Hello Veeky Forums
Could a 19 yo white male make 1000$/mo în London with a part time job and a gofundme page ?
I got into a top 10 worldwide universities for Computer science
Hello Veeky Forums
Could a 19 yo white male make 1000$/mo în London with a part time job and a gofundme page ?
I got into a top 10 worldwide universities for Computer science
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>white male
Uh, no, sweetie. You can’t do anything.
GoFundme ? ????? ? ?
Student Loans like everyone else in the world
actually GoFund some takeout $ for me instead
I am a EU student, I can't take money for living expenses
Poverty much?
The state of UK is embarrassing.
>"Oi mate, by queens law, whereisyour flowar pickin license?"
Imperial is like no 1 in UK for tech above in Cambridge if you take into account for the only ranking that matters: wage on leaving uni
You'll make £40K.yr leaving uni with 10K/year increase after that up to 80K without even trying hard. Don't worry about your debt if ur going there mate.
I am from România
The state of Romania is embarassing
Sound advice, but what bank would lend a poor student money ? This is not US
If you already know how to code etc (I'm assuming u do since u have imp offer) use the time now until your course starts wisely. Use this time to get a self organised internship job in tech. Google fintech jobs London and see which companies are hiring. Email them tell them you want a internship for 5 months till course starts. Tell them you have Imperial offer. This offer letter is worth GOLD to you. Go to london then airbnb for 5 months while in job before your 1st year and earn £10K. This is PEANUTS to them.
Thank you so much
I did not consider this yet, as my real world projects were low level Arduino ones and some Basic websites . But I might have a chance
With people like you, I do not understand how Veeky Forums has a bad reputation
Make a email (fake if you want) and dump it here I'll give it to some contacts of mine they might get you remote work even. Did you study maths or further maths?
[email protected]
That is the correct adress. Post ID is different because I changed from my phone to my pc. I studied to the level of Further Maths
>Go fund me
Fuck off you nonce. Make your own money. Im 19 and make 2k monthly post tax its not hard you lazy fucking wank. Get a job you lazy uni cuck.
ok cheers, like i said tho check the job boards too v important, u gotta hustle lotsa application - tell them u studied further and got imperial offer. good luck
>> can confirm went to imperial. am making pretty decent ££££££ right now. Was worth it having to put up with all the fucking aids people there. 90% male university. 80% socially inept people.
Ah, yes, this is why Veeky Forums has a bad reputation. I said I would get a part time job, but how much can I work without decreasing my academic performance ? At a point, I will make money, but have bad grades and that defeats the whole idea
Did you work in your first year ?
Thank you so much . I will try, Life starts getting interesting
Im studying for a degree as well as working a full time job and managing multiple investments for myself an other people. If you dont sleep 11 hours a day and drink 90% of the time like a typical student its not hard. Now kys faggot.
Says who? Because you are a foreigner or something?
Because in germany there are special student loans and shit for this case
Anyway if you cant get an loan just work besides uni, doesnt matter where just money, washing dishes fuck what, best case would be CS related but may be harder to find
Dont know much about google internships but dont think its that easy, they probably have alot of applicants
Take it easy. I have yet to have your experiences so I do not know how hard or easy it is, that`s why I asked.
Don’t fucking try beg a go fund me page then. Shit like that gives us legit students and peoplenour age a bad image. Earn your own shit.
Do less courses. Of course you wont have the time for full time university, if you want to work it will probably take some semesters.longer
Yes, because I am not an UK citizen. I will email a lot of companies. I will do everything I can. It`s my future on the line
begging gofund me you massive tramp
I suppose you are not familiar with the UK Uni system. You can`t just "take less courses".
Or skip courses
On the rank 1 Engineering Uni in UK
It does not work like that
I did not link to any page, but if my work would not be enough, why not make one ? A man needs to sacrifice even his pride sometimes. Do you think that I lack backbone so much that it will be my first option and can`t wait to be a begger ?
user cum mai e viata pe acolo ?
Va mai fute parlamentu si voi taceti ca oile ?
Aaa stai ca am uitat, faceti postari pe fb si ieșiți pe străzi sa dati din coada si sa va faceti selfie-uri pentru atenție... ca nu sunteti in stare sa faceti ceva de folos.
