Did you go all in on XRP? Women love that.
cRipple the Ripple...
if you believe in yourself, your wife will believe in you. screencap this and read it every day user. your wife is meant to feed off of your energy. if you have confidence she is hardwired to have confidence in you.
>She said "Carlos, It's a SCAAAM".
...so he needs to go all-in on XRP.
A wife you say?
is that where you promise to pay for a womans life and she has the choice to take the annuity or switch over to the lump sum at any time
>if you have confidence she is hardwired to have confidence in you.
Holy shit I just read an actual redpill regarding women on Veeky Forums
Beat her
Truth. Based. Women want to feel safe, you can't be insecure around them.
Who is this semen demon and where can I see her vagene?
>Buy 50 BTC Private after bittrex dip
>don't sell
>don't tell her until it goes up at least 10x
sucks bro. i told my wife and mom i had lost 800k and they both said id make it back and not to worry
Thanks man. Wise advice. Here, have a picture that I like.
You put your real dollars into virtual monopoly money user. Think about that for a second.
My wife legitimately doesn't care about money, except for not going broke. I have a well paying job but she still buys stuff second hand.
Listen to her and make her feel comfortable. Everything will become better for both
>getting married
sorry you fell for that meme you cuck. but on the plus side if you don't make it at least she can't take all your shit when she leaves you since you don't have shit
Sounds like she's getting her excuses lined up for when you find out she's been guzzling cum on the side. It'll all be your fault, and the court will take her side.