Holy fuck i just made it

i have 700K coming to me at some point this year from a tort settlement. in the meantime i was running out of money and couldn't get a loan because of my pajeet-tier credit score. i've been searching indeed.com for jobs the past 2 months and mentally preparing myself to return to wagecucking. in a final moment of genius i unironically persuaded my mom to take out a 50K loan in her name and give it to me. now all i have to do is sit on my ass shitposting with you faggots for 3-to-6 months and i will be set for a solid decade easily because i live like a poorfag off about 40K per year in a cheap college town. i'll invest probably 20 percent of my windfall in a solid crypto portfolio. crypto will take off in the next few years and i'll just hold and be set for life. i literally just made it because my family cares about me and wants me to be happy. don't you wish your uppity bitch of a mom was as kind-hearted as mine?

>inb4 muh diary
this is riveting shit you fucking neet lushes

kys you basement faggot.

motor cycle user

Wow, you sound like the biggest loser on here.

Dear diary today I LARPed on Veeky Forums

Fuck off retard

the same. hope you are well user. looks i'll be picking up a nice stack of JNT on this dip for the long haul

i'll never kill myself. the future will be awesome and most major mental health issues will be curable in my lifetime.

>persuaded my mom to take out a 50K loan in her name and give it to me.
what the fuck user, why? to live on?

what the fuck does the first comment on this thread say you massive faggot

can't be cured if you're already dead faggot

yeah to live on. i don't have a salary, i make a percentage when a case i'm working on settles. sometimes you have long as fuck droughts with no income while everything is in litigation. scary as fuck desu

>live like a poorfag off about 40K per year
Poorfag is more like 10-20k a year.

Huh. so you're a lawyer but your mom is still loaning you 50k? What the fuck...this seems odd.

im happy for you op.

do you want me to be happy too?


according to Veeky Forums anything under 300K per year after taxes is poorfagdom

yeah it's fucked. contingency fees + massive debt from law school + cases not settling = recipe for disaster. most fags would just get a job with another firm but i'm autistic and couldn't really do that.

I'm autist, so I live like a pauper and entertain myself with Veeky Forums, vidya, weightlifting.

i'm basically the same user. except i somehow can chameleon among normies for brief spans of a few hours here and there. i'm also a good writer and debater but horrible public speaker.

>among normies for brief spans of a few hours
you are a norman...when I talk to a norman for 10 seconds I feel like jumping into a volcano

I'm happy for user. Your mother seems like a really nice lady. Remember to go all-in on XRP for maximum gainz.

it's a scale. i'm right in between normie and autist. lots of their strengths but some of their weaknesses too. pure normies think i'm weird. pure autists think i'm a normie.


not even looking at anything else this year

Mommy's going to be very disappointed.

>i live like a poorfag off about 40K per year

Hmm...if you don't mind, what are some attributes of normans and autists, I keep getting conflicting answers.

we're all going to make it lads!