Conservative-Friendly Industries

Just a quick question for the board:

Anybody know what the most conservative friendly industries are? I'm trying to grow a Youtube channel that expresses generally not-left-wing opinions, and while I'm taking SOME steps to disguise my identity (not very strong ones), I really would prefer to shift my client base to industries that don't care what I'm up to in my spare time.

I know that cryptocurrency is pretty good for what I'm trying to do here, but I'm trying to minimize my exposure to all that because I suspect prosecutions are coming for pump and dump schemes and the like.

The only really legit industries that I can think of that fits the bill are energy and maybe certain sectors in finance. Anybody know of any others?

Literally any trade. Seriously

Which trades are most desperately in need of direct marketing services?

Any residential service trades ie
>carpet cleaning
>fire restoration
Basically all the stuff you see on TV ads


None. Any business or job worth a damn doesn’t give a shit about liberal or conservative views. Do good work and keep religion and politics at home you basement dwelling /pol/tard

I don't think you realize that you're the minority on this board you faggot normie.

This is the only correct response.

>business and finance

It’s wrong though. Businesses do care who sets policy because it affects their business. For example if a presidents comes in with an objective to raise the corporate tax rate, of course they care.
It’s beyond the point anyway because OP is really asking about the political views of people working in certain industries he can target.

Most people on Veeky Forums would sell their mother for a few BTC, why do you think they'd support a nationalist socialist ethno state? They'd sell out their own race if it meant gains.

Safe space lol.

>implying half of the posters here didn't come to Veeky Forums from /pol/ because /pol/ is a dead board
Like it or not, you know that I'm right.

Hello there, newfag

Work for yourself.
Do what you want, express whatever views you want, nobody will give a fuck. The industry is irrelevant.

I'm a conservative and work within the liberal stomping grounds of video games. But I work for myself and I run my own studio. Nobody gives a fuck.

You have to go back

Take a look at XLE

They wouldn't support anything full-on ethnostate tier because that shit isn't profitable but they're generally hard right as far as overall views.

>everyone I don't like is Reddit WAAAHHHH!!!
Staying here faggot.
>everyone I don't like must be new
cry more.

Veeky Forums is whatever philosophy is guaranteed to be the most profitable. Look at every major company now; do you think CEOs give a shit about feel good diversity and shit? Nah, they're just appealing to neoliberal sentiment to milk those sheep for every penny.

Except you are all too obviously a massive Reddit-tier faggot. Go back to /pol/ or thedonald or whatever.


Oil, gas, lumber, precious metals, US automotive companies (Ford, GM, etc).

The only rational and pragmatic response.

It's no wonder that most of you will remain poor fucking losers. You still think like brainless animals. There is no fucking left or right politics. Do you pieces of shits understand that a true elite (someone who made it at the top of the ladder) controls all politicians and is versatile with every fucking policies as they will always manipulate/influence/control those in power.

I’ll assume that by conservative you mean alt-right, and there is no line of business that will respond positively to that unless you make a living selling conspiracy books.

Every sector in the world is main stream, and this is especially true for banking that is extremely liberal, as in free trade. They’ll shun you if you get on YouTube the same way they would shun you if you went out of the street with a the end is near sign because controversy is bad business.

Left is aren’t very tolerated either, again because it’s genuinely best for business to not piss people off, but unlike alt-right cucks at least most leftist eventually grow up and reform.

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These. Politics and religion are for Low life basement dwelling scum. Money, Power, Control and Freedom are everything


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So many lefty cucks on biz. Thankfully most of you lose money and are huge failures.

Lol have you seen the amount of niggers that work at chick fil a? Do you honestly think they’re alt right neo nazis? They’re a bunch of gib me dats. Obsessing over politics makes you a fucking loser