I need non acidic drinks Veeky Forums
Dentist put a sealant on my teeth cause I had some root sensitivity, and told me not to drink anything acidic, like coke or orange juice, she said coffee and tea was fine.
I know I'm gonna be drinking mostly water and coffee for the next 2 weeks, but it's the weekend and I want to drink alcohol, anyone have any suggestions?
Pic half related, my usual whiskey
Other urls found in this thread:
Peach schnapps
Wine or a good flavored vodka
Use Sensodyne toothpaste (or the equivalent). My dentist recommended it to me because of heat/cold sensitivity. After a week or two of using it, your teeth won't be as sensitive as long as you brush with it 1/day.
Then you can eat like a normal human.
>non acidic
Red wine is about the same as coffee
Yes, with coffee being a highly acidic beverage.
What's your point?
She put something on and told me not to drink anything acidic for a while or else it would wear away, toothpaste isn't my issue
drink something simple like vodka club
make sure the club has potassium or sodium bicarbonate in the ingredients and that it's not just straight up carbonated water because that shit's basic and will neutralize the acid
thanks, I assume this will work with any alcohol so that's a lot of help
That OP's dentist said coffee was fine you spastic lmao
coffee really isn't that acidic (5.5), compared to coke at least (3)
Only goes to show you.
The 90's called. They want their insults back!
And wine ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 so wine is quite acidic.
vinegar, it's a base.
trust me
so coffee isn't as acidic as wine...? Meaning wine is too acidic and I can't have it...? So you're wrong
>let me perfectly state the facts as they have been presented then go in the completely opposite direction with my conclusion
Alright then.
You specifically asked for non acidic drinks. Just trying to help you out, gaylord.
>doctor tells you not to drink coke which is at 3pH
>most wines are about the same or more acidic than that but is apparently fine
Coffee isnt a "highly acidic beverage" tripfag
>doesn't know how ph works
Literally 1 microsecond in google, you actual retard.
coke is 2.5 and no they aren't.
hey man, its your teeth. why don't you just bite the curb instead? that's decently non acidic.
just going by what you said and yes they are.
higher numbers are more basic, numbnuts
why don't you just take a couple of weekends off then you fucking alcoholic? jesus christ
>he thinks there's only one other person who posts on the internet
at least you waited the full extra minute :^)
>he still does
>coke: 2.5 ph
>Black Coffee: 5.7 ph
It may be acidic, but definitely not "highly acidic"
>he's scared to post his photoshopped picture
I only drink on the weekend, and I'd like to do so
Took you long enough to find one that conformed to your narrative.
How many pages did you have to click through?
or you could, like, edit the text in-browser
breh, there's a difference between
>i only drink on the weekend
>i have to drink on the weekend
like, ohmagawd, i can't even
I said id like to, meaning if possible. Im fine with not tho.
so why the non sequitur in response to my comment?
if you're really trying to adhere to your dentists recommendation then you should just sit this weekend out
oh i see
you were just shitposting under the guise of actually asking for recommendations.
in that case i'd like to suggest you gargle your dad's jizz like usual.
That wasnt even me, tho you are being the fun police
Dentist said no acidic drinks, not no alcohol
he still thinks there's only one other poster
The guy who made this thread is a fucking drunkard. If you think this is bad, try living with him.
this guy is a cuck
pH balance your fucking alcohol using baking soda if you need to. get litmus paper.
Nice deflection.
>drinking baking soda wine because you can't abstain for a single weekend
Gross as fuck
Dumb as fuck
Dumb as fuck
dumbs ass fucks
OP, just do an alcohol enema instead - you'll get buzzed/drunk quicker and won't have to worry about dental complications.
dumb assssssssss suckssssssssss