Glengarry Glen Ross
Am i getting laid this night
Glengarry Glen Ross
Am i getting laid this night
probably not but at least you're getting a ban for posting an off-topic thread
What coin is this
*resets router*
nothing personal kid
You know that you can power cycle it, and not reset it right, retard?
you know it takes the same amount of time right
watch Pickpocket (Bresson 1959)
>Am i getting laid this night
Yes. You are getting laid THIS night, and TOMORROW night, and EVERY night.
Wall St
Wolf of Wall St
Catch me if you can
All Veeky Forums related.
She's pretty OP. Who is this?
Let's see.... number 1 is easy. Cool Runnings. Number 2 is Irreversible, which isn't far at all behind Number 3. Hellboy.
Clockwork Orange
Clockwork Orange
Clockwork Orange
alexis ren
she fucked up her face with botox and a boob job :-(
Underground( great movie by Kusturica)
There will be blood
Fight club
Sibos stream
Bitcoin conference stream
Interview with Sergey Nazarov
>There will be blood
Best movie.
>the big short
>3 idiots
Jesus fuck i am unironically not a pajeet
How'd she fuck up her face with a boob job?
i heart huckabees
she wolves of the wasteland
freddy got fingered
man after my own heart
Lord of the rings
A serbian film
>muh ancestor
its not too bad, if you see on her youtube channel. Could be worse, but its still noticeable. Still gorgeous though and she has a great voice.
Top 3:
Requiem for a Dream
Good finance movies:
The Big Short
Wall Street
Margin Call
holy fuck dude
she was literally my dream girl and now her face is fucked
Tie Xi Qu
no need to fear shame of your own people sir
Coffee is for closers faggot
The last three movies I watched were all bretty gud:
White cat, Black cat
>wolf of wall street
DiCpario is a good actor but that movie was trash, only 14 year olds who don't know what a good movie is like it
The movie where you are the main character and become rich by going all-in on XRP.
>American Psycho
Shit taste everybody.
Barry Lyndon
The Decameron
Come and See
>White cat, Black cat
Holy shit great taste user
This a thread?