously degraded day of eating, and it comes from not paying attention to just how mediocre (at best) the default choices around you have become. If that's how you want to live that's fine. But I can't handle that.
Having more than one kind of meat in a dish. I'm not a vegetarian but people who eat meat every meal trigger me. You don't fucking need that much.
Lettuce as filler for any kind of hot sandwich. Who the fuck thought soggy leaves would make anything better in the first place ?
People who don't like cheese but that's because I'm addicted.
Noisy eaters.
Sweet stuff on pizza.
Industrial cheese.
My roommate who buys prepackaged meals for one when I don't feel like cooking.
You're treading bad waters here, user. A lot of that food is not MEDIOCRE as much as it is SIMPLE. Cereal is normally eaten with cold milk in a bowl. You can't jazz that up any other way outside of throwing sliced fruit in it, and that's with plain cereals. You also can't get cereal any other way outside of making it yourself and the process to do so far outweighs the final product.
Not everyone can whip up a fucking 20-minute meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes a ham and cheese sandwich is good enough. No need to be a fucking food critic about cereal, dude.
Cutting fat off from steak, whatever. I did it myself in my teens and later, didn't realize it was where most of the flavor was.
>You don't need that much meat
You don't NEED to post your shit opinion on Veeky Forums either.
>people who aren't you not having the same tastes as you do
Turkey and cereal aren't bad for you and some people genuinely like them. Actually, the worst thing you've mentioned is soda for dindin, and I'm pretty sure most adults don't do that.
You seem to give more importance to the perception you have of food than its actual taste or nutritional value.
I may be wrong though because I'm an Eurofag and we have slightly higher standards for food (not judging, we just have less lobbying from big food)
Enjoy your digestive cancer and/or heart attack, whichever kills you first.
Enjoy being a pansy-ass faggot and dying from AIDS from all that nigger dick you suck, cuckboy.
I do enjoy it, user. Anything else ?
Does that include things like bacon-wrapped hot dogs and BBQ meats?
Pork on pork is fine, but I like beef too much to taint its taste with another kind of meat. I want to be able to enjoy them separately.
People who don't understand cooking
People who think ready meals and fast food are 'treats'
People who say ' I'm a meat and potato guy'
Vegans who are arrogant
People who 'superfood, rawfood, ginger cured my cancer :DDDDDDD'
Fat people
People who force you to eat their bad cooking
People who force you to drink alcohol with the meal
People who force you to not drink alcohol with the meal
People who give their kids food from the kid menu
Instagram 'foodies'
Blog 'foodies'
Your mom's cooking
>I'm an Eurofag and we have slightly higher standards for food
I've hung in Europe a bunch, and you're right. A lot of the things that tweak my autism are the combination of low American standards for food and my countrymen not giving a shit as long as it's cheap and convenient. So I actually have to put effort in to avoid it, because really low quality mediocre food is the norm here.
>A lot of that food is not MEDIOCRE as much as it is SIMPLE
Simple is often good. Like oatmeal. That's great if you want grains for breakfast. But mystery dry grain flakes from a box soaked in cold milk? That's not simple. That's some crazily processed shit that isn't any kind of pleasure to eat. It's just convenient. And people settle for it because they're convinced they're too busy to do better. I'm not convinced at all. It isn't that hard to do better than mediocre defaults.
>People who say ' I'm a meat and potato guy'
meat and potatoes are really fucking good though
I fucking hate Americans
No doubt, but he's talking about people who define themselves as meat and potatoes guys, which is how a grown man says, "I don't eat vegetables" while hoping not to come off sounding like a fussy child. Usually it's a lower class man who thinks eating vegetable matter will make him gay, or at the very least in unmanly.
They're pretty popular.
I guess a lot of people cant cook for shit.
my mum does that so here cooking dry as fuck because its she healthy and then just eats a shit load a sweets the day after.
What the fuck is wrong with parents ordering things from the kids menu to kids? Most of the time it's just smaller portions that cost less. I don't see the problem.
Usually the stuff on the kids' menu is garbage. You don't want to teach your kid that going out to eat means eating garbage, unless you happen to be a garbage eater yourself.
I was going to call you an autist, but i actually agree that cereal is disgusting early morning.
That's not what the saying means at all.
You'd rather pay for something more expensive that they're not going to finish?
it seems really easy to fuck up and end up with egg on the floor
places with kid's menus are garbage
so if you're going to a place with a kid's menu you're teaching your kid that going out means eating garbage, regardless
It says corner, not counter.
what does it mean
people who say
>tomato is a fruit
and think they're smart
I swear some people do this every time they go just to draw attention or something. Like "oh of course I am going to eventually pay for this, look at what an obviously respectable person I am hehe"
Do you know what it feels like to "put yourself in another persons shoes" and imagine how they feel, based on who they are, what they've gone through and what they're experiencing at the moment?
>Getting triggered over people with a life threatening illness
unless you mean people pretending because gluten free is some sorta trend now, kys my guy
every time someone rages about americans
It's a berry.
