Is a lifestyle where you exclusively fuck prostitutes sustainable?

Is a lifestyle where you exclusively fuck prostitutes sustainable?

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Dem soles

its not sustainable
its bad for your self and eventually you will end up depressed af

>t. lived in pattaya for 1,5 years

If you can afford such a lifestyle, why would you do it?

Use your money to get a 9/10 gf and just fuck every day

You'd probably get busted by cops or catch STD's eventually if you lived in burgerland. In an EU country where it's more legal and regulated it might work out.

How could you ever think about that, you degenerate retard?

Anyway you will probably spend less than having a stable hot looking gf with expensive taste.

>Use your money to get a 9/10 gf

How does this meme actually work? Do you just buy some fancy clothes and a porsche and women want to fuck? I have a feeling if you're incel before the money you'll still be incel after the money.


You'll eventually want a real relationship. Just date someone your level of looks or below, but who makes a good partner. And fuck hot hookers on the side

But youll save alot with a hot frugal gf.

I was a kissless virgin before I made lots of money with verge and tron

I bought myself a bmw m4 and some expensive designer clothes and decided to hit up on girls way out of my league, it worked.

Money gives you confidence. Its easy

>makes money off meme currency
>uses it to buy a BMW

ffs get some class lmao

You could do one of those sex for free rent type arrangements. That'd be cheaper.

How much money we talking about here. I think i'd still have shit confidence if I was making 150k a year. Millions, maybe not.

i want to clean her feet with my tongue

But it was the right call you actual brainlet. Look where crypto crashed to, he took profit and can probably buy back in more.

I got alot of fucking confidence once I had hit the 100k. Money changed me into an extravert

Tell more. What does made u depressed? Are Thais stupid sub humans btw?

didn't a guy get accused of harassment over one of those deals?

I'm at this amount right now and I still feel shitty. Maybe because I'm a 5'4 manlet. I think the shorter you are the more money you need to feel ok about yourself.

>its bad for your self and eventually you will end up depressed af

Why? How is it worse than breakup, breakup, divorce, rinse and repeat?

Yeah, it's how I go about it. I'm in the army for the long run so any form of commitment is out of the question, I'm away at 6 month stretches, sometimes more, and even when I'm not away I'm moving around the country between different bases. I don't bother getting a girlfriend because there's no fucking way I'd trust her to stay loyal while I'm on deployment, it would just be extra stress.

I either fuck girls that I meet on nights out or when I'm on deployment fuck the local prostitutes. So far I'm perfectly happy with the way life is, I always laugh at those stupid bastards pulling their hair out over their girlfriends not replying to them or all that other bullshit.

Until she tricks you into knocking her up and takes half your money. The reason for hookers is that they'll never know how much you're worth and most importantly they have the highest incentive to not get pregnant, destroys their only form of income.

How about people with actual experience weigh in?

>KHV virgin at 28- kill myself tier
>Decided to try escorting once before I end myself
>My first was the nicest person to me ever. Made it feel so real and I could see she enjoyed it as much as I did
>Got my will to live back and fuck, I need money quick
>Performed better at work, decided to grow my network, getting noticed
>Jumping onto new opportunities that saw +20% in my salary
>31 now and I am visiting escorts on a bi-weekly (sometimes weekly) basis
>Only regret is that my first has left the scene :(

How the fuck would that work? You're not getting married to her, she's providing a service that you're paying for, she gets knocked up it's none of your responsibility. Besides, she does not know where you live or what your name is unless you're an idiot.


The brown ones are, the White ones are royal.

Actually though, Asian girls are quite nice and social in general.

>You could do one of those sex for free rent type arrangements.
Isn't that called "having a girlfriend"?

Money can change you a lot if it makes you go from putting girls on a pedestal to treating yourself as the prize. Once I got 100k in crypto I started to feel like I was doing girls a favor by giving them the chance to date me. It's not even that much money honestly but most girls are so bad at saving that they'll never hold that much in liquid assets in their life. It makes a big difference psychologically.

