November 1st - January 2nd
Add 5%-75% more on your tip for the holiday season.

Waiters and waitresses only make $2.00/hr on average but a lot of them are single parents so do your part to make this the best holiday season they can have by simply tipping more.

I live in california so waiters already make more than minimum wage

I'd rather pay 1-3 dollars more for everything and have all the shitty restaurants go under

fucking $2 per hour?? what the fucking hell America. The minimum wage for 21 year olds and older is $18.23 per hour here in Western Australia. And to think you call yourself a first world country.

Minnesota here, same deal. Waitstaff can make loads of money on weekends.
Technically if you don't make minimum wage from your $2.13 + tips, your employer is supposed to pay you the difference. Take a guess at how often they actually do that.

>Take a guess at how often they actually do that.
Who cares

If you need your minimum wage given by the employer your already a bad server anyway and they will fire you

>thinking that these things translate directly.

m8 are all australians this retarded? Also,
this. Although most places will fire you if you're not good enough a server to make more than minimum through tips lel

I'm just gonna avoid restaurants.

Nice bait

Its a family tradition of ours to go to Zaxbys on Thanksgiving and Ruby Tuesdays on Christmas Eve and Carraba's on Christmas Day!

Or you could not live in a country where restaurants expect you to not only pay for your meal but also pay their staff. A tip is a courtesy for good service, not an obligation.

Also b8

>college student
>living with your parents
Those are literally the only two reasons to have a minimum wage, low skilled job. Seriously. Get an education, join the military, or for fucks sake work construction or something and stop crying about how little you make.

Not everyone is that lucky

How about instead I order something cheap and donate both the extra cash I would have blown on a meal and the extra tip you would have got to charity?

Nice try faggot
>Yes I know this is B8
For those people that actually believe waiters make 2-4 bucks an our are dumb. those waiters are full of shit.
They make anywhere from 3-500 dollars in tips a week.
>work a job
>get 3.50 an hour.
>stay there.

I hope you're planning on tipping the tired looking middle aged people at fast food restaurants. They're the real people hurting for the dosh. Oh no? You just wanted to tip more to the people who can easily make 20 an hour? Whatever helps you sleep at night.

thats still like $14.00 usd faggot.

anyone can do construction.
I've sen a lot of retards in my line of work.
Half of us are felons and the other half are nuts.

had a friend who was a pizza bitch

he tried to complain to me that people don't tip

I told him to quit because he wasn't making enough money

lo and behold, he didn't quit

Yeah $9.47/hr in WA.
Gonna go up to $13.50 if initiative 1433 goes through, which it will because WA full of idealistic retards.

>be single parent
>tell 4 year old im off to join the military
>kid starts crying
>tell 4 year old to stop being a pussy learn to live on their own while im gone

Why don't their bosses do their part and give them decent salaries so they don't have to depend on charity?

>$2.00 an hour
That's wrong as fuck and you know it, waiter shill

>Be unresponsible and have a kid without a stable family.

I bet you are not white.

Get a better job.

Yes, but I don't rely on charity to make over min. wage either. Tired of hearing waiter friends give me shit for not tipping someone that does one of the least labor-intensive jobs ever, and I say that as a former waiter.

There's more reasons than that:
>high school student
>in-between jobs
>side job

The point is, it's not and never has been meant to be a LIVING wage. If you don't like being poor, and you live in the US, then change you're line of work. There are so many, too many, opportunities and programs for people to change their level of education/income.
There are too many gimmedat programs out there that it encourages people to do the very least amount possible, while still being able to live comfortably.
My main gripe about servers is that I have worked in the industry for so long that I know that when minimum wage goes up, BoH hours get cut and I'm less likely to get a DESERVED raise because the employer can't afford it. It sucks because I love BoH, but if minimum wage goes up to $13.50, I'm jumping ship. Hello, my name is user and I will be your server tonight. Can I get you something to drink to start?

>guize tipping threads are totally about 'food and cooking' and are not mere shitposting

Western wa is filled with tumblr stereotype Bernie bros and I hate it

As a waitress of 26 years, thank you OP. Maybe my son' will get the xbox one he wants so badly this year :)

>As a waitress of 26 years


Does anyone else barely go out to eat or order delivery to not have to be a part of the meme tipping culture

'cos that'd be COMMUNISM, Son.


