>we're early adopters
We're early adopters
yes we are for the 1000th time. How can we NOT be the early adopters if no one has actually adopted this shit yet?
>inb4 no one uses it because its useless
Where is this?
fak a tole je v kranju al kaj
no one uses it because its useless
In ChainLink and real world smart contracts, yeah. :^)
nigger we are in the innovator phase still. There are no adopters. The "adopters" are like 12 coffee shops in japan and a bunch of coked up Norwegians that are trading Monero for acid.
Just fucking wait a couple of years, when buttcoin has left Januaries high in the dust and everyone is clambering to suck on that sweet btc/eth
>you will never sit at the front of that pub with your qt pi tight bodied Euro gf wrapped in blankets with a beer and snacks while you trade shitcoins on your laptop as she snuggles up to you next to the Bitcoin roundabout overlooked by the mountains on a comfy late-Winter's evening
Trips don’t lie. Normies got in and got burnt, but they’ll come back when some use cases start to stack up. At which point investors will return.
Crypto market cap: 380 billion
All money: 86.3 trillion
All money is way more than that
Gold market alone is 10 trillion
Doesn’t sound very comfy at all if you ask me
somewhere in slovenia, presumably kranj
maybe bitstamp guys donated for local infrastructure improvement
Thought it was 7.
we're back in accumulation phase, and big investors are already getting in position to find a way into the industry
never been comfier in my life
We are the innovators, because no one adopted this shit yet. You still can't pay with your internet money for anything.
It's indeed a meme, the cryptos have their uses but in the end it's a niche use for when people NEED decentralized currencies.
Don't tell the normies though.
wtf are you talking about dipshit
every site that isn't owned by (((them))) these days accepts bitcoin and other cryptos
>inb4 muh local mcdonalds must accept bitcoin
it'll never happen retard
its not adopted until amazon accepts crypto. No argument
>All money: 86.3 trillion
wrong, it's all money in fiat, total worth of assets is way more than that
Fucking Apple is 1T, you really think it's over 1% world's net worth?
We're in the laggard phase. You can still make money trading the volatility but HODLing probably won't work anymore. The point of crypto is to speculate on it, the whole currency aspect is a meme to give it some initial value.