Is mead a meme?
Is mead a meme?
In the States, yeah but if you like it drink it anyway. I like that viking's blod fine from time to time. It takes about a year to make, so expect artisinal craft mead to blow up next year probably.
you're fucking cancer op. get out of here with your 'meme' talk
Doubtful. People have been intrigued with brewing mead for decades now.
There's just no margin to sell affordable mead and not a big enough market willing to foot $15-25 a bottle for good mead.
It's really best bought by the case and gradually drank over a few years, but it's a hell of an upfront investment
Or you can waste a few gallons of honey figuring out how to make a great batch of mead, because it's a very different fermentation process than beer
Go back to /b/ you cancerous nigger
>it's a very different fermentation process than beer
It's exactly the same process.
Yeast consumes sugar and produces alcohol.
No difference at all.
Yeast consumes elevated quantities of different sugars in a very different nutrient environment, fermented at a different temperature in a liquid of a different density and composition than barley wort
Tha fuck you talking bout saying they're the same thing?
I'm Danish and mjod is not that uncommon here, that said, you've got good taste mate.
Is Viking Blood a meme?
Not him but fermentation is fermentation.
The process is exactly the same.
Environmental factors have effects but the process is unchanged.
As an aside don't bother trying to make mead with bread, it's bloody terrible.
I'll be an autist and argue that fermentation byproducts are inextricable from ethanol fermentation.
Ethanol fermentation is only one type of fermentation. As a brewer you have to control the byproducts of fermentation, making for a very different fermentation process between mead and beer.
Saying they're the same thing is reductionist and mostly inaccurate
>Ethanol fermentation
I'm confused now by you guys.
What type of fermentation occurs if I(try to) make mead?
All sorts of fermentation. The one you're interested in is ethanol fermentation, but in the process of making alcohol the yeast produce a lot of byproducts.
Principally, you can pitch some yeast in some honey water and call it a day. That will make shit/decent mead.
If you want to make some good mead, you need to know how to control the fermentation
>If you want to make some good mead, you need to know how to control the fermentation
So beer is easier as you don't need to control it?
I want to make a stout someday, maybe experiment with country wine as well.
Is it sweet?
I would assume so which is why i have been avoiding trying it.
The procedure for brewing mead and beer are exactly the same.
You need to control the fermentation with both.
Country wines are a little more tricky as you may have issues with pectic enzymes and a few other conditions that come from using fresh fruit.
Try Google, there's too much misinformation in this thread.
It's so odd to see those bottles when the real vikings blood looks like this.
There are dry meads, although a lot of the ones I see are sweet.
Yeah, but it's a tasty meme.
It's only a meme if you infuse it with bacon and Nutella, then name it after a drink in Skyrim, and use a zombie viking as the logo.
>very different fermentation process than beer
Huh? It's a longer fermentation with different strains of yeast and more rackings, but other than that no. If you can brew an excellent beer from malt extract you can brew an excellent mead.
t. Beer and mead brewer.
is this commonly sold in france? im close to germany if that helps
I find it entirely too sweet for me. There's a small burger place/small time brewery that I find myself at every now and then and they have dabbled in meads -- all that I have tried are cloyingly sweet, couldn't see anything that would pair up well with them.
Make it with champagne yeast and it'll be a lot drier.... much better (but let it rest for a few years before you drink it.
It's an investment.