I've got all my salt for this and am already simmering some rage in annoyance at the implication that I'm incompetent at cooking or anything else that's a basic life skill within the domestic sphere.
What might some of you guys be cooking tonight?
I've got all my salt for this and am already simmering some rage in annoyance at the implication that I'm incompetent at cooking or anything else that's a basic life skill within the domestic sphere.
What might some of you guys be cooking tonight?
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This isnt even an actual thing.
Nobody in Burgerland can cook, they exist on fast food and packet meals.
Silly thread.
Nah, this isn't a real thing.
erry day is men cook dinner day in my house
It's a sad, cloudy, chilly day here in Cleveland, so I'll be making vegetable barley soup with grilled cheese on home baked bread. For dessert, probably chocolate custard with graham crackers I made yesterday.
I make dinner everyday because women can't cook for shit. Got a pork shoulder I rubbed days ago in my oven at 185, smelling pretty fucking good rite aboot now innit m9.
Pls be my mommy
It's a made up day pushed by someone's tumblr to cause a reaction. Don't dwell on it too much
lol, such bs.
growing up, my dad always cooked dinner.
now my husband makes dinner.
No woman in my family has ever made a meal. Not since the microwave was invented, at least. It's been a Men Make Dinner century. I think this contributes to my contempt of women.
Tbh life goals is being a stay at home dad
My girlfriend can't cook. She once burnt hard boiled eggs so bad she ruined the pot she cooked them in.
Which is fine, I enjoy cooking, even if her tastes are a bit restrictive to plan around.
Either way, I have to say if this is the only day I am expected to make dinner, it will be a terrible year indeed in our house.
WTF. I make dinner everyday. Except on days which end with z.
This implies that an American woman has made dinner in the last century.
Does he make your son do the dishes?
>dating a picky eater
Not only that, but she's literally retarded. Is her pussy magical?
I'm so goddamned lucky to have landed a foreigner. They cook and don't blow up like a balloon under commitment.
My dad cooked every night while I was a kid, as soon as I turned 18 he fucked off from the house never to be seen again, now my mom eats spaghetti with some sauce she froze months ago and I live alone and cook my own shit.
If I had to take a lesson from it all it would be that my dad had to work his ass off for us but at the end he knew how to do everything so who was really taking advantage of the other in the relationship? I would rather be the guy coming home from a busy day only to make myself a decent dinner and.i would rather remain alone
Nah, we hit it off, I'm a gamer and so is she, so it's nice to have a lot in common there. Food didn't come up until later on.
She has been slowly persuaded to try new things, so there is hope there. Just grew up in a shitty situation, so home cooked meals weren't a reality. It takes time to break bad habits.
I'm making Japanese curry tonight. Nothing fancy, just chicken, carrots, potatoes and onions and of course the roux blocks, served over white rice.
Is this supposed to be a big deal?
Joke's on them 90% of professionnal cooks are men.
>in the last century
This, and this thread in general, is how you can tell the population of Veeky Forums is made up of man children under the age of 25.
Also, if Veeky Forums is made up of such great male cooks, why can't you post anything besides fast food threads and "for me"s? Where's all your OC? No, you're all sitting in the dark eating microwaved tendies with ranch.
>Japanese curry
Just add beef stock to your food and you won't be able to tell the difference
Every day is Men Make Dinner Day for me.
Even when I had a girlfriend, she was a lousy cook and didn't like to eat anything that wasn't plain pasta and unseasoned meat. Women are shit at cooking and eating.
Make your own roux and it would be. Using blocks is housewife-tier.
Roastie detected. Here's some OC. Hazelnut pesto. I'm also a professional.
>I'm also a professional
A professional what? Professional cuck?
Because that sideways plate looks pretty pathetic.
Are you Canadian or British? I'm so confused
Change of plans. Mac and cheese.
But my bread turned out good. It's still cooling though. My house feels like a furnace and it's 65F. I need winter to get here already
Holy fuck, idiot phone. I'm promise I'm not australian
its 2016, women no longer know how to cook unlike most men i know because its a really easy way to impress a woman and get her into bed
I'm over 25 and just posted a pic of my homemade dinner from last night, stay mad carpet muncher.
>She once burnt hard boiled eggs
>homemade dinner
>tendies on white bread with bbq sauce
i cook dinner every day dude
meat and vegetables like always
Nice try m8 but you can't fool us. You're under arrest for shitposting.
I'm a professional shitposter
Noice bread m8
Bitch, I have a body to maintain.
>Bitch, I have a body to maintain.
oh, yum! :D yay!
Every fucking night. I've haven't met a woman under the age of 40 that cooks anymore.
Stop meeting American women.
Go ear your carrot stew eurocuck.
Also, men do most of the cooking in burgerland women are to busy on social media to cook
I make dinner every day you vapid cunts.
Are you me?
Is this a pic of you laughing? Back to tumblr land whale, actually stay here you might lean how to cook a dish
You have a girlfriend who can't be trusted around the kitchen for fear of house fires too? Glad to hear I'm not the only one.
