Does this stuff really work?

Does this stuff really work?

What does Veeky Forums use for focus and concentration?

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Cocaine works better.

wild ginseng
occasionally armodafinil



My dad is from Argentina and we drink a lot of mate. It's a pretty good caffeine pick me up that tends to give (me at least) less jitters. It's also a good diuretic. Outside of that though it's not going to make you fly.

One word of advice - don't buy overpriced hippy bullshit. You can buy the real stuff from the Argentina for cheap (and it's all organic/natural as that's just how they do shit). You also can get it in tea bags if you don't want to buy the gourd.

Cruz De Malta 1/2 Kilo Yerba Mate

Cruz de Malta Mate Cocido 2 x 50 Tea Bags


Thanks m8. It's like $16/bag on the grocery shelves in burgerland

No problem user. They over charge for it like crazy.

Are there any specific things to keep in mind when preparing it in a gourd? I would appreciate a quick rundown.

Cofee, nicotine, the sound of rain or a fire burning.

>smoking fags
Great work, user.

>says the cokehead

Mate is crazy awesome.

I was just trolling with that remark, but even then:

>How many people are actually killed by drugs?
>The number of drug deaths in the US in a typical year is as follows:

>Tobacco kills about 390,000.
>Alcohol kills about 80,000.
>Sidestream smoke from tobacco kills about 50,000.
>Cocaine kills about 2,200.
>Heroin kills about 2,000.
>Aspirin kills about 2,000.
>Marijuana kills 0. There has never been a recorded death due to marijuana at any time in US history.
>All illegal drugs combined kill about 4,500 people per year, or about one percent of the number killed by alcohol and tobacco. Tobacco kills more people each year than all of the people killed by all of the illegal drugs in the last century.

***Read that last statement once more:
>Tobacco kills more people each year than all of the people killed by all of the illegal drugs in the last century.


Coke is terrible for concentration. It's decent for motivation, but only as a reward, not an enhancer.

Put a bit less than the full gourd because mate expands when wet. It's best to get a whole kettle or a thermos to keep adding hot water. The water should not be boiling, but around 80 degrees. (Celsius)
There's also some other miniscule things that you can do to make it nicer or last longer but you don't really need to know them until you get into it.
Don't get discouraged by the bitterness in the beginning, you will yet used to it and it gets better after a couple of pours.

>>Marijuana kills 0. There has never been a recorded death due to marijuana at any time in US history.
Wrong, there have never been lethal overdoses of cannabis or psilocybin, but suicides which occur with concentrations of the drugs in their system are typically attributed to them. For instance, there was one kid who jumped out of a window after eating dispensary edibles in Colorado. It was pretty much undisputed that the weed had a part in it and the laws were amended so that edibles couldn't be extremely high dose.

What dose of modafinil do you guys use? I did 150mg modafinil yesterday and I felt nothing..


It's like a coffee that you can sip all day. Not much more.

The weed didn't force the kid to commit suicide. People can do all kinds of shit while on any drug or even perfectly sober.

If I decide to kill myself, but consume a massive amount of weed first, who's at fault? Myself, or the drug? How about of I act like a fucking retard and drive 100 mph while stoned out of my mind and I die? Did the weed kill me, or did my dumb as fuck decision-making process kill me?

Fucking degenerate

Here in germany, a lot of hipsters drink something called "Club Mate". I drink it too, cuz its better than coffee or energy drinks.

Hello, check out Wysker. It's your German responsibility

I don't even consume weed or any illegal drugs, those are just examples. Blaming weed for someone's suicide is what's actually degenerate.

Just start drinking tea. Yes, it's brilliant for you. Unbelievable nutrition. Stop drinking soda as much, soda is my vice, if it's not yours then that's even better.

Drink tea. I recommend Rooibos (no caffeine, jaw-dropping nutritional contents, nectar of God.), pu-erh, oolong, and then Yerba Mate of course. The other stuff is nowhere near as evidently nutritionally beneficial as those teas. You can drink them all in a gourd with a bombilla as such.

Concentrating on what? Staring at a bleeding portfolio does not demand concentration.

>ctrl+f "kratom"
>0 results
Plebs, plebs the lot of you.

Why don't you step in and enlighten us on kratom, user?

Don't mind if I do.

The effects of Kratom range from extreme relaxation, to better levels of concentration, to stimulation and calmness, all at the same time. It's perfectly legal and can be bought online very easily. It is grown all over south east Asia and comes in a variety of different strains. I personally suffer no side effects from it, but I've heard some people can go through withdrawal symptoms if they use it in abundance and suddenly stop. The effects are similar to opiates, but Kratom is not an opiate. Think of it as a mixture of caffeine and an opiate. If you're a euro, I'd recommend getting it from Enjoy.

Ima look into this, I usually just drink green.

How often do you use kratom? Do you ever have issues with tolerance? Do you mix strains? While on kratom, do you consume caffeine, or do you avoid it?



I buy mate for 10 bucks here in Brazil and sell it with a 450% profit margin to stupid burger hipsters.

All my gainz go to crypto and stocks because I'm a capitalist asshole.

Buy a ceramic gourd OP, it's easy to maintain although less original.

have you ever smoked a pipe user? That shit is relaxing as fuck.

Tearing the tobbaco leaves, packing the bowl... it's fucking therapy

>How often do you use kratom?
Most days, usually in the early afternoon. Effects kick in after about 10 minutes and last roughly 4 hours.
>Do you ever have issues with tolerance?
To be honest I haven't been using it long enough to comment. I haven't felt the need to increase the doses I take yet.
>Do you mix strains?
No. And I don't think there's any need to.
>While on kratom, do you consume caffeine, or do you avoid it?
I think consuming caffeine would be redundant honestly. It's the last thing I feel I need. It perks you up in a much more calming way. You know that feeling you get when you're extremely tired and drink a lot of strong coffee to compensate? That acidic, irritable feeling in your blood? You don't get that with kratom, you get more of a cleansing feeling about it. Hope this helps.

Honestly just use a high dose of caffeine+l-theanine instead. Similar effects without the crash and withdrawal. And l-theanine is completely legal everywhere and impossible to od on.

Yeah weed can unlock psychosis if a person is prone to it. Luckily I'm mentally stable as a rock on weed and never had problems with it, I had a friend though who I smoked with and after some 0.3 bonghits he said he could hear music and people singing just as if it was real.. I told him to immediately stop smoking.

I'm usually fine with 100mg.

Although if you have a solid sleeping schedule and work out, you don't really need it.
I use it when I'm sleep deprived and want to do stuff.
If you feel tired/can't concentrate under 150mg of modafinil, you have some serious motivational problems.

For a non-caffeine tolerant person, good starting ratio is
- 100:200
Caffeine:l-theanine in mg

If you're used to having a coffee a day bump it up to
- 200:400

If you want a noticeable boost go higher but keep the 1:2 ratio

try my stack.

Caffeine, ginko biloba, multi vitamins, creatine and L-cartinine.

Plenty of pushups, running and chin ups while exposed to the sun and you should be golden.

Simplicity is the key.

Thanks I'll look into it.

Auditory hallucinations and mental instability are totally different. If he enjoyed the singing, more power to him.

Yeah, helps a little.

I meant to ask if you rotated strains, not mixed. I heard it helps prevent tolerance.

Kratom is great. If you take enough you can definitely nod off like if you were taking opiates, but it does give you a nasty headache afterwards