This board could have been about cooking. Instead it's about memes related to food. Why did have to ruin it? Asking for a friend.
See item 3. I'm leaving this shitty board for good in favor of Reddit
Who the hell asked you to come here in the first place
This board is about cooking. I cook, I should stay. You meme, you should leave. Alas, how things should be and how things are are never the same.
Meme thread?
hey faggot this isn't your personal blog
and if you post in this thread without a sage your mom will die at midnight
So you're suggesting nobody can enjoy memes about a subject and also enjoy that subject?
memes related to food is way cooler than talking about actual cooking all the time
Just report the YouTube threads. If they resist, just post furry porn.
you will not be missed faggot.
now geeeeet the fuck out you numale coalburning pole polisher.
Good. Take all the faggot redditors with you as well.
OP back. I could be convinced to stay if I were made a mod. I would cleanse this board of the filth seen in this thread.
I don't blame you, OP. This is suppossed to be one of the "good" boards on Veeky Forums, but I see just as much shitposting, memes, and yuroshit obsession as any other shitty board on here.
You won't be missed
i'm new here and I like it a lot. what is "shitposting" and "yuroshit" doe? I don't visit other boards much so don't know what this is.
>too stupid to figure out how to hide threads and posts. I want an overlord to control what I can view because I'm a weepy bitch.
Sayonara, you bitchy faggot.
yeah I don't care
sometimes i post good threads, sometimes they get ignored, sometimes you people seem to like it
other times i post nonsense. a lot of the time I'm drunk
ps i'm not posting fucking recipes everytime i put up a picture of food i make fucking retard
I've been coming here on and off since 2007. The memes have changed but the quality has remained consistently bad.
Should have come here before 2007. 04-06 had supreme memes.
Fucking kill yourself
kek I give it two days before you realize whos da real #
Most of non-default reddit has been better than most Veeky Forums boards for awhile now.
what memes
Can you confirm you will be on reddit for at least 10 years?
Is Veeky Forums the easiest most entry level board to troll?
I think so. I blame all the redditfags that come here to shitpost and dumb roasties
See no one gives a shit... this isn't a hugbox where shit people post shit food and get praise, instead we post shit and laugh at it and this makes it possible for occasional amazing posts while in a hugbox plagued with user names and likes you just get a sea of shit thst's being shat in by shitflocks of shitpidgeons.
Yuroshit is anything having to do with Europe.
You can figure out what shitposting means on your own, you ketchup drinking troglodyte.