>finally in long term relationship with hot model thanks to crypto gains
>we stop having sex
wtf is the point of it all
Finally in long term relationship with hot model thanks to crypto gains
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be more attractive then. if this post is any indicator of your personality then you probably turn her into the sahara desert every other time you open your mouth
She doesn't actually like you, is just tolerating your presence for free shit. The sad truth of having money
Well obviously not sex
Just ignore her and go after other chicks. Either she'll make it up to you or it's over and you have a leg up to get laid elsewhere.
Also get strong and learn how to fuck so they don't do this to you. You probably tried to substitute money and attitude for masculinity and she saw right through it.
The truth is, she liked your wealth.
Now she is bored of it, since you probably have a repulsive personality.
Off to the redpill senpai, money is a tool but not a solution to your personal problems.
Let her know that if she doesn't want sex, you won't be in a relationship with her.
This is what she actually expects and is pretty masculine behavior.
Spend your money on hookers.
Cheaper, less of a headache and its essentially the same fucking thing.
Unless you're keeping her as an expensive trophy there is no point.
poor man's 2008-2016 era chateau heartiste
really? theres nothing you can do after she starts disrespecting you? lmao
Holy shit OP is getting completely BTFOd
have you considered rape, but just the gentle kind to ease her into it
ps. She owns your crypto now.
Negotiating sex isn't sustainable in the long run. If OP was attractive to her, she would already be banging him. It's like saying "you need to talk to me". Someone requesting that kind of interaction from you will likely only push you away more.
>short term spends 200 dollars per sex
>100 sex in a year equals to 20k
>Get a gf
>don't pay her
>get 100 sex for free per year
Alphachad GF: 100 = free
Betamale prostitute: 100 = 20k
work out and start passing the shit tests
the only red pill you need
Tell her up front that you want her gone. Go after other girls, she'll come back.
100 visits a year?
24 a year are more than enough. 24*200 = 5k USD for fucking a new 9/10 on a bi-weekly basis.
no drama from a gf, no retarded spa/city trips, no meeting her parents, no helping her do stupid shit, no fucking the same girl for the 100th time when she doesnt even bother wearing makeup and is unenthusiastic about giving blowjobs.
nah, i prefer cumming in the mouth of a fresh 9/10 20 y/o every week and can spent the rest of the time doing exactly what i want.
With that many prostitutes there's no way you're testing them all for STDs. To me it's not worth potentially having a gross diseased dick for the rest of my life. And condoms ruin everything
>He doesn't have sex twice per week
>He wants to have sex .5 times per week
>He wants to pay for sex
>He wants to put to use condom to have sex
>He wants to put his penis inside a women with 100 penises inside her per year and probably has HIV and AIDs
Enjoy being poor. You remind me of that guy I saw in the library, the guy was look up escorts in the library and he looked like he was a public masturbator as well.
Dump her then? If all you want is sex then why are you in a long term relationship....
she doesnt want to have sex because you are so beta. just go for it you fuck
Nice link
Buy her some lingerie or something.
He doesnt fucking get it. He's never had a relationship to know how much of a waste of time and (most of the times) money it is.
Besides OP already admitted that she doesn't want to fuck him and he's not gonna do anything about it.
its over shes not into you and or is banging other dudes.
Learn and move on
Do what Trump would do: get a side chick and fuck her and don't apologize, have her nudes sent to your GF and say "if you don't want me to do this again, have sex with me when I ask you" then once she sees she doesn't have the power in the relationship, make it up to her with flowers and candy and then ask her to have sex and fuck her brains out then stay faithful as long as you can.
if you live in europe, STDs are much less prevalent than this nigger-aids country called USA.
also prostitutes are generally safer than the skanks you meet in a bar, and you dont rawdog them anyway.
on an STD-safety scale:
bar-slut (US) < prostitute (US) < bar-slut (EU) < prostitute (EU)
girls vaginas stink
Just a little red pill for anyone who doesn't know
If you stop having sex or its heavily decreasing the relationship is over
Point of no return
Doesn't count for health issues or pregnancy
why pay $200 for a whore when you can go to Colombia and fuck pornstar model hot sluts for free if you're at least a 5/10 with white skin and money. if you need to pay for pussy you can still get model hot whores for $50 at the most. prostitourism is a thing.