I’m in the army too man, was 11B now I’m 11A. I’m married and it’s working out just fine. I understand it sucks if you’ve got trust issues, but it’s all about finding the right woman. And if you get hurt you get hurt, quit being a scared bitch and commit

you will most likely get aids or smth

try to get one prostitute you fuck constantly and get more content to life than sex

What country are you from?

>inb4 rape charges or blackmailed by some thot

It's kind of a career killer too, I feel like I would be less flexible with a family, it would likely hurt my chances of promotion. I'll settle down after I've done my 20 years with a younger woman, until then I'm strictly focused on advancing in the ranks.

Anyway, you know what they say, you get married when the army wants you to get married.

Sure it is. There are plenty of people who have lived decades in thailand etc. with such lifestyle where the main focus is hookers and beer

How the fuck does one even find prostitutes?

>Just date someone your level of looks or below, but who makes a good partner. And fuck hot hookers on the side

my life

The guy was talking about getting a girlfriend.

you frequently browse a pedo-board, but are an unable to find an escorting site near you.

dumb fucks good. they'll have a blast, if you manage to find them.

This, the only reason I haven't lost my virginity to a hooker yet is because I don't know where to look

Maybe but wouldnt you worry about getting an STD?

I think if you wanted to fuck a prostitute your whole life you would find it cheaper to just get a submissive girlfriend

Most underrated post of 2018 so far...

>marriage settlement agreement

I am 47. I have been there and done that. GF, Marriage, Divorce, Dating. This is what I do now. I work in a hospital surrounded by young women. I usually don't fuck with nurses but there are plenty of 19-22 y/o pt tech aides etc. around. Steer a conversation toward somebody getting paid to fuck. Everyone will be negative but then you say "I would pay $1000 for a weekend with a hot girl and no chance to get an STD or burnt in a relationship". Let that shit sit out there like a green banana and I promise when it ripens a bit and some broke college student starts thinking about making an easy $1000 for doing something she gives away for free I promise the text will come. I always insist on 2 days and the sex has to be great or no repeat business ever. I usually do this about every month or so. I have never had so much money (no bitch to waste it on daily). My house is cool I have all the time in the world. I film all the bitches so I have plenty of spank material. life is good.

>right woman
have fun with Tyrone's hepatitis

You will still be an incel after money, but if you have the determination to change your life and become better then being rich will give you complete freedom to do that.
You can work out whenever it suits you, you can buy great clothes, a great car, house etc.
You can spend your days pursuing things that truly make you happy and fulfilled. You never have to worry about how you will attain money which takes up so much of our thinking and time.
All of these things will give you an aura of confidence that will attract women but you cant just keep living the same incel life or you'll just be a loser browsing Veeky Forums 24/7 for the rest of your life and the only difference is you have a big number in your bank account.
Who cares at that point?

>you'll just be a loser browsing Veeky Forums 24/7 for the rest of your life and the only difference is you have a big number in your bank account.

This is my fear

>aura of confidence :D

Women all attracted to few things. This is not rocket science. 1. looks. 2. wealth 3. intelligence (this is only for smart women, dumb women dont like too smart men cause you cant connect with people such large differences in intellect)

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Hi incel.

Confidence can even trump looks in importance for attracting women. There's so many average or below average looking guys who do really well with women because they are confident as fuck.
I also do insanely better with women while I'm drunk because I say whatever I'm thinking and I dont give a fuck if they like me or not. The difference in their response is quite crazy.

>I also do insanely better with women while I'm drunk
this. I had a married woman start actually hitting on me cause I was talking to her at a party while drunk. I didn't go for it though cause I'm not a cunt.

that's your problem. latin american whores trump all others. Colombia nigger. this is whore heaven, never gets old...NEVER

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Same, I honestly don’t get people that get caught up on this. I want sex all the fucking time and my gf mainly fucks me 1/2 times a week which isn’t nearly enough

haha this is how i know you've never attempted one.
try finding a nice girl who's down to marry and then see her reaction when you want a prenup or similar. literally full REE reaction with 95% of women, "IF YOU TRUSTED ME YOU WOULDN'T NEED THIS REEEEEEE". statistics and realism be damned.

