So Veeky Forums I was thinking of starting a cigarette company. I have a great idea of how these cigarettes are going to look and I think they could become really populare, especially in cities like Berlin, L.A. or Copenhagen. I'm danish and live in Copenhagen right now, and have lived in L.A for a short while.
I want to do something exciting that I can make money off of and not just depend on my coins to moon.
So Veeky Forums I was thinking of starting a cigarette company...
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Fucking retarded. Cigarette sales are plummeting for younger generations. you really think loads of people will smoke in 20 years time?
In europe alot of people still smoke. But yea i was thinking about that. But i heard of this guy from one of my friends who made like pink and black cigarettes and sold them to people and indonesia and had success. But if you have any better ideas please let me know.
the further east you go the more people smoke India, China, Japan, Korea, those are good markets for tobacco but you would have to tailor these novelty cigarettes to each market
Yeah, I heard that in Japan smoking is still cool similarly to 50's America
You could probably research and innovate by being the first person that will create luxury healthy cigarettes and cigars which are actually good for health.
Anyway do you have an email address?
Make cigarettes and get fucked in the ass by regulations
You're better off focusing on the 3rd world
make black dick cigars and sell in sweden
Ive been thinking alot about this actually. Yea you can contact me on [email protected]
sent ;)
in the uk at least there are basically no small time tobacco shops remaining just a few poncy ones in london
i can provide a reliable supplier, i have pondered about this business b4 and can discuss with you. my email [email protected]
Can't compete with big tabacco.
what the fuck is going on itt
>But if you have any better ideas please let me know
Sure, I'll share my million-dollar idea here.
Lol. Ideas don't matter. Investors are investing in the team's potential to execute their plan.
I've got a great idea.
Cigarettes with tobacco that you can smoke! Who would have thought. Your such a genious.
Your just rebranding a fucking cig...
Good luck getting a good cig that people want to smoke just because it looks cool.
You won't ever buy enough tobacco to undercut the big guys. And if you want to hit famous people you need to be within the circle.
not many people smoking in india desu.
Vietnam, however, lungs of iron, ill tell you that
In america, tobacco has taken a back seat to electronic cigarettes. Any smoke shop has both now. It’s like VHS and betamax (spoiler: tobacco is betamax)
western governments are going to tax the absolute fuck out of you to raise much needed revenue that they are losing in so many other places
>Turnbull is increasing the tax on cigarettes by 12.5% a year for the next four years. In the latest federal budget, the government forecasts that by 2020 that it will collect $15.2 billion from taxes on tobacco per annum. This is four times the amount that the government collects from the entire coal industry per annum.
this is just australia, the same policies will be seen all over the world
people are just going to turn to cheaper, untaxed depressants. the cigarette black market is the only way i can see small time players making big gains
I wasn't even aware you could severely change the appearance of a ciggarette, there are so many damn regulations on there