Who /waiter/ here?

Who /waiter/ here?

>tfw work at a fancy wedding catering company
>today serving lobster
>carry them out in racks, six serves at a time
>while walking near the dance floor I trip over my shoelace
>plates of lobster tumble straight onto the floor and onto a gentleman's tuxedo
>music stops
>over 500 people watching me, including my boss while I clean the 900 dollar goop strewn across the entire dance floor

Fuck me lads, this is life traumatizing. Whenever we serve lobster I just hide in the bathroom now, no joke. We have so many workers that no-one realizes.

Youre going to get a lot of hate here.
Prepare yourself .

sucks to be you

why did you ruin so much food that someone with an actual skill produced.

It's not like he did it on fucking purpose.

He did it plutonically on purpose?

Shit fucking sucks user, I hate when I drop food in the kitchen. I've never had anything that bad, I can only imagine how much you wanted to fucking kill yourself right there. I hope your boss didn't give you too hard of a time about it.

This is why you're supposed to work in teams of two to carry out big racks of food, by the way.

Don't worry too much about the cost, that shit is a write off. Shit happens.

>self improvement

that dog don't hunt, mon signeiur. NEET specifically means Not in Education, Employment, or Training.

The rest is kind of true. I guesst NEET's are sort of a modern monastic sect. Just instead of studying anything profound it's waifu's and comics.

As a chef me and the other kitchen staff spend at least half of our shift screaming at the waiters.

The fuckers cause more complaints from the customers than we do and all they have to do is deliver them the food.

Just how low of an IQ does someone need to break a salad plate while walking to a customer and still give it to them.

Or even better accusing the kitchen staff of hair in the food when everyone in the whole kitchen is either wearing a bandanna or a hairnet or is bald, while no one of the waiters even bother in wearing their nets.

And worst of all they somehow need longer breaks and suddenly disappear for an hour when we the kitchen staff are always on the run wither it's cooking or getting tons of ingrediants for prep.


I'm so glad the company doesn't give them shit in term of tips, they're forced to put it in a tip jar of some kind and instantly fire them if they put a cent in their pocket (happened twice), i think they get 10% or something while we receive 35% or more.

Part of it is the fact that they're just (barely) trained faces in costumes. Most places do not bother to train their wait staff properly at all.

/a/ studies 10+ volume LNs 300 pages long each while monasteries spent thousands of years dissecting a single 600 page fanfiction compiled from eighty different people.

How is this okay?

I recently learned that one of the girls from a LN is confirmed to have pubic hair. Without the scholars of /a/, I would never have known this.

And yet we still don't know if God has pubic hair
Checkmate, Christians.

>/a/ - Bigger Than God

It isn't, they fire you for that

/a/ has at least five characters that are basically God.

So you worked today and dropped lobster but on the same day you hide in the bathroom now whenever lobster is served?

You'll get no sympathy from me, some asshat waiter dropped someone else's crab roe (?) dish all over my pants a couple days ago and a week before that dropped my soup onto the table, spilling half of it, and he just walked away like he dindu nuffin.

>wedding reception at some castle town near hamburg
>sipping on some.champagne
>hear try fall in the kitchen with porcelain shattering in that dull way that you know there was food on it
>walk outside and 5 mins later another loud crash
>10 mins later and a girl is walking to me serving out champagne
>looks like some kind of ghost slaps the bottom of the tray and the tray goes up in the air before spreading glass and bubbly all over the gravel path way

She didnt stumble, her hand didnt bend, it just look like someone flicked it up off her hand.

2 spoopy

The hair is easy to tell.

Hair from a waiter will be resting at the surface of the meal. Where as angry kitchen pubes are well mixed in you tend to find it when you are a 1/3 the way through

>tfw busboy

Sure thing buddy

>Not being a chef at Wendys