This I have a relationship where me.and my girl are balanced together and better each other than every 6 months I go do drugs and fuck hookers in secret for a day, spending a month feeling bad and then don't care until the next time it's the secret to success.

T. Guy who licked an Asian hookers ass hole in the 69 position

>paying to get sex
Sometimes i forget this is Veeky Forums

Fucking hell m8. Backpage is the Amazon of whores. Just be sure to Jewgle search the images and search the phone number. You'll find reviews if they're legit.


this is why alimony exists. women have tremendous effect on a mans performance. I accepted that I'll accomplish perhaps 80% of what I could accomplish for the possibility to say that I owe nothing to a female.

Underrated post. I wish you post some of the spank material in the NSFW boards.

I agree with you, but Columbia and latin America is a dangerous place in general.
I don't want to get stabbed just for carrying around a few hundred dollars.

Retard, hookers are for poor fags. Rich guys just take hot girls on vacation and fuck them.

I don't think eventually catching aids and gimping my dick permanently with immuno-stimulants and hemoglobin meds is worth it.
>inb4 condoms
When you fuck like a man, condoms break

Too many scams and sting operations.

He's LARPing. He is 47 and on Veeky Forums, the only 47 year olds on Veeky Forums that get laid are the ones that are married if they aren't married they are fat and pay dirty ass hookers, like really dirty hookers. He won't post pictures of his cool house with time stamps because it doesn't exist, he won't post film of any bitches he fucked because the last time he fucked a bitch was when having digital video didn't even exist and the tape he recorded on would be all worn out by now.

Seriously guys, this is Veeky Forums. Pull your head out of your ass, half the people here are LARPing

dunno, ask this guy

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Probaby a larp but 47 years is a long time. I know its hard to believe when youre 17 but regular people will do wild things eventually

Damn. I wanted to believe.

>tfw even if you make it with crypto you'll still be a permavirgin cause phimosis makes you unable to have sex
it's not fair bros

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>your area
>therapeutic services
>look for a "sensual massage" or "aroma therapy" ad with racy photos and lots of emojis in the headline
>depending on the place, pay 40-60 for time, tip the girl 100-120 for FS, sometimes they'll offer anal for more

>Don't wanna impregnate her


Keep telling yourself that el virgino

sorry bro. can't you just get the surgery?

I've had some good fun with these places the past year. Problem is, sometimes they don't have the most attractive ones. I didn't know I could have just said no and walk out, so I've fucked a few meh ones. One was straight up yuck.

the state of Veeky Forums

holy shit dude I hope everything works out but being married and away that much is recipe for disaster. Every guy in the army gets cheated on, so as long as you're okay with that god speed.

the fact that you have someone you could cuddle every day and just feel comfy with in between

no I refuse to live this way


I feel you mane, I lost my virginity late because I turned down so much sex from hot girls during my teens... Because it took years for my dick to stop hurting after the slightest touch. My parents had neglected my phimosis until my early teens and I needed years after the surgery before I could actually enjoy sexual stuff :(. I didn't even jack off until I was 16 and it still hurt :<
Get a surgery asap, you'll need recovery time too, you'll regret every day that you've wasted

P.S. I have a healthy relationship with a beautiful girl now so no need to get depressed, things can work out for you eventually

god i wish that was me

You want to be on your knees? That can be arranged.

god-tier feet

That's exactly what will happen. Don't listen to the larping BMW faggot.

If enough crypto gains allow you to buy time and freedom, you have to use it to improve yourself from within and physically. You have to go out and talk to people. Otherwise, you'll just be a meek loser with a nice car.

yo what the fuck. exact same situation i had, until 16 and everything. i think to this day my dad thinks i was just coming up with an excuse to get cut, but goddamn that shit hurt. 28 now and i will say that i believe all the years of not being able to full-on crank it made me way too sensitive. i'm cut now and shit still feels too good. guess that's a good problem though.

