Why are all the executives at Goldman Sachs bald?

Attached: C7EevdNWkAE5Wgh.jpg (868x819, 122K)

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I can just see it - the guy in the middle owns the anglo bitch on the left and the mediterranean mutt on the right. Bet they suck each other off for his amusement

Because they are middle aged white people? Half of the white trash men are also all bald by 50

The founding fathers were almost all bald.

What are you, OP, racist against bald men?

Because in business if you have hair it means you aren't working hard enough. Being bald is a men's club. They stick together and cope by saying they lost it due to stress.

Because they are faggots who like rubbing lotion into each others scalps

More like Oldman Sachs

No cause I'm balding too so I thought I might have a shot

Yeah, no


High test, nothing the soyboys nowadays would tell you about.

Because Jews have high rates of male pattern baldness.

Sorry I'm from Germany we call people "white" if they have white skin we don't go deeper than that

Testosterone, you dumb cunt.

Germany has it's fair share of bald jews

Attached: ff094e703279a697b3e7ca8fa506152fv1_max_635x357_b3535db83dc50e27c1bb1392364c95a2.jpg (635x357, 42K)

I worked with a baldie before they aren't human they are little conniving cock suckers never trust a bald man

Martin Schulz is the average bald German.

Interesting perspective but a broad generalization none the less.

>Sorry I'm from Germany
You poor thing

>they aren't human

don't be ableist please


God how blind are you

Business is stressful, and takes a while to climb the ladder to the top.
>Middle aged
>stressful lifestyle

(((White guys)))


This is very true. The have a knack for worming their way into management too

What do you mean?

those are kikes you fucking retard


because wisdom is in the hairs

Goldman Sachs:
you don't have to be bald to work here.
you have to be fucking bald.

Martin Schulz is the avarage german drunkard

late stage ashkenazism

They count their money versus their bodyweight, so hair is obviously unnecessary weight

What does Veeky Forums think about this non-bald jew?

Attached: ben_shapiro2-580x385.jpg (580x385, 36K)

it’s testosterone, you soy drinking waste of life OP

Hair dresser: 20$ / month
Hair shampoo: 10$/month

Time consumption of drying and preparing hair: 5minutes
Avrg. earning as Goldman Sachs executive: 6024$ an hour that leaves us with a net loss of 502$ for drying hair.

20 showers on avrg. as Goldman Sachs executive per month.

That leaves us with a loss of 10,070 dollars a month for having hair.

Stress and high levels of testosterone

A robust analysis



>we don't go deeper than that
How did that work out for ya the last time?

He turned against the others because they bullied him over his sqeaky voice.


Attached: Achterbuurt.jpg (660x282, 61K)

They are literally all kikes obviously you fucking retard

Literally all jews

bald = high testosterone males

wish I had high test


there is no causal relationship

Most are Jews that why came up with that funny hat to cover there bald spot

their brains are hot from scheming, also they are smarter than literally all of you
>Veeky Forums twist, everyone's jealous of jews

Sorry, OP, but if your last name doesn’t sound like one of those, you don’t have a shot.

wonder if they do this too

My coincidence detector is going crazy.

name checks out

Blankfein Solomon Schwartz sounds like a law firm

Wtf are they going to Supercuts?

the real question is why are they all jews?
its almost as if these jews conttrol our finance and media even though theyre less than 0,5% of the population. really makes you think