>finally in long term relationship with hot model thanks to crypto gains
>we stop having sex
wtf is the point of it all
Finally in long term relationship with hot model thanks to crypto gains
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be more attractive then. if this post is any indicator of your personality then you probably turn her into the sahara desert every other time you open your mouth
She doesn't actually like you, is just tolerating your presence for free shit. The sad truth of having money
Well obviously not sex
Just ignore her and go after other chicks. Either she'll make it up to you or it's over and you have a leg up to get laid elsewhere.
Also get strong and learn how to fuck so they don't do this to you. You probably tried to substitute money and attitude for masculinity and she saw right through it.
The truth is, she liked your wealth.
Now she is bored of it, since you probably have a repulsive personality.
Off to the redpill senpai, money is a tool but not a solution to your personal problems.
Let her know that if she doesn't want sex, you won't be in a relationship with her.
This is what she actually expects and is pretty masculine behavior.
Spend your money on hookers.
Cheaper, less of a headache and its essentially the same fucking thing.
Unless you're keeping her as an expensive trophy there is no point.
poor man's 2008-2016 era chateau heartiste
really? theres nothing you can do after she starts disrespecting you? lmao