>T. Guy who licked an Asian hookers ass hole in the 69 position


honest question for bay area people, is silicon valley full of meek losers with nice cars? i can't think of another area with as more naive young new-money. that place must be the hunting ground for every con-man on the planet right now.

these whores dont care about you and if you have any experience with real women you will pick up on it. maybe some virging doesnt notice but Ive been with women who were in love with me and a whore can never give you that feeling. she can be the best actress in the world, I will always pick up on small things. eventually that shit will wear you down, at least if you have any sense of self-respect whatsoever. because why would you be with a person that doesnt care about you and just wants your money?
>inb4 some virgin autists sperg out that all women are just golddigging whores, its just not true fellas

the women don't care about "you" either user, only what you can provide. but don't be sad, cause you only care about what they can offer you. it's life. unconditional "love" is a meme and until you realize that you'll be unhappy

Do women really love anyone other than their children though?

and here we go with the autistic virgins
if you never had a girlfriend who was happy to be with you even though you were broke as shit... then I guess you can stick to hookers
for every normal human being it just wont do the trick.

its like if you never had a steak I guess you can just eat mcdonalds for the rest of your life. but if you know whats actual good food it will just taste like junk to you. it can be fun once in a while but you dont want it to be your entire diet.

>if you never had a girlfriend who was happy to be with you even though you were broke as shit...

and here comes the key question: did it last?

Never been broke so I wouldnt know unfortunately.

no retard, you can't comprehend that perhaps non-virgins understand something you don't. i wasn't talking about "provide" only monetarily. she's with you cause of what you provide for her, be it a good personality that's fun for her to be around, or good looks, etc. money is just one thing. but as soon as you "change" or show her that you actually aren't always so charming or show her any weakness or that you have sadness inside your ass is on the way out. so don't talk to me like i'm some incel virgin faggot. and you do it too. you want a girl that has certain qualities and if she fails your test you will find someone who meets them. hypocrite bitch ass

T. Soft dick submissive "man" who cums im 3 min

This. People have to "love" you for something. If that were not the case, how would they differentiate you from everyone else and wouldn't the object of affection be completely random?

What follows from that is what happens when that thing they love you for changes or disappears?

Doesn't hurt anymore, but it's just a nasty joke when you're literally born with a 9/10 face and you can't fuck before your 20-s because it hurts like a mofo.
Fuck I've turned down a prom queen, a drug boss's girlfriend (this one I don't regret) and a bubble-butt 6'0 super hot athlete... and lots more but these stand out...
Girls would stop me on the street to tell me that I look like Liam Hemsworth/Jared Leto... And I couldn't even jack off when this was happening to me...
When I graduated highschool I was so afraid of my lack of experience that I delayed further. Glad it worked out in the end, but if any parent is reading this, take care of your boy's penis in time, please

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you sound pretty angry dude.

nope never lasts. usually I would get bored and break up with them, some also broke up with me. that really doesnt chance anything though. a relationship with a girl whos into you is 10x better than some hooker who puts on an act to get your money. if you cant see that then I dont know what to tell you and frankly I dont care what you do with your life, just putting in my 2 cents here.

No. You will need to take too many pills to block pathogens. The pill that stops you from getting HIV will interact with pretty much every other medicine, in addition to fucking up your schedule to keep the doses topped off. You'll also need to frequently take antibiotics which will undermine your gut flora. If you do that, you're only open to getting antibiotic resistant gonorrhea (which would make you want to end your life).

So no, it's not sustainable. Buy you can load up on the right cocktails and rampage once every so often. Just make sure you do it in a locale that has a low incidence of antibiotic resistant disease.

Just do the sugar daddy thing. You can make her get tested.

what's wrong with cuming in 3 minutes. That's the way nature intended.