How do people analyze paintings like how the fuck is anyone supposed to know what this lainting is about without the...

How do people analyze paintings like how the fuck is anyone supposed to know what this lainting is about without the artist telling them.

Good one OP. Professional knife catcher, kek.

Read Livy you ignorant fuck. Even better, read Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy. You can understand most Western Art from Greek and Roman myths and Christianity.

What about Indian art?

The fact you have to ask is its own answer.

Art was made for the educated european aristocracy not for modern wagekek scrubs like us.

This one is literally in the title

How can wh*te bois compete with black men?

I guess this is how professional athletes feel about special olympians.

This is off the top of my head: Oath of the Horatii

Jacque Louis David, late 1700s

Jesus christ I got it. you writing an essay on this op? This is all enlightenment french revolutionary symbolism. you doing some art history faggotry?

Have we regressed as a culture biz?


>whales selling bags to fags while the no coiners face palm
did me do good?

I didnt use google. This is the first time in my life I have used this information and havent larped. Praise kek

Yh right

Faggots hitler took the heil salute from ancient rome.

I am going to Venice and Florence in a few weeks. Serious question - is it full of niggers?

>Obviously historical, so know your history
>Knowing the painter, where he lived and what time


use the meme lines

look at symbols like skulls, clocks and so on that are a sublte message

it's called context

I studied some art history, wrote an essay on david's tennis court oath. have seen this pic for real in the louvre. also like the death of marat. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE INTERNET BELIEVES I AM SMART DO NOT DOUBT ME. pic related - its early 20th century art that people will talk about after western civilisation has been (((destroyed)))

These fags are basically going to sacrifice themselves for muh country and the womyn are crying
Such heroes brb going to enlist

This one is my favourite Jacques-Louis David. What do you think of it?

Use of light, space, emotions of figures, Fibonacci sequence, use of distance etc

Modern art is retarded though

Yes, it's mostly due to corporatism, media and consumerism. Corporations are more interested in making money so they use media to manipulate people into consuming shit art since nowadays middle class have a bigger buying power. The art must be easily accessible since middle class didn't receive a good education like the aristocracy did centuries ago which results in modern art not being intellectually stimulant.
Before, it was the aristocracy who would commission and finance art. They had a good education and had better taste than the average middle class normie nowadays because of that education. The artist also had a lot of free time since they were supported by the aristocrats and didn't need to worry about money so they could focus on their work 100%.

Can you figure out what a meme means without the meme-crafter telling you?


>enlightenment french revolutionary symbolism
You are a brainlet, aren't you?

Just read up on the painting. God damn. That shit is alpha as hell.

quads pls

Man, it's so bad that I love sluts like these.

>look at me I remembered a painting done by the most famous French painter, napoleons personal artist no less, that's taught in every art history course in the world
>how did I remember this??? I am so based!
you're also wrong about its meaning.