Is there anyone here who's never had a Pb&J before?
I've met like 3 people in my life who never have
Is there anyone here who's never had a Pb&J before?
I've met like 3 people in my life who never have
Me. But nobody eats that here, so it's not so strange.
I highly recommend it
You're not going to trick me. It sounds as gross as the first day I heard about it, I thought the Americans were kidding
You've never had GORP? It's the same thing in sandwich form
>hate pb
>hate jam
>hate sandwiches
sounds fucking disgusting
>>hate sandwiches
fuck is wrong with you
It's like most american food, for some weird reason "hyped" up as the best thing ever. Not sure why you guys keep doing it. Pb&J is okay, it's a good combination but it's nowhere as awesome as you guys make it sound to be.
Nobody eats it except preteen Americans.
It's another one of their 'hyped up' cuisines . . . .bless them.
I have had precisely one bite of a PB&J.
It's disgusting.
So like most American food, really.
>le America hate
>I'm with her
II was a poor kid in elementary school and this is what the school system would give us for free instead of a hot lunch.
I didn't like then, but as an adult, I enjoy PBJ sandwiches.
It really is American food though. Nothing wrong with that.
Here you'd be lucky to find three people who had eaten it, strictly a USA thing. Doesn't appeal to me at all.
I've never tried it and I don't want to. It sounds like it would be sickeningly sweet. Sweet and bread do not mix.
I've never had one. I don't like sweets, and that combination doesn't sound at all appetizing to me. I grew up eating peanut butter and pickle. Kids that visited were disgusted by this. I'll add cheese to it sometimes. I'll probably never try the PBJ.
dude are you kidding me
eurofags shitpost about it whenever possible
I don't think an instructional video is needed.
>for some weird reason "hyped" up as the best thing ever.
I hate peanut butter.
Well I've had pb & jam
But not jelly. I don't think they sell jelly where i live.
Yea jelly sucks, jam is more spreadable
I'm allergic to peanuts so I haven't. I have had an almond butter + jelly sandwich though, and it wasn't that great