So i got around $4,000(that i can afford to lose) that i want to throw in crypto and forget about it until i can afford lambos.
Whats the best portfolio for 1-2 year holds?
and ever things gonna be paper wallets
thanks yo
So i got around $4,000(that i can afford to lose) that i want to throw in crypto and forget about it until i can afford lambos.
Whats the best portfolio for 1-2 year holds?
and ever things gonna be paper wallets
thanks yo
all in BTC simple as that
i mean thats a good option but i dont wanna put all my eggs in one basket you feel me?
50% ETH, 30% BTC, 20% RLC
this. don't rely on any of these altcoins once they get classified as securities/unregistered money transmitters by the SEC
50% BTC 50% C20, C20 is a rebalanced index of top20 cryptos (minus any scams like bcc or things like usdt). Quite possibly the best way to bet in cryptocurrencies as a market will continue to grow.
if BTC does not rise nothing rises so that logic of eggs does not work in crypto
40% BTC, 40% ETH, 20% XMR
OP here , yea that actually makes sense desu.
so how much of my investment should i put into cheap coins ( atm ) that are in top 20? say ripple or cardano. 5-10-15%?
XMR, LTC, ETH are respectable but you're buying alts hoping to win in satoshis. The only one that's guaranteed to not lose in that is BTC.
If you want stable coins chuck it into the top 3, if you wanna risk it for big dollars chuck it in at the 80-100 range like chainlink, enigma etc.
This, OP. Add a little OMG depending on your risk tolerance. (It basically comes down to the SECs position on it, but Vitalik and Bittrex both say it's not a security / defensible using the Howey test.)
yea i think im going to go for that
what do you think about 20% ripple tho instead of xmr? i know ripple isnt liked much here but it is cheap and ranked 3rd
Ripple is a shitcoin OP. Only a clueless normie would ever buy ripple.
All in LINK
Don't put it all in BTC unless you want shit gains.
DYOR and look for non-shit coins with a lower market cap and realistic potential to go 10-100x
stay in BTC/ETH
buy alts to get more BTC and ETH
you're welcome
Ordered from least to most risky:
Split your allocation based on your own propensity for gambling
thanks for the info
yea i probably should do my own research. Guess i should buy a book about crypto or something before investing, dont have that much knowledge about it.
Thanks for your time tho
All-in on XRP.
all in link
realistically link will be $100 eoy, $1000 by 2022
Research Interledger and Codius.
I'm not going to tell you. People will just call me a shill and an idiot for falling for the meme. I'm done trying to help you people.
Ripple isn't cheap, it's 3rd highest market cap like you said. I don't understand why it would go up, so I don't hold it.
The banks are going to pump $Trillions into XRP.
Notice how the people saying not to buy XRP have almost zero arguments and evidence.
Also, you want some skin in the privacy game. XMR is here to stay, and should see nice long term gains as more human activity becomes digital. I'd do a deep dive and really try to understand at least the basics of each of the cryptos you're considering holding. Don't look at hype, look at tech, use cases, and adoption.
But it's not even a dollar! It's so cheap! :)
If it goes up to 10k just like Bitcoin I will be rich!! :D
The only other coin you should consider buying besides XRP is Monero. XRP and XMR will soon be ranked #1 and #2. One for the lawful markets and the other for the criminal markets. The black markets comprise at most 20% of the global economy. Therefore you will make more money on the coin that dominates the lawful economy.
anything else won't make it
>yea i probably should do my own research. Guess i should buy a book about crypto or something before investing, dont have that much knowledge about it.
You don't need a book when you have the internet, retard. Never blindly follow the advice on Veeky Forums - there are a lot of bagholders here trying to shill your their coins.
Holy shit let's do it man. Each buy some ripple now and in a few years bang we will be rolling in pussy. WTF this is easier than working
Appreciate the help. Thanks
Don't let anyone tell you that the market cap of XRP is too high. The market cap of all central bank paper and electronic currencies is more than $90 Trillion. The market cap of XRP is tiny right now. The final target is XRP at $1000 with a $50 Trillion market cap.
As hard as it is for you to believe, what you say is actually true.
They actually have nothing to do with the ripple coin itself. Interledger and codius while is fantastic and can prove a part centralised oracle, the actual xrp has no interplay. From What I've read, that has been the intention of the company from the start. I may be wrong here if course, but try have a look and read, maybe youll come to the same conclusion. If they were tied like the link token is for purpose of staking, I would 100 % be in xrp.
Tying the coin to the technology rubs people the wrong way. Making the coin optional gives people the illusion that they are "choosing" to use the coin. Even though once they use the technology it's obvious that they will eventually use the coin. Like when roads were first built, nobody was required to drive a car. You could still ride a horse if you wanted. But people quickly started transitioning to cars.