Nice try, pajeet
Go back to your shitcoins.
Cand ai IQ mediu al populatiei sub marimea medie la papuc, ce vrei sa faci ?
Avem feministe si poponari mai nou
E si asta ceva
Bravo user chiar am uitat de feministele astea puli care sunt nevoite să scoată subiectul la orice ocazie si nu sunt de nici un folos. Cand ma duc la banca trebuie să ii calculez eu la blonda de la ghișeu cât imi trage comision pe operațiunea respectivă pentru ca au angajat ăștia pe o zdreanță de 2 bani care are o gură ca de aspirator. Feminismul românesc se măsoară în funcție de cât de bine sug ele pula comparativ cu timpul pe care il petrec sa se faca victimele societății.
Nu am mai putut sa stau intr-o tara plină de oi asa de usor manipulate de media si anturaj.
Daca esti plecat bravo.
Daca nu pleacă ASAP ca iti distrugi viitorul si neuronii.
Lucrezi in UK acum ?
Mai am de dat BAC ul si plec
Am lucrat din septembrie 2016 timp de 1 an. După ce am lucrat ca un zombie si am făcut un credit score bun am dat lovitura si am luat un împrumut de 14.5k lire. Am luat electronice in rate si le-am vandut. Am mai luat împrumuturi de la agentii de fast cash. După ce am scos ceva de pe tara aia am început să investesc in crypto si aici am făcut bani adevărați ca sa călătoresc pe unde vrea pula mea.
1 sfat. Daca pleci in UK sa nu ai incredere in NIMENI. Mai ales Românii noștri care te fut cel mai bine. Pakistanezii pe locul 2...Ei te fut dar cu un zâmbet pe buze. Daca mergi acolo ei iti ofera joburi mai usor dar incredibil de prost plătite, bineînțeles fără contract. Daca nu ai multi bani e bine de început să lucrezi la ei până ai bani asigurați de 2-3 luni chirie sa ai timp sa iti găsești un job decent. Eu recomand totusi sa pleci cu ceva bani din tara ca chiria te mănâncă acolo dar eu iti explic situația din Londra, daca mergi in alta parte poate fi mai ieftin numai ca daca vrei sa faci bani frumosi e mai bine in Londra. Oricum cel mai bine e sa te bagi pe crypto cu tupeu cand ai ceva bănuți salvați si sa nu iei decizii în grabă cand faci tradeuri.
Vorba asta e sfanta: Buy the rumor. Sell the news.
E prea periculos in situatia mea sa ma bag in crypto. E practic gambling. Si nu imi prea permit sa pierd.
Apreciez mult sfatul,
. Dar nu stiu mai nimic despre crypto trading. E prostesc sa te bagi in ceva ce nu cunosti. Mi-ai putea face un rezumat despre cum functioneaza? In afara de buy low, sell high
yes you can. i make slightly more than $1000 USD monthly teaching chinks English online for 3 hours per day. easiest job i've ever had and i live abroad so i spend less than half of that to live. that $1000 USD is fuck all in the UK but it could be enough to help pay the bills
Become a homeless
Move back with mum after graduation
Shower at the gym
Or just kys I've seen that mentioned several times in this thread
You do realize that in 4 years I will laugh at your shitcoin income, pajeet ?
Thank you. I will consider that too. On what platform ?
i'm on 51talk. it's a listed company on the NYSE. i do group classes. pays $18 USD per hour and i get $150 USD monthly bonus for not missing any classes or being late. i clear just over $1k and i never leave my house for work. the material is all click and drag shit so it's super easy to guide the little insects through the course. unfortunately i'm training their future army to overtake the developed world.
sorry, $18 USD per 45 minute class with 15 minute break between classes. i work less than 3 hours per day. i usually have a snack and trade shit coins in between classes because there is literally zero prep. just login and run the class.
Thank you very much
How does trading go ?
Yes you can. EU students are eligible for exactly the same student loans as UK students.
i'm a true bizraeli, i like to buy high and sell low.
I repeat
I can not take loans FOR LIVING EXPENSES
Don`t worry
That`s the fate of the goyum
white males make up a significant proportion of students in the imperial college