


ok ill bite

>la creatura
1/10 troll

you're a fag

> still getting attracted to girls
> not practicing semen retention
> not transmuting sexual energy

cmon op

Unironically degree

At this point I cant see myself loving a woman who isnt a cynical fuck like me. Otherwise 2D>3D

your goal is to be a faggot. you already made it

Dude I struggled hard with the transmutation of sexual desire. I have a fiancee and I have up my porn habit and maybe only look at it like once per week. Things are happening for me but I struggle with the concept and I don't know if it's happening or not

>Gucci shoes are for faggots buy Hugo Boss shoes inste
>Flat in NY is a waste of money
>Would never buy a Nigger these days
>Rolex is for Fags buy Breitling watches

well ...... I need a galactic empire.

And I will arrange it so you biz-tards will have it good, as long as you do your part.

To fuck Tracy Lindsay.

I'm 100% against porn and I quit it entirely. The withdrawal is a bitch though if you do try to cut it out.

>Overpriced shoes
>Overpriced piece of shit watch
>Overpriced apartment in Jew York City
>Nonwhite gf
You're literally a nigger

I took a little crypto gains and went to Japan for 3 weeks. Now that I'm back in my home country Im learning more Japanese and planning to return to live for a couple months later this year, I work remotely so I can work in Japan while Im there just fine.

I want to return and test out living there and then if I still like it, I want to try relocating there for a bit and finding a waifu to get citizenship and have someone to travel with. Then live in Japan for a few years and finally relocate back to my home country to raise a family. Alternatively Id like to travel to Iceland/Britain/Italy for a bit and find a white waifu in one of those countrys.

kek user gone full pajeet

I hate normies and want them to suffer. That is my only goal.

you mean residency? I heard they have very strict laws requiring ancestry before granting citizenship.

My goaly the house should look like this

the cars ive got a list 20 classic cars i would like to have

Your goal is to get shoes, a living room, a prostitute and a watch...

Ah, you're right. Not citizenship, just residency only for a bit if I really like it. Alternatively going to spend 2-3 months twice a year on a vacation visa seems just as fine since I can just work remotely and if I found a waifu Id prefer to just pull her back to my own country if I ended up with kids. Probably thinking too far ahead. The vacation meme is not that bad and I really want to learn a second language. In Japan I didnt get bothered by people or homeless or loud normies as much as in my country so it was really comfy.

I just need crypto to not completely die and Ill be fine.


I just want to have sex and smell a girl's ass. That's really it.

the absolute state

Are all women consumerist whores or is it just me?

I want to be independently wealthy, not buy tons of useless shit

The apartment but the rest is what the flying fuck you stupid weak minded normie appealing faggot

Pay your mother the nickel I owe her #goals

t. MGTOW manchild.

Basic bitch.

Those shoes are shit and gay. I wouldn't get into a relationship with that girl, would bang tho.

The watch and apt are nice, but I wouldn't live in NYC, and both are overpriced.



#goals #innovator

Here's my Veeky Forums one
Pretty autistic

my only goal is to live forever via Augmentation

you're fucking basic

I hate people like you, you have no transcendent ambitions, these are your goals? You know I love everyone equally but if there is a type of people I would ever genocide your kind would be the one, you vapid consumeristic parasite.

I've already seen your list. No need to post again

No. If you want to get rich you need to jerk off

total reformation of government, mass punishment for those who destroyed the american economy, mass punishment for the operators of the us legal system

share them op, good taste

Absolutely fucking tasteless.

and I want my daughter back

i would like to have an MG42

all i want is $80k/year of passive income

almost forgot this goal

Your goals are shoes and a watch? Sad, OP.

>Not buying retro Casio digital watches
Wew lad.

Just here again to let you know to go fuck yourself you uncreative genetic defect

Chill out with the euphoria Nietzsche

>Not buying a Lego Watch

financially independently

and who are you to make me chill? green boy.

One of God's Chosen People detected. Go away, this is a white man's board. We don't want your bug man trinkets or your disgusting 85 IQ creatura women.