My wife died a few days ago. What's a meal I could make to cheer me up?
My wife died a few days ago. What's a meal I could make to cheer me up?
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Spaghetti and meat balls.
spapeggy and meatballs
Sorry about your spouse. You can make yourself some cheesecake or cookies. Hope you heal fast OP.
Thanks bruh
A tall glass of whiskey over ice.
I hope you can find solace within spaghetti. Meatballs optional but recommended.
3 scrambled dry eggs
Splurge and get a really nice cut of fatty salmon. Serve with asparagus and a lot of lemon.
And pair it up with a nice wine, OP.
May your wife rest in peace.
Well OP you could always eat here, that way she'll be a part of you forever! Well...until you shit her out anyway.
Here's what ya do
1. Bleed her by cutting various veins and arteries in the neck
2. Remove extremities
3. Gut her. Most of the guts you probably won’t want to eat, but feel free to put aside those organs that you do want to consume
4. Identify and separate your cuts of meat
5. Cook the meat. Depending on how large or small of a woman she was, cooking time will vary.
#5. Invite your friends over and enjoy. I'm sure the breast and the rump will be particularly popular. Eh, eh?
That shit will be so woody and gross
Brussel sprouts or braised kale, then?
Karen's ziti
You probably will feel mentally exhausted so a lot of chewing is something you don't want to do.
So I guess some nice warm delicious soup?
fuck you peggy hill you're the most hateful character ever
do you put the ice in the glass with the whiskey or do you put the glass of whiskey on the ice?
Maybe some fish
The omega 3 could be good :\
I'm sorry for your loss, user.
Please go talk to someone, if you need it.
Maybe the only person he could talk to was his wife. But now she's dead. Why else would he be posting this shit on Veeky Forums. Anyway, comfort food is just another name for grease. Dude needs a deep fried butter injection.
The most important thing in my mind after an event like that is to go out with a few friends. It really kept me going the day after my best friend was killed in a mugging. Just go to a bar with friends, have some beer and fries, and attempt to take your mind off things. Don't forget, therapy might be a good idea. It was really helpful for me.
Best if they're microwaved, to pair with crippling loss and sadness
Help this poor user out too
I think you need something hearty, warming, and slow. Like a pot roast or a nice stew. Maybe coq au vin or beef burgundy?
Ice first so it has a chance to gradually cool the whiskey on the way down.
How about a pistol shot to your temple
Wow how edgy
Some young new pussy. Seriously Op you have no idea how fucking lucky you got. You dodged a bullet. Now get out there and start slaying young new pussy. Don't fuck up again and try to marry or even girlfriend these whores. Nowadays these bitches are only good for pump and dump, if you want loyalty and true love get a dog.
It's a b8 thread and OP should honestly take that anons advice.
I suggest cooking and eating your children.
Severing any ties with your previous life and embracing what you have become is the only way forward.
Watch what you say about her or I will NOT hesitate to kill you
Liquor ball sandwich.
Asians are fucking ugly. Especially that one.
>t. Jealous amerislut.
She looks like a pug.
if this doesn't cheer you up you're broken permanently
nightshade with death's angel mushrooms
>serves 2
what food falls under the "edgy" category?
take her son out for ice cream
My girlfriend died a few hours ago. What should I drink?
> next week
> my step daughter's mother and brother died a few days ago. What's a meal I could make to cheer her up ?
OP is doing God's work.
Why don't our McChickens come in nice boxes like that?
I see she is eating the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.
Is this the birth of an epic new meme? I've seen this twice today
Take drugs
I see you're new here, friendo.
The nice packaging will drive up the cost of the MccChicken samdwich.
I am assuming that is costs $1.50 right now.
Subtle McChicken post