Hey Veeky Forums. I don't drink, but I do like the aesthetic of whisky. I've tried beer before, and it tastes like rubbing alcohol and corn.
How's alcohol free whisky?
Also, neat or on the rocks?
Hey Veeky Forums. I don't drink, but I do like the aesthetic of whisky. I've tried beer before, and it tastes like rubbing alcohol and corn.
How's alcohol free whisky?
Also, neat or on the rocks?
Who the fuck would want the flavor of whisky without the alcohol?
Deep contemplative men who are teetotalers for totally personal reasons.
Why would you want non-alcoholic whiskey? Whiskey tastes like shit, and it's not because of the alcohol.
Wait, this is a Muslim thing isn't it? I know in Iran they drink non-alcoholic beer all the time.
The same company also makes this delicious alcohol-free vodka.
For what purpose?
Why? It probably tastes like shit too
> he doesn't like the flavour of whisky and vodka on its own without the unpleasant effects of alcohol
What are you, 17?
It tastes like man essence.
Whisky I can see the argument for.
Vodka on the other hand, why? It's a disgusting mess of a beverage.
>it's not alcohol, it's not whisky, it's arkay
this feels like it's supposed to rhyme or have alliteration or something but doesn't
is it grain flavored water?
Whisky is 40% alcohol at a minimum. If you removed almost half of an important component, how can you expect what's left to be anything like the original?
tell this to all the faggots who buy vegetarian versions of shit or use substitutions in recipes.
But isnt real good vodka known for its lack of tannins? So in theory theyre trying to get it to have no taste. So can i sell tap water in bottles as high end alcohol free vodka drink?
Tap water has taste, though. Carcoal filter that bitch and you might be onto something.
>tastes like man essence
Maybe this stuff is appealing to, like, recovered alcoholics?
Ill market that flavor as being imparted by authentic old style russian distillery equipment. Whatever that means. You can taste the heritage. Faggot ass hipsters would like that shit.
Now this is some funny IRL trollin'
Consider me triggered. Nice troll
>Deep contemplative men who are teetotalers for totally personal reasons.
Total cucks, in other words.
>unpleasant effects of alcohol
I know right who would want to forget his problems for one night haha
That would be a terrible idea and probably lead to relapses most of the time.
You can forget your problems with other legal things besides alcohol that are much less detrimental with fewer side effects.
pretty sure this is for alcoholics guys
>non-alcoholic whiskey
Nigga I'm on Psilocybin but you got me trippin
Like user said earlier,
would you drink non-alcoholic whiskey
fuck that haram shit WHY
there is SODA for christ's sake
This is beyond stupid.
aka water
Calm down addict