Only 8 sats

>only 8 sats
>not listed on any real exchange yet
>this is like buying dent in November
>easy 100x

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I agree.. such an obvious moonshot.. so much gains to be had

I shilled this here first time back in early febuary. Some people was convinced to buy into BABB ICO.

I later decided not go into this ICO as its shit, good thing I didn't. Its a shit project, shit team, shitty cash grab. Its so amusing to see people falling for this.

Doesn't matter, it will hit at least 100 sats regardless
Dent and trx were 7 and 18 sats at some point

Thanks op, thanks for finding my lamboticket
Good luck and farewell

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Forgot to switch computers or are you just new?

he just enjoys the feedback loop

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hahahahaah the fucking STATE of OP


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hahahahah this absolute state of a pajeet

At first I thought this was a scam but this.... this might be my ticket to lamboland! Thanks OP!!

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I'm not coinvinced


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What's your problem? OP was cool enough to find a gem for us and you insult him??? WTF is wrong with you??

Anyone else wonders if someone's ironically shitposting like this or is there a possibility of someone actually being this incredibly stupid?

Whatever, let him talk, he must be jealous or something

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what if we assume everything is a scam and start buying it for it's pajeetness?
look at this rajesh, he is very enthusiastic at shilling his bags
maybe this can go higher thanks to all the streetshitter's efforts

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Thanks OP, you're the man

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Bro, just stop

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By this point we're convinced that OP is a paid shill and he's making a fraction of a penny for every post.

Stop falling for a bait this obvious.

lol this is 4chess you stupid fucks
OP wants you to bump his thread with replies about him samefagging
The absolute state of biz


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My sides are in orbit

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You guys bullied OP and he left... ASSHOLES

The average intelligence level of a BABB investor.

Hey maybe he's just got multiple personality disorder on a hair-trigger. One day they'll give him the right mixture of meds and he'll realize he's got six separate trading accounts and begin living the dream

OP (ID: kI4CUL8I), do you know that as of this writing, you created 8 posts creating 8 personalities like a faggot?

The fact there is even a small chance someone is literally this dumb shows the absolute state of biz.

Moonshot, obv

Right on dude, I'm with m.. you

Here we go again.

This is the most pathetic thread I've read this year.
OP please down yourself in the ganges.



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