>men make dinner day
That was literally 6/7 week days in my house growing up. I cooked 5 nights a week, dad cooked one night a week, and mum mostly got out of cooking on that seventh night by saying there was a lot of left overs in the freezer that needed to be eaten or by volunteering to go and get some kind of takeaway or simply because she was lucky and everybody was out and about and wasn't going to eat dinner at home.
She burns herself every time she cooks. I almost feel like she does it on purpose so i will either help or take over
Lrn2bait, son. You're no good at it.
While you're at it, learn to cook too, so your mommy can have a break from making your tendies for her good boy. She deserves a better son.
You've been deceived.
Again tumblinas have no clue. Go cook something instead of hating men. At least you will have a valuable skill unlike your women studies degree
just kiss already you faggots
Made potato leek soup with a recipe given by Veeky Forums, pic related
In a survey conducted in 22 countries, women still cook slightly more, but the gap is narrowing.
Im more interested in the results from north america, for those aged 20-40
Out of the 7 women I've dated long term, only one can cook. She put something in my food cause I was always a champion in bed. Miss the fuck out of her and her sex food.
So, it's my average day. Eh, i was just going to make something simple.
Amerifags can't cook ? How does it feel to know that you can't feed yourself ?
Trolling aside I cook for every meal unless we're dining at a restaurant.
I'll only cook if I don't have to do dishes.
I worked as a line cook in america and 99% of the executive chefs are men. I think I've met one executive chef that is female (french laundry being the exception.)
I think this is true in europe also.
Does ignorant OP only eat dinners at grandmas or something?
It's only because men are following recipes and directions. Women are out there, creating recipes, experimenting, then writing them down. They're the real cooks, your executive chef examples are just guys who follow point 1 to point 2 to point 3
You faggots do realize that almost all Michelin starred chefs and executive chefs of top restaurants are all MEN right?
Women only traditionally cooked at home cause they fucking sucked at any other labor.
The only millenial women that can cook are probably Asians and Latino heritage.
'merican white women only eat starbucks & fast food.
>Women only traditionally cooked at home cause they fucking sucked at any other labor.
This. Any professional kithcen, and women get BTFO.
I've seen too many women line cooks start crying and literally can't handle the pressure of the kitchen.
>as I turned 18 he fucked off from the house never to be seen again
Wow what an asshole
literally counting down the days till he could vanish from your life
I'd like to see you give birth and have a period. Women handle more pressure than you ever will.
Why is it that entitled millenial white girls can't fucking cook anymore? Do I have to find me a nigger or some chink to marry or something?
> The modern entitled strongk white girl
> Can't do what men do today
> Can't do what their mothers did yesterday
Because women are spitting out babies and bleeding from the crotch 24/7, huh?
>I've seen too many women line cooks start crying and literally can't handle the pressure of the kitchen.
The professional kitchen is a hellish place. Constant pressure, micro deadlines, strict discipline, and swearing like a sailor.
Lots of women think they want to be head chefs but can't handle the management/leadership part of the job.
I've been married 5 years and have a child, we have an agreement where she feeds and changes his poopy diapers and I cook and clean the kitchen
I only change wet diapers
Not all women can cook
She's not the exception
>I'd like to see you give birth and have a period
The fact that you're getting triggered now is pretty much why women suck in a professional kitchen.
They lose focus on the work and start getting pissy/personal and lose control of her kitchen & ends up cooking shit food.
This is how bad restaurants start. In the kitchen.
I can only start to get into the mind of it by realizing that cooking has rules, and recipes are directions. You CANNOT tell a modern woman what to do or when to do it, she will do the opposite to prove how strong and contrary she is. I wish this was an exaggeration, but they see the kitchen as a place they've escaped and not something they bring to the table in a relationship.
> The modern entitled strongk white girl
> Can't do what men do today
> Can't do what their mothers did yesterday
I'mma steal this...
Worst bait of the day.
>The fact that you're getting triggered now is pretty much why women suck in a professional kitchen.
>They lose focus on the work and start getting pissy/personal and lose control of her kitchen & ends up cooking shit food.
If you think women bosses are absolute cunts... just wait until you meet a female head chef. It's like they think being a cunt is the only way they'll get any respect in the work place...
Try earning respect with actual skills and merit sometime, sweetie...
>hahaha men can't cook
>let's conveniently disregard most and best professionals are men
>The only millenial women that can cook are probably Asians and Latino heritage.
Shouldn't that be more about acquiring another life skill and self-sufficiency? Shit, anyone who went through college either scavenged a living with fast food and instant OR actually learned to cook on a budget.
They don't get the subtleties in anything. To be a hardass is to be frustrated and expect more out of someone you know can do it, almost motivation, and it's not personal. They see it as just being a cunt so you'll scare them into acting right, womyn strong
>cook on a budget
doesn't work. fresh, decent ingredients are pricey. to cook cook, you need funds. to just eat, you can be on a budget, but you won't learn what you need beyond boiling water for beans, rice, potatoes, or pasta
>tfw no gf to cook for
It's one of the few things I'm not awful at...
>It's like they think being a cunt is the only way they'll get any respect in the work place...
Because it largely is, in their mind at least. Such people never earn respect in the kitchen and it's only a matter of time before someone snaps at them. I mean genuinely "I would punch you if you were a guy" kind of thing, not just some raised tempers you usually get.