>that feeling when children cook better than anybody on Veeky Forums
That feeling when children cook better than anybody on Veeky Forums
>that feeling when all masterchefs are totally staged from start to finish
Unless you think there's actually a way to perfectly cook a raw apple pie in 15 minutes with a cold oven.
Buy a better oven. They heat up quick if you live in 2016.
In the kid version, they definitely help the contestants out. There's no way a kid would actually be able to know all the dishes and techniques that they use.
It doesn't matter, it's still not enough time for it to heat up and cook a perfect apple pie.
I want to marry her.
They definitely help out the adults in the regular version, too. It's kind of a dead giveaway when they hand these "home cooks", who ostensibly haven't been to culinary school, exotic ingredients that they admit to never handling before and they cook it perfectly first try.
>itt: people that actually watch cooking contest tv shows.
Good taste. Get her early so she gets used to how awful you are as a person and won't think she can leave
Most of the kids in this show have parents that cook professionally and went to culinary school. They are only good due to their parents. They don't just pick random kids.
Well of course; I think we all knew that already, Captain Obvious. The average American child thinks that tomatoes come from a bottle; you couldn't expect them to cook.
Kill yourself back to your trailer park, billy bob
goddamn white people doing all that pedophilia n sheet
The average american child doesnt understand where food comes period, thanks to amazon delivery
brb going to india
Yup they rape their own daughters in their trailer homes rather than prostitue them
They let that rage baboon Ramsey near children?
>that scene when he put Billy's hand in the deep fryer because he made subpar tendies
how can't they get away with that?
Kayla is a cute dork!
>cuts finger
>keeps cooking
adorable as fuck
i bet that fat one in the front can cook well, cuz shes fat and all
if you shit talk my waifu again I hope you live in New Jersey so I can drive by and scream "nice haircut, faggot" at you
besides, the fat one is bowtie boy next to "i really really really really wish i was Italian" man
I remember hearing in baking challenges and shit they give them basic recipes so they don't have to learn ratios and shit