Does anyone know if Binance registrations are open again? Or are they still restricting it to 1 random hour a day?
Does anyone know if Binance registrations are open again? Or are they still restricting it to 1 random hour a day?
Why want to trade on that shitty platform anyway?
I want to onboard normies with my ref coxde
I have a bot that makes infinite accounts when its open to keep new fags out hehe
It is, and because I hooked you up with that info, use my ref
Binance sucks, not worth it
why would you want to keep new money out?
Yeah need more ppl in this huge ponzi
wrists of a heroin addict
What would you recommend?
Binance is easily the best. What is wrong with you
she is fucking massive and low BF
Why do girls want to be thicc? Is it because it's easier than being thin?
yes western girls love being entitled selfish and lazy
there is this trend since the last few years for girls to go to the gym and lift heavy, they want to have that monster ass and legs, then they probably get addicted to gains and grow even more.
Ass is a symbol status these days, even not that long ago it used to be mostly about tits/face but nowadays because of instagram and shit every slut is on a mission to grow her ass as much as possible
>be me riding subway home through sketchy part of NYC
>4 niggers get on at the last stop before mine and immediately start eyeballing me and make me generally uncomfortable
>I shift in my seat as one of them edges closer, he opens his jacket so only I am able to see the glock in his waistband
>he mutters under his breath, "you gon give up the wallet homie?"
>fuck my fucking life
>I begin to reach for my back pocket to give the nigger my wallet when suddenly there is an explosion of glass from the side window of the subway car
>I cover my eyes from the flying shards as the lights of the car flicker overhead
>I open my eyes slowly and the first thing I see is the nigger that was threatening me is now slumped down against the wall and has a 9 inch piece of glass sticking out of his forehead, looks like it penetrated his skull and into his brain
>it's at this moment that I realize there is a new person standing in between me and the niggers, a small Asian looking dude with a huge fucking head wearing a grayish hoodie that says "binance"
>Jesus fucking christ it's fucking CZ what the fuck
>at this moment I notice he has the niggers glock in his hand, which he immediately lifts and fires three perfect shots into the dicks of the remaining niggers, who immediately collapse and begin making animal noises
>for the first time I open my mouth to speak but CZ quickly spins around and puts a finger over my mouth, "shhhing" me as he looks into my eyes
>he speaks very quietly:
>"Funds are safe."
status symbol*
Its weird how in years past it was the exact opposite.
Sarah Baartman (also spelled Sara, sometimes in the diminutive form Saartje, and Bartman, Bartmann, or Baartmen, [sɑːrɐ bɑːrtman, sɑːrki]) (before 1790 – 29 December 1815),[1]:184 was the most well known of at least two[2] South African Khoikhoi women who, due to their large buttocks, were exhibited as freak show attractions in 19th-century Europe.
Dude, that exactly. What the fuck is this crap? If I look at current crypto currency exchanges then all I can see is shit.
When I get rich I know I'm paying a visit to this khoikhoi tribe.
Quite pungent indeed.
> those shoulders
> she
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