Why do you hate reddit again?

Why do you hate reddit again?

>people stay on topic
>there's no shitposting
>more high quality posts
>they're not racist
>excellent post ranking system where trolls and retards are demoted
>reddit has less basement dwellers and more successful people

Just face the facts that reddit is the superior internet community

Guys I went through OP’s history and he made a comment once about hating feminism, Le downvote everything bois

Trying too hard

nice bait

1. Full of normies. R/cryptocurrency is absolutely painful to browse.
2. The upvote downvote system means you never ever have free open discussion. People will always, even subconciously, modify their posts or comments to appeal to the masses.
3. The post history system allows people to judge you for things you said in the past or take things out of context


>excellent post ranking system where trolls and retards are demoted

Literally just BlockStream troll army manipulation

>more successful people
google 'reddit meetup'
alternatively 'reddit meetup cringe', same thing

here, take my upvote fellow Veeky Forums nigger. nice post!

>no reddit spacing
gr8 b8 m8

Reddit is inferior to Veeky Forums for all of the reasons you specified.

t. r/investing

>they're not racist
>answers own question

>3. The post history system allows people to judge you for things you said in the past or take things out of context

It is good to identifiy shills and brainlets with it.

personally, i find the bile filled ass holes of this place comforting and familiar and more like actually what people are like behind their friendly facades.

This all day.


Also this

>excellent post ranking system where trolls and retards are demoted
This "excellent post ranking system" often leaves the best posts drowning deep beneath a sea of low hanging fruit comments that barely say anything of value.

>>people stay on topic
sort of...
>>there's no shitposting
subjective... here lets post some stupid puns
>>more high quality posts
>>they're not racist
this isnt a positive, it means people are hiding who they are out of fear of being labled a racist and her we just call each other niggers and fags with no care about the actual meaning of the word
>>excellent post ranking system where trolls and retards are demoted
post an unpopular opinion and demoted whether its true or not
>>reddit has less basement dwellers and more successful people
if you were successful would you want it to be known that you visit a site that was once associated with pedophilia and other fucked up shit? or would you just lurk?

Because of moral fags and white soyboys.

This is like talking shit with ya mates, plebbit is like talking to your nan.

I'm gonna be edgier than most: I like both. I also like twitter and even FB (a little). It's interesting to see how slight changes in the platform lead to such different outcomes. Reddit's biggest advantage is the Tree conversation structure. Makes it easy to have follow a conversation. Chan's linear format is shit-tier, to put it mildly. However, Chan's ability to put an image into every post leads to some pretty funny shit. Reddit's meme humor is shit-tier (see r/funny FFS). Reddit's voting system has pros and cons, but I think it generally improves the site. Likewise with post history being viewable.

95% of us use both, to some extent, so you hating hypocrite faggots should probably do the universe a favor and kys.


>reddit has less basement dwellers and more successful people

That's why I hate it. If I wanted to talk to normalfags I'd go to a college campus or the grocery store.

>every thread is saturated with puns and pop culture references
I like cuckposting better desu

>Chan's linear format is shit-tier, to put it mildly.

I think its fine. Do you use 4chanX?

>verbose sentences
>using words like 'meh'
>using semicolon and using it incorrectly
>low iq

> Stay on topic
> No shitposting

The one-upmanship of stupid puns with each reply on Reddit is cancer

Just Googled. Can't believe I'm just hearing of it. Been here for ages.


Use it, live it, love it. Has 10x the customizable features as pure Veeky Forums.

I actually went to r/CryptoCurrency earlier today. The top post was pic related with the caption "When your whole portfolio is green because yesterday was a shit storm" and the top comment in that post was

>I will always up vote any post with this guy in it he cracks me up the first time I saw on reddit cryptocurrency I died
My only options were to kms or go back to biz

They’re autistic and value politeness over accuracy or innovative ideas.

When I browse Veeky Forums I laugh and feel like there are actually quite a few smart, witty and creative people. Despite all the nihilistic shit I feel better about my fellow humans. Browsing crypto reddit I feel like everything is pointless, people are so stupid and cringey they should all just die, I just can't imagine if people are even worse on Facebook.
Some topics are better discussed at reddit, like some international conflicts I follow. /pol/ and /int/ is shit for that.

And threads of jokes. And song lyrics, for some reason. Makes me unreasonably angry when they start posting song lyrics, or making series of puns, I dunno why it fills me with rage.

This is hilarious and infuriating.
Fucking normies!

the r/CryptoTechnology subreddit is actually good
r/LINKtrader is absolute cancer, just Veeky Forums reposts

Because they’re retarded pussies thay can’t take an ounce of negativity normally, when you add in the fact that in crypto subs they’re monetarily and emotionally invested in whatever coin you’re discussing about it becomes impossible to talk to them.

They’re basically that deformed, pissed off wojak with the steam lines coming off his head. People that get easily pissed off when you say the price of something might go down in the short term are impossible to talk to. And now that Veeky Forums is becoming popular we’re seeing more of these retards come over here.

why come here just to state that you would rather be there?

>they're not racist
That's why. I don't like niggers.

That pisses me off so much. I click on comments because I want to read something relevant to the story or article but just get a circle jerk of puns or reddit memes and le upvotes muh gentlesirs. To me, it just all reads as fake people being fake to each other to gather their upvote points.

Anons, this is obvious bait and you know it. Why did you allow this to get bumped to the top of the catalog? Fucking hell, Veeky Forums might be lacking in the mod department but everyone has the ability to prevent posts from bumping.