Sure it is. My grandfather was a meat and potatoes guy. Some of it was the fact that he came out of the Depression able to afford meat, and that was a show of status. But a big part of it back then if you didn't live on a farm and can your own you were at the mercy of whatever was in season where you lived.Which might not be in very good shape by the time it got to you. The other option was commercially canned stuff which wasn't that good. It was pretty easy to say fuck that shit. But times have changed since then. If you have access to fresh food there's no reason to be like that.
I'd rather take kids out to places where you order dishes for the table and pass them around so everyone learns to try a little of everything. Taking kids to shitty or high end places in nuts.
Only if you're taking your kids out to eat at a place with a kids' menu. First question: Why take your kids out to eat at bad places unless that's your only option? Second question: If your kids aren't yet old enough to enjoy dining out (which is a chore for young ones) why not just hire a sitter?
I don't have to put myself in another person's shoes. I grew up not all that far from the shit that tweaks my autism. I ate that shit as a kid, the grew up to realize that wasn't the only option. And realized I could be trim instead of obese if I just seemed eating more reasonably, which seemed radical to most of my peers.
I'm telling you the default middle class choices are so shit in terms of food that I'm astounded so few call bullshit on them. I don't want to wear no complacent shoes. Not when it comes to what I eat, if I can help it.
This person is a monster.
Jesus user you have blown my mind 10/10
I could never articulate how I felt about this shit, it's a mixture of low standards in food and in culture. The latter is my biggest gripe with all of humanity and the average American diet is a huge measure of that. Really made me think.
You can always take it to go if they don't finish, although...
too. I don't go to places that have 'kids menus' (outside of very rare occasions) because I don't want to dine/eat the food at a place that serves kids/has a kids menu. I don't have kids, so I have almost no reason to go to a family friendly restaurant.
Really the only places I go to regularly that I wouldn't be surprised to see kids are a few Mexican and a really good Indian joints. I can't think of any other of my favorite restaurants in the area that it'd be appropriate to bring kids. Most of them are full bar so it's kindof expected you'd be around 21 to want to enter anyways.
The only exception being for the [same] places that serve a brunch. I expect kids to be at brunch. I just also expect their parents to keep them on *good* behavior.
I think that's why he put it in between two apostrophe(?), my dude. To indicate the ones faking it.
I didn't mean in these instances you posted; I meant in general. As a basic internet diagnostic question as to wether or not you may, in fact, be on the spectrum irl.
I've spent some time time with actual autism & asperger syndrome diagnosed people. I don't just call people autistic on the Internet for entertainment.
One of the individuals I knew was very particular about food and his eating habits and became confrontational with others that simply had different preferences than him.
He, on the other hand, had no real justification for why his differences were 'better' than others'. He just didn't accept that it could be done differently, or why. Hence, my question.
After reading more of the thread, however, it sounds to me as though you've reasoned your "triggers", so I'm not exactly seeing so much of a connection to the aforementioned, actual, diagnosed individual...
>putting the pasta in the water before the water is boiling
>i'm an autistic manchild
i bet people really enjoy your company
Or use a fucking steak knife to dice a potato because they're afraid of a chef's knife. I have to watch my sister do this every year at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it drives me up the fucking wall.
People who don't completely whisk all the lumps out when mixing things.
leave america
but what if you need to leave lumps
Yeah I'm with you dude. My whole family loves simple, mediocre food they basically pick just out of convenience when it should take tops 30 minutes to whip up a nice hearty home made meal from scratch. Shit's depressing to look at sometimes.
Or reddit
i've been whisking for 10 minutes, the lumps that are still lumps aren't gonna succumb to whisking
>Chicken in cheese dishes like pizza, Caesar salad or Alfredo pasta. It just doesn't go.
>Eating food with your fingers that gets dipped in some kind of condiment/sauce before you put it in your mouth. I get it for fries and some Asian dishes, but when it starts extending to shit like pizza dipped and ranch dressing or bread in olive oil or any random deep fried food in a sweet/creamy sauce it's way too much for me.
Fair enough.
>Drinking soda or milk with meals.
>Sliced turkey as a deli meat for sandwiches. It's just not good.
>Recipes that call for convenience food as ingredients, such as boxed mixes, canned soup or breakfast cereal.
I agree, this is actually ridiculous.
>Frozen heat and eat meals.
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
>Stuff marketed as snack food. How fat are you that you have to keep snacks around? Shitty little cakes and artificially flavored chips are a non starter for me.
>Cheap cheese piled onto dishes that don't really need any cheese at all, or just used excessively. In any situation a smaller amount of better quality cheese would be preferable.
RIGHT. Cheap cheese just sucks. Don't bother if it isn't good.
>Canned sweet corn served as a vegetable side dish.
>Bottled salad dressings. There's no reason for these to exist when a vinaigrette takes a minute to make.
No strong feelings.
>Boxed breakfast cereal served in a bowl with cold milk. I can't imagine why anyone eats that.
>Meals that are just a mishmash of random dishes without any thematic continuity.
No strong feelings.
You got six opinions WRONG out of a possible eleven. See me after class, user. I know you can do better.