My least favorite part about moving from Florida is no more Zaxby's. I'd suck a dick for a wings n things, boneless, tongue torch hot, sub zax sauce for an extra ranch sauce.

they don't pay taxes

I tip $5 max, I also do not tip if I wasn't happy with the service. they aren't doing my a favor by running food for me, I'd be happy to do it myself

Jeez, you mean people that actually produced the products you consume might have a chance? How shameful.

How dare people actually get treated when they're sick, or eat when they're hungry, or have a months vacation. Oh yeah, muh, socialism. Strange how almost all first world countries have these things and the US continues to drag their knuckles in the dust of some wierd denial of human rights. Your telling me we can't afford it when every other decent country does? You're full of shit.


>I'd be happy to do it myself
Then prove it, next time you go out to eat bus your own food, drinks and table. Oh that's right you won't because you know you can't handle the high stress it takes to perform waiting. It's why they deserve our tips but more importantly our respect. Tips are also very important for them to make a livelihood.

If you've ever eaten at a cafeteria before, you've bussed your own table. Eat shit.

Fuck off you flamer, I'm never tipping again based on your mincing.

>tipping for any reason at all
Shit like this why the Euros laugh at us.

Serving tables is arguably the highest paying non skilled labor job you can get that isn't illegal or sexual. It's extremely easy and a great way for kids to pay for college. Restaurants do not need to adjust paying their employees, and you can tip whatever the hell you want. It's your choice.

>get a better job.
Not in this economy
Its a cultural custom, nigger

They exist. Not everyone is a math major with a masters degree making 300k starting

Literally only niggers dont tip lmao. Its funny how people on Veeky Forums always complain about niggers but sure like acting like them

Nah, plenty of people don't tip because we're not retarded and don't fall for their scam. Waiters and waitresses make more than anybody else in the establishment through tips.

I'm glad I'm not expected to tip on top of the price of my meal, especially when they are almost never deserving of a tip

The owner, the chef, and the maitr'd all make more -_-

As a waiter (Chili's) I struggle to make end's meat because of people like you.

This. Only n*****s and old women don't tip, well said.

>tfw I never tip anymore after all the tipping threads on Veeky Forums

I'm woke

Cost of living is higher in Australia than it is in US you retard. Partly because of higher minimum wages. Did you not think about that? That more wages =/= more purchasing power?

>I've never worked a job in my life: the post

Not falling for your god damn lying bullshit fibs. You will not trick me or anybody else out of our money because you have an entry level job they trust 16 year old girls with.
Have an issue with your wage? Quit. It's an entry level job. Don't want to quit because you're making fucking bank off ignorant customers? Admit it.

People like you are why me and my wife never treat single men with respect.

My grandfather was right, if you aren't married by 20 you're fucked both in the head and in the future.

You're going to end up forever alone and that ain't no meme

He's not wrong though

You can't even come up with a real argument to dispute him.

>tipping is enforced
>2 party system only
>common core
Why is america a 1st world country again?

>he fell for the marriage meme

It is actually 8 dollars

>tfw I tip $20 almost every time I go out to eat
How's it feel to be poor?

>Getting married in highschool

>he's been to ED and read up on how to troll Veeky Forums

This. If you can't afford to eat out you shouldn't be at home cooking eother if you're that poor. Fast food would be cheaper and easier for their poorfag sensibilities

How's prepping your fat wife's bull going for you cuck?

>y-you don't waste your money?!
>y-you must b-be p-poor

Call me a cuck, I don't care.

But bring my wife into it and we've got a fucking problem.

You're just mad because you're a kissless handholdless permavirgins

>paying for a service is "wasting money"
Shitskins fuck off, get out of here you are never going to be able to afford eating out without your EBT.

I don't tip shit when I eat out and I'm proud of it. Fucking over your ilk with your entitlement attitudes gives me sublime pleasure. Say a word to me when I'm leaving the restaurant and you'll be eating a ham sandwich, you mincing faggot.

it's not my job to tip extra for a lifetime of poor decisions

give me exceptional service and you receive extra, it's as simple as that

Not everyone can be a rocket scientist or a doctor you insipid cuck.

Hey take it easy ok.

Your wife does while she's sucking on my dick. Follow her example.

i'm a student who makes just above minimum wage

i took a year off before university, worked overtime and was very careful with my money. I accumulated enough for a downpayment that would allow me to afford the houses mortgage payments

I'm going through school on a loan and when I graduate I'll be able to pay off the rest of my house and school from a years pay

life in western countries isn't difficult if you're not careless and have a shread of discipline

You have to remember the average Veeky Forums user is American, and thus is incapable of either of those things.

