
Its happening tonight.
Strap in boys!

Tonight is the night

No its not dumb fuck. 14th is the night

One day one of these posts will be right. And it will be a good night.

Welcome back.

Thank you.

Strapped in like every night op, I'm fucking ready when it does happen, first thing I will do is break something expensive to me like my TV or some just because fuck it and buy a new one, that will be the only stupid thing I do though, lucky I don't burn down my house with all my shit belongings in it to be honest and just start a new

Quads and LINK will be $5 EOM

tonight is the night. op is right this day. watch for +30% in 5 hrs. big buys incomming. Buy now and thank me later. Sell before sxsw and rebuy as good news drops to increase your stink stack.


>Sell before sxsw
You are either retarded, trying to steal my LINK, or have insider knowledge that price will dip because of sxsw.

So, which is it?

>Sell before sxsw

Never fucking swing trade all of your link stack, not even 50% to be honest, if I was to ever swing trade my link (which I never have) I would do no more than 10% of my stack to be honest



. Why does chain link only have Sergey and a CTO and no developers? Do they have any code? Do they need code? Is it just an idea? New to chain link sorry for the basic questions. It's just I've seen fud about how they have no developers, or just a few devs and somehow no code. Can someone fill me in, thanks.

Are you retards just completely hopeless? How can you be this fucking braindead? I honestly don't understand how this level of incompetence is possible. For fucks sake you have so many resources available to you.

do not reply to this post. It's 4D chess FUD.

But do they have code or a MVP?

no they dont. Its all just an idea from a philosophy major


and their most valuable player is Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft in 1998

Seriously.. Is it just an idea? Is it just an interface for API calls? How is that complex? Is it being used anywhere? Is there code?

No code. They don't even have a github.

OK I did some research and found the github.. But I heard the developers communicate well.. Do they do daily scrum? Are they agile? Why arnt any devs listed on site?

I seriously hope you die of cancer

where can i buy link?

Nobody is selling anymore

b serius pls

you cant anymore, the sale is over.

>mfw its literally the same picture, title, and comment every time, every day without fail

I'll sell you 3k. I'll post an ad on the Halifax boats craigslist.

Well, he is a MANIAC

You fags say this shit every night.

I'm ready senpai

Rude.come on dude. Why only 2 devs. Please tell me more about chain link ;(

DYOR. We don't want to spoonfeed retards. We don't want retards getting rich.


>Never fucking swing trade all of your link stack, not even 50% to be honest, if I was to ever swing trade my link (which I never have) I would do no more than 10% of my stack to be honest
i sell 1/4 my stack literally 2 days prior to events. It ALWAYS dips day of or day before. Then the minute news drops, i buy back in. I picked up and extra 1000 linkies doing this before and after superconf. I know it not a ton, but it is something.

why DO people sell the news?

dude... SO ARE YOU
you are in every fucking thread saying the exact same shit

"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"