How do you know that girlfriend hasn't taken over 700 black cocks in the mouth she's kissing you with ?
Wow you must only fuck virgins 3 times a day you lucky guy.
OP will attractive by not being a needy faggot and in a mindset of abundance.
If he can't get sex from a gf, then he'll get another because it's easy, which makes him attractive again. no negotiation there
Sex without condoms sucks. I'd rather just fuck my gf 200 times a year without a condom than fuck bar sluts or prostitutes.
of course my gf actually fucks me which is nice.
>when you can go to Colombia
>$1000 dollar for a ticket
>Lowering your quality of life from the Greatest Country In the world, America, to a 3rd world country.
>Banging disgusting darkies even for free
No way.
>How do you know that girlfriend hasn't taken over 700 black cocks in the mouth she's kissing you with ?
Cause I don't bang sluts. I bet you think every girl bangs 500 black cocks per month. You insecure little shit.
>men use their hand to masturbate
>men greet each other by a handshake
>you touched a mans penis by shaking a mens hand.
you gay bro
one time my girlfriend and i where at a swinger club, its half club half sex rooms we went in the back where all the sex happens i came in her then went back to the dance area, she was up on stage and some guy went to go eat her out, he literally ate my cum out of her pussy and didn't even know.. does that make him gay?
According to the "kissing the lips of a female that sucked a dick is inappropriate" guy. yes
nah bro intent is 3/4ths of the law
i wonder how much biz regularly thinks about other dicks while trying to fuck a girl. sounds like a waking nightmare
How can you tell a public masturbator when you see one?
All women are sluts given the chance. It's in their fucking nature. Specially the ones that try to make everybody think they are angels.
Also, believe it or not, your gf (if you have any) would trade you for a Tyrone with 10k BTC ANY.FUCKING.DAY. Just like we would fuck a hot model that looks 10x times better than the girl were fucking atm.
user get real.
Life isn't pink with loyal chicks that don't care about money and believe in eternal love. You'd think some girl would fuck a homeless guy with a big heart that would treat them like a princess ?
If you believe in these kind of fairy tales you're gonna get fucked hard by how real life can get.
where do I find the fresh 9/10 20 y/os?
ter? eros?
>why pay $200 for a whore when you can go to Colombia and fuck pornstar model hot sluts for free if you're at least a 5/10 with white skin and money
>for free
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You're probably a virgin too
most guys wank with their left hand because they use their right to move the mouse
you dont typically shake hands with your left hand
>doesn't even bother wearing makeup
why the fuck would you want her wearing make up for sex, you've never had a girl, have you user?
>most guys wank with their left hand because they use their right to move the mouse
you must be the only person that does this. that never even came to my mind as an object of pondering.
lol time to either get kinky or bail on that shit
yes, many women will stop having sex after marriage/getting older than 25
Fucking kek
nope, you do it too. its surprisingly hard to conceptualize that you do use your left hand while you arent doing it, but the next time you choke the chicken watch what hand you're using
think about it: are you constantly washing off your right hand or touching your mouse with precum on your right hand? no? are you often reaching across and using your mouse with your left hand? no?
wonder why that is. you use your left.
nope. wanked left at the beginning of my wanking career. my right tired to quickly for some odd reason. that ended in about a year.
I counciously fap with my right for about 26 years now.
If a woman stops fucking you dump her you absolute moron. If you aren’t getting it someone else is.
Just dump her, user. It's a sinking ship.
You have to find someone that likes you regardless of your wealth, you do this by not displaying your wealth and keeping your "knows-me" network away from your "socialization" network (if you have such things)