Then they should do the honorable thing and just die.

I'm Canadian, so essentially the same

Your wife is a fat cunt that takes it up the arse from Tyrone while you take pictures to wank over later.

Good hope you cant afford to pay rent and end up homeless you poor faggot

>end's meat

No wonder you can't do better than waiting at Chili's.

As a server, you have the opportunity to earn up to $2 from me

but only if your service is worthwhile, that means
>fill my fucking drink up before it gets empty
>get my order right
>if I ask for something go get it quickly
>be friendly (if a chick, have nice knackers and or flirt with me)
>come by to check on me at least twice

>waiters make more in a day than I make a week
>expect me to give them extra money for not fucking up their job


I'm not their fucking employer. If the waiter is an optional service as the tip implies, then let me pick my food from the fucking kitchen.

Everyone I know that went into marriage in high school or near after are bottom tier.

Enjoy working g fast food while your wife is a waiter and post on Facebook about your guys cute date night at Olive garden

i only tip when the service is exceptional
i worked my ass off to get a good job they can too

i bus my own table at home kek

A bartender I know that works in a hole in the wall bar makes 45k/year working normal hours in florida. They serve an average size beer menu and simple cheap cocktails/liquor, nothing fancy.

Is this fair pay for what they do?

I would tip if the tip was for the Kitchen Staff, and not the entitled waiters.

Everything you listed as a requirement for tipping never happens. Most of the time, they lift your glass from the tray with their fingers wrapped around the lip of the glass. That shit's just gross. In Asia, the customer would throw the drink in their face if they did that. But that's absolutely the standard in murrica, god bless murrica. Incredibly impolite.

When my wife from Asia first came over, she thought they were insulting her when they pulled that bullshit and she burst out crying. I tried to explain that's just standard murrican service. It was difficult to assuage the hurt.

Bottomline: you fuckers will get no tip from me, ever.

Here's the only tip you'll be getting from me.

For a hole in the wall that's not bad.

Unless you're in Europe, the restaurant owners will tell foreigners not to tip at all because the wait staff actually gets fair payment there.

Not true. Migrant labour is abused in the UK specifically in the restaurant industry where they work grueling hours for little to no pay in slave like conditions.

Fuck off. Do you think the minimum wage workers in every other field are getting a Christmas bonus this year.

I'd guess they don't pay the difference often because the wait staff typically pulls in more than minimum wage because of the tips you assholes keep trying to bump the % up on every other day.

They don't do nearly as much work as a waiter or waitress does.

A waitress/waiter does more in a day then they will in 2-4 weeks. Trust me I know because I worked both jobs.

Waiters/waitresses are the backbone of America, if we don't treat them with respect what does that say about us?

I don't give coins to beggars, I don't tip people for doing their job.

Always. They always do it because the moment your taxes start coming in and the IRS sees some poor idiot making 2$ an hour and no further reported income for tips, they forward it to the department of labor. However, not all states have tip credits(the thing that allows them to pay under if your tips make up the difference) and not all states or establishments use them. WE have them where I live but only like, a buck or two under minimum and the Dominos chains here don't use credit at all. You get 8.50 plus your tips, plus 2$ for each delivery. I actually make pretty good dosh.

But surely they have things like free healthcare?

Bullfuckingshit the employer doesn't always make up the difference. They're legally required to. Not doing so would be suicide.

Fuck waiters, fuck their cause, fuck their entitlement, fuck their misleading statements, fuck their lies, fuck their shaming tactics, fuck everything about them. "Oh boohoohoo, we only make two dollars an hour"--no you fucking don't, you useless cunts, you make minimum wage at the very least. Fuck off.

>4 year old joins military as well
>you're both stronger for it

WTF are you in some 3rd world shithole? In civilized countries 4 year olds can not join the fucking military *facepalm*

servers kind of need to get over themselves

i'm never mean to them, usually tip around 15% and if something gets fucked up I never make a big deal or send it back really

but come on, like most people have to deal with the general public as well. It sucks that you don't get a high salary, but that's how it goes. I' in sales, if i don't make enough my comission is shit-same deal

servers don't deserve this elevated status they seem to give themselves

>tipping at all in any situation